Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hillary Clinton and Africa: If It Is Important, Don't Send the Girl

It is distressing for me to have to admit that I remain a better FEMINIST than the people presently in charge of our government (excluding Hillary, as they seem to be). I can't tell you the severe blow it has been to my self-image to realize--for more than a year, with new evidence everyday) that I am more of a feminist thatn Obama, most of the left, AND the mainstream media (that unholy Trinity now in charge of the country--for now).

By now, you have heard of Hillary Clinton's vritual nervous breakdown in Africa. She came just short of babbling: "I AM the Secretary of State. I tell you I AM the Secrtary of State. My husband is NOTHING. I AM the Secrfetary of State."--as they carried her off to a rubber room. As I say, she came just short of that. She virtually screamed at a porr African student, who she perceived to be more interested in what Bill Clinton thought than what she thought, that she (Hillary) was the Secretary of State, and would answer what SHE (Hillary) thought, rahter than try to speak the (unimportant) opinions of her husband. IN fact, she directly refused to "channel" her Bill (direct quote on the word). I may have exaggerated the first part of this paragraph SLIGHTLY. The second part of this paragraph is understaed, if anything, as to the extent Hillary Clinton lost her cool when she perceived the person questiong her to be interested int he opinions of her husband rather than herself. .

Is this because Hillary has come to realize that President Obama has no use for her opinions--maybe no use for her? Have you seen any evicence that illary Clinton is being given any real responsibility as Secretary of State? Neither have I.

It was Bill Clinton who went to North Korea, and got praised--while Hillary Clinton was shunted off to Kenya and Africa. That is when I first heard the assertion that North Korea, and similar "hot spots", were just too important to "send the girl". Yes, I know there were reasons not to have a present U.S. official humiliating herself (or himself) before the madman leading North Korea. It was a perfect job for Bill Clinton. But what about Russia? What about Pakistan? What about Iran? What about Afghanistan? The list of places where Hillary does NOT seem to be wanted seems t be endless. Worse, it is not just places. Her OPINIONS on what should be done about foreign policy problems do not seem to be wanted. No wonder she blew up at that poor student.

Am I saying that Kenya is not important? Darn right. Oh, I know it is reputed to be the birthplace of the Second Coming of the Messiah (Barack Hussein Obama). But that is essentially an assertion by kooks, and He (Obama) denies it (or, rather, treats it as beneath his notice, and certainly not a question worthy of producing his actual birth certificate). There is absolutely no doubt that Obama has paid little or no attention to his FAMILY in Kenya, except for "photo-op" visits to his "roots", leaving his half-brother living on less than $20 a YEAR in a hut outside of Narobi. No. I am not slaying that we should totally ignore Kenya. I am just saying that there are truly important foreign policy issues coming to a head now, and that Hillary Clinton does not seem to be involved in any of them.

Is Russia "too imortant to send the girl"? Is Pakistan "too improtant to send the girl"? Is North Korea (apart from hostage blackmail) "too important to sedn the girl"? Are Iran and Iraq "too important to send the girl"? Is the girl worried about coming under fire in Iraq or Afghanistan--as Hillary FALSELY described during the camapaign referring to a tip with Bill to, I think, Bosnia)? Or is Obama treating her like a flunky to do the unimportant stuff, while Obama sends his TRUSTED people to do the important stuff?

It seems obvious that Obama really sdoes believe that many things are "too important to send the girl", and that the title of "Secretary of State" was just a useful price to pay for keeping Hillary out of his hair while Obama has MEN do the important stuff.

Condi Rice was more visible, and seemingly much more influential. She never, to my knowledge, blew up at a foreign student. She had CLASS--a quality that eludes both Hillary Clinton and Barack Husssein Obama. Of course, Nancy Pelosi may have still less class, but she has less class than your average pimp or serial killer, which makes her a pretty useless measuring stick.

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