Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wall Street: Stupidest People AND Most Dishonest People on Earth?

I have already told you that Wall Street people are the stupidest people on Earth (the scary thing being that they have been running the country under Paulson, and threaten to do so under Obma). I have suggested that they may also be the most dishonest people on Earth.

Yep. There is that story today about how a single Wall Street trader has defrauded "wealthy socialites" of some 50 billion dollars--threatening some with "ruin". See present Drudge headline story.

Yes, there is a problem here (beyond the truly stiff competition from "journalists" and politicians). Stupid as they are, are Wall Street people as stupid as the people who keep believing what they say--including those politicians who keep buying every Wll Street bailout scheme proposed by these stupid failures (including Paulson).

Wall Street should have no reputation left, and no credibility left. How stupid are people who don't recognize that?

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