Monday, November 10, 2008

"Moderate" Republican: Would You Want Your Daughter to Marry One?

Yes, this is confession time. This blog is admitting to bigotry. Oh, it woud not matter to me if my remaining unmarried daughter wanted to marry an African-American. I would wish her well. I certainly would not oppose her marrying an Hispanic/Latino, since I did that myself (married a Latina), and she is 50% Mexican-American herself. But I draw the line at "moderate" Republicans of the type that are trashing Sarah Palin. As I have said, if "moderate" Republicans want to take on Sarah Palin on issues, or even "qualifications" (substantive ones), that is fine. But these personal, condescending, snobbish attacks on her "stupidity", etc. put "mocderate" Republicans of that type beyond al redemption. I am a bigot with regard to those people. They have no redeeing social value. And you know what? ANY moderate Republican who silently condones the anonymous personal attacks on Sarah Palin, and fails to repudiate them, is a fellow traveler in evil, and falls within this category. Silence is not good enough (if you are a public figure). It is the same as endorsement.

Would I refuse to serve such people ("moderate" Republicans of this type) in a restaurant, if I owned one? I am ashamed to say, as I bare my bigoted soul, that I would do that. Would I hire a "moderate" Republican, as an employer? Not on your life. In fact, I don't think any Republican running for office should hire any significant McCain staffer (obviously, this does not apply to the mere rank and file). Not only are those people losers, but they have proven themselves sore losers. Let them make a career, like David Gergen, attacking Sarah Palin, and other conservatives, on CNN and MSNBC (or other mainstream media outlets). Any Republican running for office who hires one of these McCain staffers, especially in a major role, should be defeated--pure and simple.

Should "moderate" Republicans of this type be restricted to the "back of the bus". As a person who sometimes rides buses, unlike many of these snobs, I can answer that: "YES". I don't want to be exposed to accidentally being in the same seat with one of these people. Whether it is in the back or not, these "moderate" Republicans should be restricted to their own ghetto section of the bus. Same in housing. We need to know who and where these people are. Too many of them have learned how to "pass" for something they are not.

I read over the above, and I really am ashamed--not. I have to admit I am a full fledged "bigot" with regard to "moderate" Republicans" of the Palin bashing kind. They are the lowest form of political life on this Earth--below "journalists". I would much prefer my daughter marry a leftist Democrat, as she shows every sign of eventually doing (in Boston, where almost nothing else exists), rather than one of these despicable "moderate" Republicans.

P.S. I have previously described how the "anonymous sources" being quoted by Carl Cameron, and others in the media, have no credibility on their face, and that their allegations should have been dismissed out of hand for the malicious, stupid gossip that they are. Yes, these sources have exposed themselves as much more stupid than Sarah Palin could even be imagined to be (Sarah Palin not being stupid at all, but no matter how stupid you think she is, these people have shown themselves to be more stupid). That is the reason that Fox News betrayed "journalism" by concealing the major news here: the identity of these truly stupid people here. Especially since McCain, and the entire campaign, have not aggressively taken on thses scurrilous attackers of Sarah Palin, this means that the entire McCain campaign, and McCain himself, have to be held responsible. I guess you could say Fox did conservatives a left handed favor by exposing itself as unworthy of consideration as a serious "news" network, instead of merely a source of malicious gossip. It is smoking out those (those comfortable with these personal attacks on Sarah Palin) "moderate" Republicans who may later try to "pass" as conservatives, and as ethical thinking human beings. These people have been exposed for the enablers of vicious, back street, malicious, anti-conservative gossip that they are. The example I have used (ignoring the rest, because it is all nothing but malicious gossip to which no reasonable person would pay any attentiion) is the ridiculous assertion that Sarah Palin did not now that Africa was not a country, but a continent. But other publications have shown how ridiculous other of these assertions are (I have exposed how stupid CNN pre-election assertions from the McCain camp were in this blog in previous entries). One such ridiculous assertion, which destroys the credibility of this whole story based on anonymous sources, is the assertion that Sarah Palin refused to appear with Senator John Sununu, in New Hampshire, because he is pro-abortion. It turns out that Sen. Sununu has a perfect, 100% pro-life voting record in the U.S. Senate. None of these assertions have any more credibility than that one, and any responsible "journalist" would not "publish" any of the details of such ludicrous assertions, unless the character assassins are willing to stand behind their assertions by name (some will, later on, as they try to make that career with CNN). Even then, to take these ludicrous assertions seriously, as something other than evidence of the stupidity of the McCain campaign, would be an abrogation of "journalistic" responsibility. (I always put "journalist" in quotes, because no such thing exists today--extinct like the dodo bird.)

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