Sunday, November 9, 2008

John McCain, McCain Staffers, Carl Cameron, and Fox News: The Finger Points at YOU

Yes, it is again time to see where the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate pointed at the end of last week. The "Finger" is this blog's reincarnation of the old "Laugh In" award for outstanding stupidity and/or evil that came to light in the previous week. The award is represented by a statuette of a pointing INDEX finger.

This week's deserving winners were never in doubt. See Friday's entries in this blog. Carl Cameron and Fox News allowed McCain staffers to attack Sarah Palin from behind a mask provided by Fox News--the evil of anonymous sourves. See the archives of this blog where I have exposed that the use of anonymous sources is almost always an evil thing, for the same reason that our Constitution allows people the right to confront the witnesses against them. When the despicable media use anonymous sources, they are engaged in a "star chamber, secret proceeding which has no excuse. If you believe that "necessity" is an excuse, remember that "necessity" is even more compelling for the police and prosecution, in convicting criminals. Yet, the media there says that "good police work" does not require shortcuts, such as allowing testimony from anonymous sources, interrogation without Miranda warnings or lawyers, etc. It is only evil "journlaists" that seek the "right" to destroy people with malicious gossip from anonymous sources.

Yes, I have been consistent on this. See the archives of this blog. I have condemned anonymous sources in all circumstances, and not just Sarah Palin. That is not limited to politics. I condemned Sports Illustrated for its anonymous source hatchet job on present UTEP coach Mike Price--Sports Illustrated being one of those publications you should never read.

Carl Cameron and Fox News were a source of evil, malicious gossip on Sarah Palin. Note that the story was not merely that McCain staffers were trashing Sarah Palin (a direct story against those staffers, and against McCain himself (whose failure to come forward assertively on this has stained/ruined his reputation forever more). Rather, Cameron and Fox News revealed allegations by McCain staffers against Sarah Palin as if that malicious gossip should be taken seriously. It should not, and I did not (take the allegations seriously--except against Fox News, the mainstream media, McCain staffers, John McCain, and "moderate" Republicans willing to adopt this kind of malicious gossip against Sarah Palin).

Indeed (see Friday's entries), "moderate" Republicans willing to trash Sarah Palin this way, instead of fight her on issues, are now the subject of a vendetta on my part. I will not let up on them. You can expect this blog to concentrate fire on "moderate" Republicans, of this kind of "destroy the conservatives" type, more than on leftist Democrats from now on. Oh, this blog will not ignore the stupidities of leftist Democrats. But they are now in control. They will either fail, to the benefit of conservatives and detriment of the country; or they will stucceed, to the benefit--a good thing--of the country and the detriment of conservatives). But "moderate" Republicans are not in power. They are trying to strike at conservatives from the shadows. I do not forgive that. I will not forgive that. To the extent I can, I intend to expose them to the shame and ridicule the losers (they just lost an election) deserve.

What is the single most important part of Carl Cameron's story--the only part that was worth publishing? Right. It was the identity of the anonymous sources willing to trash Sarah Palin this way. That is almost always true of an "anonymous source" story. An essential part of the "news' is being deliberately concealed by the "journalist" and news organization (Fox News, in this case). For that reason alone, Foxe News more than deserves the "Finger". The malicious, unconvincing, and stupid nature of the malicious gossip being repeated, as if Fox News were the most evil old woman in a small town spreading venom over a back fence, only highlights the evil. I use the word advisedly. Carl Carmeron and Fox News spread evil here, just like Sports Illustrated spread evil about Mike Price. If you doubt that this kind of thing is evil, you need to see the following movies (again, if you have seen them before, as you should have): "The Farmer's Daughter", "Ridicule", "The Children's Hour", and "People Will Talk". Then ask yourself whether Fox News and Carl Cameron did anything different from the evil gossips/villains in those movies. Yes, Fox News and Carl Cameron, this means you. I am calling you, and the "moderate" Republicans who are supporting this sort of thing against Sarah Palin, villains. And I mean it. I have come to a final conclusion (supported by previous entries in this blog): Fox News is not worth watching, even though it is not as biased as the other networks.

