Friday, August 7, 2009

Lou Dobbs and the Evil Hypocrites at MSNBC

Lou Dobbs, of course, is famous for his opposition to ILLEGAL immigration. That has earned himm the HATARED of the evil leftists at MSNBC (and hating leftists everywhere)--who favor open borders and DECIT on illegla immigraiton. This deceit includes a deliberate attempt to confuse illegal immigration with LEGAL imigration, and to suggest that opponents of illegal immigration are anti-immigrant. Now illegal immigration happens to be about the only issue upon which Lou Dobbs is right. He does, after all, work for the Liar Network (official name--a/k/a CNN). But the evil, hating people at MSNBC have chosen to go after Lou Dobbs' FAMILY, rather than "debate" him on issues, and for that they deserve the designation of "evil" (which I do NOT mean as hyperbole, but a sober judgment on the faccts).

How did this come about? Well, the hypocrites at MSNBC decidied to ridicule Lou Dobbs about this support for that "birther" movement maintaining that Barack Obama was not born in the United States (and therefore is not Constitutionally qualified to be President, as well as not qualified by experience--as has become obvious).

Where the hypocrisy come in is that the mainstream media has refused to even look into the matter, such as by saying that Obama should produce his full birth records. You don't think that is hypocrisy? ; You have not been paying attention. The "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (always use complete, official name in first reference) ran a serious "news" story saying that the Hugo Chavez government of Venezuela believed that President Bush was behind the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center--a MORE kook idea thatn the idea that Obama might have been born outside the United States. Yes, there is NO real "evidence' of that, but if the same thing had been said about a REPUBLICAN, it would have been given more attention. Att he very least, as with Bush's National Guard reocords (Keery NEVER DID release his full military records), the media would have demanded that a Republican release full birth records.

Doubt me? Don't. CNN itslef (the LIar Network) sent a team to Alaska to "investigate" the birth of Sarah Palin's handicapped baby, based on viciuls leftist rumonrs (FALSE) that the baby was really the balby of Palin's daughters. Yes, theis was really an attack by CNN on PALIN'S FAMILY, joined by MSNBC and the rest of the mainstream media. Evil leftists, like David Letteramn (merely an example), have no problem attacking an opponents FAMILY. They are evil, hating people. Again, I do not consider this hyperbole at all, but a sober judgment based on the facts.

Still doubt the hypocrisy here? Don't. The mainstream media--especially MSNBC--has tried to taint the entire Republican Party, and demonize all opponents of Obama, because of this "kook" movement to prove that Obama was born outside of the United States. Thus, they (MSNBC and others in mainstream media) has viewed with pretended horror that some 28% of Republicans believe that Obama was born outside of the United States (for which there is no evidence, but which is not NEARLY as impalusible as the idea that Bush participated in the 9/11 attack. Yet, 35% of Democrats professed to believe that, inlcuding such people as Rosie O'Donnell and Martin Sheen, without causing ANY concern to MSNBC, or the rest of the mainstream media. HYPOCRITES is what MSNBC, and the rest of these mainstream media people, are--the worst who have ever walked the Earth on two legs.

Loo Dobbs has actually given air time to the "theory" that Obama is disqualified to be President because he was bron outside of the United States. Now, in one sense this is courageous on the part of Dobbs, since it rejectes the media hypocrisy in favor of the idea that this should be INVESTIGATED. After all, Obama has failed to prdouce his full birth certificate, although he could easily do so. Now I believe Dobbs is a "kook" on this, even he is merely calling for an "examination" of this question (which would be fully consistent with the mainstream media mantra that, for example, looked seriously on the kook idea that John McCain was disqualified to be President because born in the Panama Canal Zone--the subject of a "serious" article by the DESPICABLE KOOKS at the Associated Press). In this case, "kook" is used with some hyperbole, as part of my "you are a kook if:" series (see below). Nevertheless, my issue with Lu Dobss on this is on SUBSTANCE, and I see no reason to attack him personally, or to attack his family.

Not so the EVIL people at MSNBC. They have brought up Dobbs' family, as a PERSONAL attack on Dobbs because of both his paying attention to this "birth cerrtificate" issue and because of his crusade on illegal immigration. It turns out that Dobbs has an Hispanic wife (and therefore automatically HIspanic children). SO DID I. Yes, I married a 100% Mexican-American woman, and my two daughters are 50% Mexican-American. To the truly EVIL peop;le at MSNBC, this makes both Lou Dobbs and me dishonest hypocrites.

Do you know how dishonest and hypocritical you have to be to take the position of MSNBC on this? Why cannot Lou Dobbs, and me, oppose ILLEGAL immigration--as we both do--and still marry a Mexican-American wife and have children of Mexican-American heritage? It is ONLY in the EVIL mind of MSNBC people that being against illegla immigration, and for enforcement of the immmigration laws, makes you ANTI-IMMIGRANT. That is a DISHONEST position asserted to HURTA by the DISHONEST people at MSNBC. It further rpresents (that confusiong of "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants") deliberate DECEIT by proponents of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION designed to falsely accuse their oppostion of gernally bigotry toward all immigrants.

This hate speech by people at MSNBC is truly disgraceful, distateful stuff. I have shown before, in this blog, that Kieith Olbermann is the worst, most evil, "news" person to have ever lived. You can further look at my previous blog entry entitled: "Andrea Mitchell Is a Whore". Basically, ALL of the people at MSNBC can be considered "journalistic" whores, except for the fact that such a characterization is an INSULT to honest whores.

Yes, I have said before that, if Hell exists, I will meet these mainstream media people in Hell. Surely readers of this blog have little doubt that I will end up in Hell, if Hell exists. This entry, and so many earlier ones, should convince you that there is NO doubt that MSNBC people, and other mainstream media evil hypocrites, will end up in Hell. They actually should worry that it si MORE cetain that they will end up in Hell, assumiing Hell exists, than that I will (certain as that is). I am serious about this. Oh, I regard Hell as a swomwhat speculative thing (being an aganostic). But I am serious that these people at MSNBC, and in the rest of trhe mainstream media, are EVIL people worthy only of total and absolute contempt. That is what I have for them (if you had not guessed).

Toing to Obama's birth (remembering that the "you are a kook if: series does not label people who believe in kook things as either evil or kooky in all things):

You ARE a kook if:

151 (approximate number in series). You believe that President Obama was born outside of the United States, and that there has been a massive conspiracy to "cover up" his real birth.

152. You belive that this kind of "allegation",, without EVIDENCE, should be "investigated" and/or taken seriously--even if you correctly believe t hat the hypocrites in the mainstream media take more absurd theings seriously when it fits their agenda. Yep. I am calling Lou Dobbs a "kook". I would not have had any problem (on this "issue") if MSNBC had just done that (as O'Reilly has essentailly done). But this HATE SPEECH and personal attacks by MSNBC are evil and indefensible. By the way, I have called MYSELF a "Kook" (if a correct one) for saying that women should never have been given the vote.

P.S. GE is the owner of both NBC and MSNBC. Is GE the WORST American corporation--the corporation that comes closest to being an EVIL corporation in this country? I think so.

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