Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fox News: Part of the Problem (Rush Limbaugh Joins This Blog--Late Again)

What have I told you?  I know.  It is hard to guess which one of the things I have been proven right about that I am talking about.  I have been right about so many things.  Hint:  I am talking about Fox News.
I have told you that Fox News is part of the mainstream media problem, and not part of the solution.  I have told you over and over again, citing examples, that Fx News is part of the "establishment" that just happens to let a few conservative voices on their network.  Since there are no conservative voices allowed on the other, leftist networks (such as CNN, the liar network), beyond a token or two usually shouted down or picked to criticize other conservatives,  Fox News has gotten a "reputation" as the "conservative" network.  In actual fact, it is no such thing. 
The reason I bring this up is that Rush Limbaugh went on a rant this morning against the Fox treatment of the debate last night (Nope, I did not watch Fox or the debate--neither one being worth watching.).  Limbaugh mentioned the despicable Fred Barnes (the subject of more than one entry in this blog), and Bill Crystal.  See yesterday's entry on this blog--ahead of Limbaugh, as usual.
Yes, Limbaugh is late to the party. He has finally recognized what this blog recognized long ago.  Fox News is not really worth watching, and is part of the mainstream media, establishment problem istead of part of teh solution. 

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