But did I not say that there is a "story" here: mainly the scapegoating and evil gossip being spread by the McCain campaign against Sarah Palin? Yes, I would have had not much problem with a story, from named sources, about the spreading of this stuff against Sarah Palin. But to leave those names out, and to focus on the details of the anonymous allegations, is to involve yourself in the evil, rather than reporting on it. Now I don't think any of the allegations against Sarah Palin should have been reported as serious. The "detail" about her allegedly saying something that indicated she though Africa was a country instead of a continent is ridiculous.

In public, for example, Obama (as one of a number of public gaffes, including that one where he seemed to call himself a Muslim, only to be "corrected" by a helpful George Stephanapolous) said that there were 57 states, or more, in the United States. Remember when he said that a thousand people died in that tornado in a Kansas town, when only 13 or so had died? Joe Biden, of course, said more stupid things than you can count, including having television around in 1929, and FDR President in that year (did not happen until 1932, which is significant because the Democrats have accused Herbert Hoover of being responsible for the Great Depression forever). But then, unlike Sarah Palin, Joe Biden really is an idiot. So he may not be the best example. The Biden gaffes during the campaign occurred almost daily.

Yep. I am saying that it is irrelevant whether Sarah Palin misspoke, in private, less seriously than Obama and Biden misspoke in public. If you don't think it is more of a mistake to say there are 57 states, than to say something suggesting Africa is a country instead of a continent, then you are simply a person who assumes Sarah Palin is a hick, and stupid (despite all evidence to the contrary). Indeed, that describes the people, like those at CNN and MSNBC, who pick up and run with this stuff. They are advocates, as are the so-called "moderate" Republicans, trying to destroy Sarah Palin by taking everything more "out of context" than any Reverend Wright or Barak "World" Obama statement. I have no sympathy at all for these people (mainstream media and this type of "moderate" Republican). They are beneath contempt.

No, the other "allegations" against Sarah Palin were no more substantive, including those previously made by CNN (before the electioini--also coming from anonymous "McCain staffers).

Yes, the Finger also goes to "moderate" Republicans of the type described herein, but it was too complicated and cumbersome to put them in this title. They are inscribed on the statuette of the "Finger", however.

Ceremony (This is a virtual ceremony, entirely in the imagination, without graphics. This is why I suggest you use as a visual aid the mind's image of Dick Martin presenting the "Finger" on "Laugh In", even though "Laugh In" and Martin are obviously not connected with this award.):

Imagine Dick Martin thrusting the statuette of the "Finger" at the camera and saying: Carl Cameron, Fox News, John McCain, McCain staffers, and "moderate" Republicans trashing Sarah Palin, this is for you. You deserve it. In this case, you also get the 2008 award for back fence, malicious gossip of the year, in the traditions of the malicious back fence gossips of Mt. Ida Arkansas (where Skip3366 spent most of his childhood). Difference: the Mt. Ida gossips were not nearly as bad."

Return next weekend as again the "Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate" points at deserving victims.

P.S. 1: Yes, this is the opening salvo is my vendetta against "moderate" Republicans of the type described herein. As previously stated, and see tomorrow's entry, I would not want my remaining unwed daughter to marry one.

P.S. 2. There was no "Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate" award last weekend. I just did not get around to posting the entry. There was, in fact, a winner: Barack "World" Obama, Marxist, for his statement (in response to the "redistribution of the wealth" attack by the McCain campaign): John McCain wants to make a "virtue of selfishness". Has there ever been a case when an American candidate more clearly admitted being a Marxist? I doubt it. I may get around to a full entry yet. But for your curious people out there (all 2 of you), I hereby name last week's previously undisclosed winner of the "Finger". I got so involved with checking and double checking the anonymous sources I can't reveal, that I forgot to post the entry.

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