Thursday, December 18, 2008

Global Warming, Neanderthal Man, Al Gorice, and Snow in Las Vegas

You may have thought that his blog's previous, excusive archaeological scoops from an Ice Age archaeological dig were mere whimsy. Yes, I am talking about those excerpts from the Ice Age Times--the world's first apparent newspaper--chronicling the campaing by Al Gorice, Ice Age politician, to ban fire (except in his own cave), in order to preserve the "Ice Age way of life"

Laugh at me all you want. But consider today's "scientific" story. The story provides confirmation of this blog's exclusive access to recetn archeological finds, although raising questions about whether Al Gorice was reallyy a member of the species homo sapiens (a question that may be raised about Al Gorice's present day descendant, Al Gore),

Yes, today's "news" is that Neanderthal man was killed by "global warming". How can that be? Did Neanderthal Man really have automobiles, or an industrial civilization emitting lots of greenhouse gases? Nope. That is why this story suggests that Al Gorice was a Neanderthal Man, rather than a member of homo sapiens, as the archaeologists who unearthed these excerpts form the Ice Age Times have assumed.

The theory proposed today is that Neanderthal Man was unable to adapt to the warming climate of the Earth that eventually made modern civilization possilbe. I could not make this up. I assure you that this is a serious story in today's "news": that "global warming" (of an Ice Age type) killed off Neanderthal Man, who was unable to adapt to the warming temperatures. Was Al Gorice a Neanderthal Man, who realized that his species was unable to handler the warming climate of the Earth, and therefore something needed to be done to save the Ice Age way of life (and Neanderthal Man)? The evidence seems to suggest that.

I will continue to bring you this blog's exclusive excerpts from the Ice Age Times, chronicling the efforts of Al Gorice to save the Ice Age way of life. But, clearly, this new scientific evidence about "global warming" dooming Neanderthal Man has to be taken into account in evaluating whether Al Gorice was a member of the species, homo sapiens, or a Neanderthal Man desperately trying to save his species from "glboal warming". The excerpts from the Ice Age Times gain a new poignancy, from this perspective.

A; Gorice, of course, was unable to save Neanderthal Man and the Ice Age way of life. With the advantage of hindsight, we know that now. With the advantage of foresight, we know that Al Gore will simarly fail, along with Barack "World" Obama, to "save" our present way of life from the fraud of "global warming".

It snowed in Las Vegas today, after snowing in New Orleans (first time ever in December) and Houston last week. The idea that his supports "global warming" is absurd. It shows that the U.S. has not warmed since 1880.

Nessage ti :scientists" (whores?) out there: If you leave the actual theory of "global warming" behind, and simply assert that all "climate change" is the result of greenhouse gases, then you are a whore. I say that as a B.S. graduate of New Mexico State University, with a major in physics. Even thoug I never worked as a scientist, if you don't count a co-op semester at Sandia Labs in Albuquerque, I am a better scientist than you are ("you" referring to "scientists" prostituting themselves for the religion of "global warming").

Yes, NASA (a part of NASA--the whore part) is presenting "satellite data" tthat Ice on Earth has "melted"l--specifically, mainly in Greenland and Alaska (the arctic circle), equivalent to the amount of water necessary to fill upo Chesapeake Bay (the very image shows you the POLITICAL AGENDA here). In other words, the "melting" is not significant, and mere "weather" on Greenland and in Alaska, as snow in New Orleans and Las Vegas is mere weather. As stated in previous blog entries this week, the evidence is that the overall Earth is no longer "warming"
Of course, from any rational point of view, today's news shows how stupid the theory of "global warming" is (despite Al Gorice and the Ice Age Times). If Neanderthal Man wwere destroyed by the inability to adapt to a warming Earth, before automobiles, while Cro-Magnon Man was able to adapt to warming temperatures, the lesson is that greenhouse gases are not necessary for the warming of the Earth--at least "man-made" greenhouse gases are not. The theory of "global warming" (man-made kind) is a fraud, and the scientists who prostitue themselves to that theory for their own gain are whores. See the appendix to Michale Cricton's "State of Fear". m m

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