Monday, August 10, 2009

Jets (Executive), Nancy Pelosi, House Democrats, and Blackmailing the Pentagon

"After an uproar over a proposed purchase of new executive jets for use by senior government officials, including members of Congress, the top Defense appropriator in the House has offered to eliminate funding for the planes – but only if the Pentagon, which operates the jets, agrees.
“If the Department of Defense does not want these aircraft, they will be eliminated from the bill,” Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), the chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommitee said Monday evening."

The above is from the article now linkded on Drudge (otherwise never go to myself). As Drudge indicates, Democrats in the House are obviously try8ing to blame the PENTAGON for this!!!!!!!! These (leftist Democrats in Congress) are the people saying "trust us" on health care. I would not trust them as crossing gurards to direct children across the street. What is amazing is that these people keep getting ELECTED.

Segue back to Nancy Pelosi. Remember last year, when Pelosi's office raised Hell with the Pentagon because there was not a Gulfstream V (or whatever the top excecutive model is--I have never flown in an executive jet) jet IMMEDIATELY available to Pelosi to use. Pelosi obviiously expectetd the Pentagon to have a jet on call JUST FOR HER, not matter what other claims were being made on the Petnagon at the time.

If you think that Pelosi's desire to have an executive jet available to her any time she wants one, and a similar desire by other "powerful" Democrats, has nothing to do with this proposed purchase of exectuive jets, I still have an inventory of bridges in Brooklyn for you to buy. This is disgraceful stuff, but you will probably not hear much about it in the mainstream media.

I don't think it is gong to work, but look at the attmepted BLACKMAIL here!!!!!!! These people (Democrats in Congress) are DESPITCABLE. Who appropriates moeny for the Pentagon? Notice the title of the Democrat quoted by CONGRESS appropriats the money for the Pentagon Can it be any clearer tha the chairman of teh Appropriatsions committee is sending a message that the Pentagaon had BETTER say it wants these jets, OR ELSE. Every committee chairman, of course, is a Democrat, and those people control the Pentagon budget. Nancy Pelosis is Speaker of the House, and she has already told the Pentago what SHE expects--if they know what is good for them.

Nope. Don't think it is going to work, despitve the likely collaberation of the hypocrites in the mainstream media. This is the kind of thing that cannot stand the light of day. Of course, if the exectuvie jets are not purchased, it will NOT be becaue Democrats in Congress are "virtuous"--or even worthy of being in Congress. It will be because of the UPROAR.

How many things are these people (members of Congress) doin g like this where there is no uproar? And the more power they seize, such as over your health care, is it not true that they will find more and more opportunities for this kind of stuff? Sure it is. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrups absolutely. These people (in Congress AND in the Obama Admiinistration, have a goal of absolute power. We are crazy ifwe let them have that kind of power (over health care or our economy in general). Ther pbroblem is that they are already a long way toward that goal, with the MASSIVE expansion of government spending and government power.

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