Wednesday, December 31, 2008

HAPPY NEW YEAR (even if it appears against the odds, you can do it)

Yes, I wish even you leftists out there a Happy New Year. There may be no blog entry tommorow.

Now you may think that this country has already gone so far down the wrong road that the odds are against a "happy" new year. I think you would be right as to our country as a whole, our government, and Wall Street.

However, I am convinced that individual happiness is mainly up to the individual, and that individuals can be happy even if things overall are going the wrong direction. Indeed, I think the departure from individual responsibility for each individual's own life is why things are going in the wrong direction.

However, this means that you, as an individual, can create happiness for yourself. Therefore, I wish you a Happy New Year, no matter how things go for the country or the world. Now there is no doubt that certain levels of overall failure (e.g. Mexico) make it pretty hard for individuals to be happy. We just have to hope things will not get that bad. I doubt that they will, in this country--at least by the end of next year.


P.S. The election did not give me the blues, unlike Dan (slapinions comment to entry yesterday).. That is because the only thing I thought could be worse than Obama winning the Presidency, and Republicans losing so many seats in the Senate, was McCain winning the Presidency and those Republican losers in the Senate having their betrayal of conservative principles confirmed. So I was much more depressed by the nomination of McCain than by the victory of Obama. We can hope for the country to survive Obama, and for a new dawn. I am afraid that there would be no hope of a new dawn with McCain further destroying the Republican Party and the conservative cause. Now the election did give me the distressing idea that the people of this country are far down the road to wanting the government to take total care of them. However, I believe that is more a matter of lack of leadership than anything else. We can now at least hope for new conservative leaers to emerge. Frankly, the election did not worry me as much in this regard as the total conversion of President Bush, Henry Paulson, and Wall Street to the same socialist concept. It does not bode well for the rise of new conservative leaders that the establishment of the Republican Party has converted to socialism (out of fear and lust for power and approval).

1 comment:

Slapinions said...

Happy New Year. Nice to see Obama already selling out Israel.

What's your take on the Hamas/Israel conflict?
