Friday, December 5, 2008

Wall Street: The Stupidest People On Earth Strike Again

More fiction on Wall Street today, as the stupidest people on Earth swing into action yet again. No, it is not just a matter of the stock market being lup on a day when the economic news is absolutely terrible. If stock market investors rationally decided the market had sold off too far, you could see a small gain being a rational move as investors looked for individual bargains.

Forget it. The Dow is now up more than 200, and the stupidest people on Earth are still buying. The range today is at least about 500 Dow points (from 250 down to 250 up). That is a broken market that desperately needs to be fixed.

What do I say to the idea that investors are "reacting" to government action/statements? Well, if true would that not prove that Wall Street people are the stupidest people on Earth--a proposition being proved every singe day? Of course it would.

It is not true. This is all fiction, as the computer gamers drive the market up and down. To the extent thaey mean anything at all, events, data and statements are only "triggers" used by the computer gamers to trigger their computer programs.

I am virtually the only one telling you that market up moves are just as disturbing, and just as much of a sign of a sick market, as down moves. And I am right. Obviously right.

Any strong move up now is just an invitation to a strong move down tomorrow. The Dow should not be moving more than 100 points in any single day. The actual daily swings are fiction (in terms of their relationasiph to economic reality outside of the computer gaming in the stock market itself).

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