Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wolf Blitzer: Liar; CNN: The Liar Network

Does CNN lie, even when I am not watching? Of course they do. I documented Wolf Blitzer as a liar during the election (when I suspended my total boycott of CNN temporarily), and I documented CNN as the liar network. CNN has proven that nothing has changed, even though the election is over (clips, you know, even as I continue to no longer even surf CNN).

Last night Wolf Blitzer told this CNN, 1984 style, Big Lie, trying to dismiss the scandal involving the Democratic Governor of Illinois (in which there is no doubt Barack "World" Obama is involved, if only in apparently trying to get one of his aides appointed to replace him in the U.S. Senate): "Repupblicans, of course, have been the subject of most scandals in recent years."

This is back to my first paragraph allusion to the old question: "If a tree falls in a forest with no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?" If CNN chooses to ignore Democratic scandals (including, for example, the sweetheart deal whereby Obama fundraiser--also fundraiser for the Democratic Governor--Rezko arranging for Obama to purchase a house at a discounted price or Obama supporting the racist Reverend Wright all of those years), do the Democratic scandals really exist? For CNN, they clearly do not. Hence, the Wolf Blitzer/CNN Big Lie that scandals are a Republican thing.

Remember William Jefferson, with the $90,000 in a freezer? Remember the Democratic mayor of Detroit, with his sex scandal and cover up? Remember Tim Mahoney, Democratic Congressman who won Mark Foley's old seat at the same time he was already involved in what turned out to be only one of many affairs? Remember John Edwards? Remember Eliot Spitzer? Heck, you don't even have to remember Eliot Spitzer. What about Governor Patterson, who I believe is still governor of new York? The list just keeps on going, including Democrats involved in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac scandal, such as Frankline Raines, Barney Frank (previously involved in another scandal involving favoritism to a gay lover), Chris Dodd, Jim Johnson (Obama confidant involved with Fannie Mae and a sweetheart deal with Countrywide Mortgage, like Dodd)? The list just goes on and on.

In comparison, the recent Republican scandals are pretty minor. Mark Foley is now two years in the past, and was never charged with a crime. His only crime was somewhat inappropriate emails. His main crime was evidently being gay. The same applies to Larry Craig, who was only convicted of the equivalent of a traffic ticket (remember the Governor of New Jersey in a speeding car without a seat belt?). Craig's main "crime" was clearly that he was alleged to be gay. Ted Stevens was involved in a real scandal, but it was hardly of the magnitude of the Illinois Governor. Stevens, if you forget or never knew, was accused of meerely letting a contractor provide free work on his house, without--apparently--any specific quid pro quo. The Sarah Palin "scandal" was, of course, not a "scandal", except to CNN and the mainstream media. Obama's involvement with both the political shenanigans over his Senate seat, and Rezko, is more of a "scandal" than Sarah Palin's alleged attempt to "punish" an Alaskan trooper who was never even fired.

Then there is David Gergne, the worst, most sanctimonious political hack "commentator" on TV--perfect for the liar network, CNN. It was CNN, and the rest, who insisted that the whole Republican Party should be blamed for Mark Foley (again, now a two year old scandal which never amounted to a whole lot)--the most blatant example of attempted "guilt by association" in our time. Gergen said last night that it would be "unfair" to attmept to associate Obama (not only a member of the same party as the Illinois Governor, but directly involved with him on multiple levels) with the "culture of corruption" in Chicago. Message to Gergen: You are a dishonest, hypocritical political hack, who should just go away and hide your head in shame. yes, that is true of Wolf Blitzer, liar and political hack, and CNN (the liar network and home of journalistic political hacks).

At most, you can say that "scandals" have been standard for all politicians in recent years. the idea that there have been more Republican scandals than Democrat is a CNN/Blitzer Big Lie--politically motivated from the liar network with a political agenda.

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