Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Henry Paulson, President Bush and VP Cheney: Please Go Away; PLEASE

Yes, the incredible news yesterday was that Paulson and the Bush Administration had already used up the first $50 billion in Wall Street bailout money, for for purposes not even debated in the original farce of a debate (as Congress gave Paulson a blank check, as both Paulson and Congress intended. Incredibly, yesterday I heard it reported that Paulson and the Bush Administration were contemplating asking for the second 350 billion dollars to be released by Congress, even though Paulson did not even use the first 350 billion for to purchase the distressed assets proposed in that first farce of a Congressional debate. Of course, all Paulson succeeded in doing was precipitating the financial and economic crisis by creating absolute panic, while the economy has gotten steadily worse.

Message to Paulson and President Bush: PLEASE GO AWAY. I AM BEGGING YOU. STEAL SILENTLY INTO THE NIGHT ON JANUARY 20, AND DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE. YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE ENOUGH TO DESTROY THIS COUNTRY AND YOUR PARTY (supposed political party--leftist moles that you both are). See my numerous entries showing that Henry Paulson is the worst financial failure in the history of the world. He destroyed Goldman Sachs as chairman. The destruction just did not come to light until Paulson was Treasury Secretary, when he panicked in order to save that same Goldman Sachs from the destruction he had brought upon us. He then proceeded to destroy the country with that panic, and by bringing socialism to us all on a scale no Democrat has ever done. President Bush helped him do it. See Sunday's award of the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate to President Bush.

Again: PLEASE GO AWAY. I can't take you people anymore. Hide in a corner, or in bed, or something. Just don't do anything more before you leave office.

Note to VP Cheney: PLEASE SHUT UP. Yes, Cheney needs to keep the goodwill he built up (ven though he has never been a conservative on domestic policy) among conservatives, mainly because of his leftist enemies. Cheney is forfeiting that goodwill by doing things like "ripping" (AP word) Congress for refusing to bail out the automakers (which really means ripping conservatives in Congress, and those Republican Senators who belatedly decided to stand up for free market principles).

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