Thursday, July 30, 2009

Race and the Despicable Associated Press (Through Yahoo): Mainstream Media Obsession with Race in America

"You can't solve a problem if you don't discuss it.
That's why some say that despite all the accusations and emotions hindering the resolution of the Henry Louis Gates Jr. imbroglio, there is opportunity for racial progress in President Barack Obama's "teachable moment" sitdown with Gates and Sgt. James Crowley.
"If nothing else, it's an important national symbol of a discussion that needs to be held," said Clarence B. Jones, once a confidant of Martin Luther King Jr. and author of "What Would Martin Say?"
"If it's just regarded as the president bringing two guys together to clear the air, then it's meaningless," said Jones. "But if it's really intended to say in effect to the country, 'Look, the difficulties that occurred here are really emblematic of deeper issues,' it can work."

The above is from the "Anti-American, Despibcable Associated Press" (always use complete, official name in first reference). It represents a "teachable moment" (the leftist "cover" term used by the mainstream media to try to "cover" for Obama for his incredible error in trying to make a national incident out of the minor, normal police incident in Boston--as used in the AP "analysis" and the headine on my "welcome" screen, with being another part of the mainstream media mentality reflected by AOL News in its capacity as my previous "welcome" screen). No, the "teachable moment" is NOT what the mainstream media wants to spin it to be. The "teachable moment" here is why the mainstream media is losing all contact with the American people, as reflected by their collapsing readership and viewership. For five years, this blog has done more to expose the day-to-day evil hypocrisy of the mainstream media than any other source I know. I have done so by often using the truly despicable leftists of the Associated Press as an example, citing chapter and verse of each story and "analysis".

If you want the true "analysis" of the Boston incident, and Obama's disproportionate reaction, see Monday's entry in this blog. This "teachable moment" is NOT about that directly, but about the leftist and media REACTION to that otherwise insignificant overreaction of a Harvard professor to police apparently trying to do their job.

For the despicable AP, and the rest of the mainstream media--not to mention President Obama--it is all about RACE. What kind of "discussion" do they want about this? Right. They don't want a real "discussion" at all. They want to label the United States as still a "racist" country that needs to face its "racism". They don't want to talk about the fact that the primary--the only systematic--racism in this country today is from LEFTISTS--including the mainstream media, President Obama, this Harvard professor, New Haven, and all of the rest. Those are the people who want to pigeonhole/identify people on the basis of the color of their skin.

Did you know that the original House Democratic draft of the famous/infamous health care bill containted a provision REQUIRING every medical school in this country to give a PREFERENCE to minority apllicants in order to receive government funds (which includes funds given to students in government aid, meaning that almost no school--outside of Hillsdale College and a few Christian schools--can afford to reuse to comply with this kind of government edict; and think about this when you consider whether the Federal Government should be allowed to take over health care in this country). Did the mainstream media, Obama, or the Democrats treat the New Haven firefighter case as a "teachable moment" about whether we should go to a color blind society? Not on your life (although Sotomayor at least PRETENDED to have learned something--often sounding like Scalia). Yes, the mainstream media is giving MUCH more attention to this minor Boston incident than it gave to the MUCH more significant case of the New Haven firefighters discriminated against because of the color of their skin> No call for "discussion" there!!!! As I have repeatedly said, no greater, and more sanctimonious, hypocrites have ever walked the Earth than today's mainstream medai.

As I said on Mnday, there main interest here is in covering Obama. Yes, their agenda is the same as Obama. For them, it is all about race, and the irredeemable stain of racial guilt that they believe has descended to every white American because of the previous treatment by OTHER white Americans of African-Americans in this country. For the, people ARE identified by their race, and it does not occur to these people to treat people as INDIVIDUALS deserving not to have the color of their skin determine their rights and repsonsibilities. Is THIS the "discussion" that the despicable AP is calling for? LOL. Hell will freeze over first.

Dirty little secret: The American people have gone BEYOND RACE (except as leftists refuse to let them). The election of President Obama goes a long way to prove this, but unfortunately goes a long way toward proving that the mainstream media and other leftists sill remain stuck in an obasession about race. That is how they viewed the election: ABOUT RACE. The rest of us, including MANY (most?) who voted for Obama, did not consider it about race at all. The mainstream media dimly recognizes that Obama made a bad mistake as to the Boston incident, but are incapable of recognizing that the American people have left them behind in terms of getting BEYOND RACE.

That is the "teachable moment" here. The mainstream media looked upon the election of Obama as not only a general mandate for extreme leftist policies, but as an indication that tje cpimtru wpi;d ise tje Age of Obama to wallow in its guilt about race. That is the problem. The American people generally are beyond race, or ready o go beyond race, but the left is keeping Afican-Americans mired in a racial spoils game (as they want to keep Hispanics and everyone else mired in the same game, as a matter of political power). Thus, African-Americans DID vote on the basis of race, to a large degree, in the last electioin, while white Americans did not. They, of course, had more excuse than white leftists and the mainstream media, but this idea that racial politics/obsesson HELPS African-Americans--at least at this point--is an EVIL idea.

This blog has shwon before that leftists have done more than any other group to DESTROY black Americans. Their policies have destroyed the black faminly. Some 72% (statistics like this are unreliable, but this is surely not far from the number) of African-Americans are born illegitimate. This disintegration of the black family is the direct result of leftist polcies and attitudes. Leftists seem to WANT black Americans to stay in poverty and despair. Their policies and propaganda would certainly be no different if that were there goal. It is MORE importtant for African-Americnas to get BEYOND RACE than it is for them to "expose" remaining white American "racism"--especially African-Americans need to get beyond nursing grievances against white America as the defining aspect of their lives. The mainstream media, and the left, will not LET African-Americans get beyond this, and the result is devastating to African-Americans--expeciallly poor African-Americans.

Nope. The mainstream media is totally out of ouch with Americans in general. This is not just true of race, but race is an illuminating exaple. Too bad Republicans (politician, establishment kind) are unwilling/unable to get in any better touch with the American people. We truly do need a "discussion" on geetting beyond race in this country.

We know the mainstream media has lost its soul, if it ever had one. If only the Repubican Party had not lost its soul too.

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