Thursday, October 2, 2008

Congress on Wall Street Bailout: "Trust us" ("Oink, Oink"); Public: You've Got To

This final Senate Wall Street bailout bill is a perfect example of why you can't trust Congress.  Congress has passed a 400 page bill, which no one really knew what was in it, which moves us toward socialism at the same time no one can actually explain why the bill will help people get credit.  That includes those Wall Street/leftist shills on CNBC--another network you should never watch for fear of brain rot.
What did the Senate do to "sweeten" this bill?  It added some 100 billion additional dollars to the deficit.  You know all of those Democrats that ridicule Republicans for big spending (talk about glass houses and stones).  Well, they once again exposed themselves for the big spenders they all are.  You know those Republicans who say they have learned their lesson (plus John McCain, who says he learned it long ago, and has in fact, fought earmarks more than Obama or anyone else in Congress)?  Well, they are exposed as liars.
The New York Post headline this morning:  "Oink, Oink".
Yes, the Senate filled this bill with pork. Here are just a few of the provisions in the 400 page bill:
1  192 million or so for booze (to aid the health of the American people, as alcohol kills more people every year on American highways than have died in the combined Iraq and Afghan wars).  Yep.  The bill includes subsidies for rum producers in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
2.  Millions for wool research.  You know wool.  That is that "alternative energy" source of synthetic stuff to put in your gas tank (kidding, I think).
3.  Millions for a producer (producers?  Can there possibly be more than one) of wooden arrows.
4.  Mental health central planning provision mandating that insurance companies cover mental health as fully as they cover physical diseases.  You might remember how we got in this housing/credit mess.  It was because of the central planning idea that every American should own a home, whether they can afford it or not--in pursuit of which goal Democrats like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank protected the Clinton people running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac right into the ground.  This mandated provision will, of course, increase the cost of health insurance--probably exacerbating the health insurance "crisis", which is not yet the type of "crisis" the government can produce.
Nope.  The above are not all.  They are just a sample.  There are millions for American Samoa.  There are the subsidies for "alternative energy" (meaning we are subsidizing more expensive energy instead of letting domestic energy producers find and produce less expensive, domestic energy requiring no subsidies).  There are many other hidden provisions in the 400 page bill, as the Senate treated it as another opportunity for earmarks.  The only way this bill "improved" the original bailout bill was with bribery to try to gain votes.
The Senate bill made an already disgraceful bill even worse, and had the nerve to say they were doing it all "for the American people".  Then they left town, saying "trust us", while daring the House to vote against them.  That is after they had just proven that we can't trust them.
It does not get any worse than this.  These people are a disgrace.  The government got us into this mess, and the "solution" is suppposed to be more government, more portk, and more central planning--as the government bails out the "fat cats" on Wall Street.
"Trust us"?  I would rather trust the Juarez cartels warring on the streets of Juarez, Mexico as this is written.  You may remember that it is this same "establishment" that wanted us to "trust" them to know what to do about illegal immigration, in another disgraceful bill.  Well, we did not trust them (correctly) then, and we should not trust them now.  I know I don't.  I am relatively sure the rest of you don't either, despite the propaganda campaign against opponents of this bill.

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