Monday, August 3, 2009

Bridges: Leftist/Mainstream Media Hypocrisy at Work

Do you remember all of that leftist hoopla about BRIDGES during the Buish Administration, and about similar "infrastructure"? Especially after that DEFECTIVELY DESIGNED bridge in Minneapolis/St. Paul fell? Remember how we needed up to one TRILLION dollars to inspect and repair/replace about every bridge in America. Well, forget it. The HYPOCRITES of the mainstream media (the worst ever to walk the Earth on two legs), and the rest of the left, did not really mean it. For them, it was always all about increasing Federal power (their power, as they see it) and spending (another way of saying you are increasing power). They have now found other ways to expand the Federal Government, and bridges are no longer useful to these hypocrites.

What am I talking about? Well, it turns out that very little of that "stimulus" money is being spent on bridges, and similar "infrastructure". Rather, the money is being spent on paving roads, and otherwise to replace state and local routine spending. Well, there ARE a few items that do not fit this category. For example, there war the millions being spent on an airport in New York used by 20 people a day. But one of those people is an "influential" Congressman. Bridges are out in the cold. Air traffic control is out in the cold (if my recent trip is any indication, where there was a two hour delay of ari traffic into DFW b ecause of unspecified problems with air traffic control). What is "in" is political boondoggle spending, and subsidizing the ordinary budget of state and local entities (leaving open the question of what they do to fund their budget NEXT YEAR).

Dirty little secret, besides the fact that most leftists never really cared about bridges except as a political issue: There was ALWAYS "enough" money for bridges, IF people wanted to spend money on bridges. They didn't, and don't. Yes, the "crisis" of bridges was overblown, for political reasons, but bridges have never been "sexy"--especailly repairing/replacing OLD bridges. Now, a shiny new "bridge to nowhere" is another matter. Politicians like that sort of thing. But the dirty work of kieeping bridges in good shape is NOT sexy--does not give politicians the kind of "bang for the buck" (politically) that politicians crave. Ted knnedy craved the boondoggle of the Big Dig in Boston--NOT repairing bridges throughout Massachusetts. Yes, if money were SPECIFICALLY appropriated for bridges, state politicians would spend it. But when they are given a CHOICE, bridges remain a low priority--aside from the fact there never was a "crisis".

1.E.D. The mainstream media, and other leftists, are the worst, most dishonest HYPOCRITES to ever walk the Earth on two legs.

By the way, does this present disinterest in bridges mean that leftists have abandoned THE ISSUE (as distinguished from the bridges, which have definitely been abandoned). Not on your life. As soon as leftists go as far as they can on health care, "cap and trade", alternative energy, and the rest, THEY WILL COME BACK TO BRIDGES. Yes, it will again be a "crisis" requiring a Federal "solution" (more money and Federal power). Forgotten will be the fact that when the money was available, it was NOT spent on bridges.

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