Monday, August 10, 2009

Leftist Democrats at War with the People: The Fascination of Electing People Who You Know Will Try to Do What You Don't Wnat

There is a fascinating question here: If health care overhaul would help "prosperity", why did we not do it when we were prosperous, and could better afford it (for example, in the later Clinton years)?

The answer is actually obvious: When things are good, people see no reason to ENDANGER their prosperity with massive expansions of the Federal Government. But..but..but, if it is DANGEROUS to our economy to overhaul health care, and if the people understnad that, why are they more willing to go along with a government takeover of health care in BAD TIMES, when it might prevent "good times" ever happening. Well, the PEOPLE are not that stupid. It is leftist DEMOCRATS who are than stupid.

That is what is fascinating. In "bad times", the people tend to elect leftist Democrats. That might be perverse, in a way, since the people do not really approve of what leftist Democrats want to DO. However, you can understand it. Leftist Democrats WANT government controlled health care. The people see it (rightly) as a dangerous thing--especially at a time when we can't afford it. Thus, and this is the fascinating thing, leftist Democrats push for health care "overhaul" at the WORST possible time (from a risk to the economy point of view), because that is when leftist Democrats are in POWER. The people push back, as they did with Hillary Clinton, because the people are pretty much sure that they don't want the government taking over health care.

Note that it is NOT just a matter of Republicans controlling the House until 2006. WHY were Republicans controlling the House? It was because of Clinton's attempt at government control of health care (where history may repreat, IF Republicans are smart). Bill Clinton was re-elected in 1996. WHY was there not a push for health care "overhaul" then, even if it meant DEFEATING Republicans? That is because the people do not really WANT health care "overhaul" of a massive kind. That is what leftist Democrats want, and the people only put leftist Democrats in office when times are bad.

Therefore, you have leftist Dem,ocrats pushing for health care "reform" when we can LEAST afford it, which is also when they are now pushing for massive expansiion of the Federal Government in all areas, because that is their CHANCE. The people are only willing to put leftist Democrats in power during bad times (out of desperation?), and leftist Democrats are unable to restrain themselves from pursiung a government takeover of EVERYTHING when they have the chance. This, then, causes the DEFEAT of leftist Democrats, as it becomes obvious that they are going beyond what the people want.

Problem: the one constant here is the constant EXPANSION of the FEderal Government, as Republicans FAIL to roll back, or even halt, expansion of the government when they take power. The only possible exception to that was Ronald Reagan. Otherwise, Republicans seem unable to really stand for limitation of government, and that has been their downfall. We are on the edge, if we have not already fallen over the cliff, of expanding the Federal Government beyond the point of no return, where our country will not SURVIVE in any recognizable form--at least not without MAJOR pain.

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