Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama, Fear Monger and Liar in Chief: Doing Nothing on Helath Care Remains the First Option, Especially Now

"For all the scare tactics out there, what is truly scary is if we do nothing," Obama told a friendly town hall audience.

Who is the scare/fear montger here? Is it Obama, who is tellng lyou we have a health care "crisis" hich must be IMMEDIATELY addressed or our economy will not recover? Who is misleading here? Is it Obama, who LIES (see blog entries of a day or two a about helath care reform being "necessary" for "prosperity"when one of the greatest BOOMS in American history was triggered by the Clinton FAILURE to pass a disastrous Federal Government controlled health care plan?

Answers to the above questions (all of them): YES. President Obama is both the fear monger in chief here, AND the primary liar. Now Obama has some trouble lying about the details of "his" helath care plan, because his plan DOES NOT EXCIST. the only bill in existence is that ZHouse bill, with so many outrageous things in it. Everybody agrees that the House bill will NOT be the final bill, but how misleading is it to be touting the virtues of a bill that does not yet exist (and which will ulitimately be rammed down everyone's throat by FEAR MONGERING about the need for "emergency action", without any opportunity to fully examine the final bill. To answert the rehetorical question, it is darn misleading to be simply making assertions about the merits of a bill that does not exist.

Or is it misleading to say, as opponents like me are saying, that Federal spending is out of control, and that we should not even consider ANY health care bill that spends substantial money until we show that we have Federal spending and the deficit under control. That includes "saving" Medicare and Medicaid, which is more of a "crisis" than massive Federal tinkering with a health care system that is working pretty well. How can this be "fear mongering", when Obama himself (that notorious FEAR MONGER) has said that we have to do something about spending and the deificit or ruin our economy. Now you may doubt Obama MEANT IT, as I do, but he SAID it (as he says so many contradictory things).

Or is it fear mongering to note that the Clinton BOOM followed the decisino NOT to "overhaul" our health care system, and that it is a huge RiSK to make the opposite decision now (when we can even less afford it)? How can that be misleading, or "fear mongering", when it is objectively TRUE. It is objectively TRUE that the Clinton years proved that we can have a boom without a Federal "overhaul" of our health care system, but that we have never proved that we can have a boom by passing such an expensive "overhaul" at the height of a bad recession (which Obama and the mainstream media keep calling the "worst since World War II").

How can it be "fear mongering" to note that every time the Federal Government tries to "overhaul" something, the Federal role always EXPANDS and the Federal control over our lives also expands. Does that not correspond with history and experience.? Of course it does. The people know that. Obama merely ASSERTS that ti will be different this time. Talk about RISK. Obama and the Democrats want to risk our country here.

In short, NO it is not "fear mongering" or mislaeading to say what the opponents are saying, and to support it with language from the House Waxman bill (the only one that exists). Obama cites NOT language of any bill, because "his" bill does not yet exist. And he does not want to talk about the details of the House bill. Who is misleading who here?

As stated, "doing nothing" is not only acceptable, but it is the primary optiion in the middle of a deep recession (no matter whether you think something should be ultimately done). Let us be honest here. I would have suggestions on improvements to our health care syssstem, especially on a state level, but I will NEVER faovor a "comprehensive", central planning Federal takeover of health care policy. So what. That does not change that it is INSANE to even attemt such a massive "overhaul" of health care when both spending and the deficit are totaly out of control, AND when we hafve not even yet "saved" Medicare or Social Security. Just when has the Federal Government shown tat they are capable of central planning of major industries in this country? These people could not even handle the relatively simple "cash for clunkers" program, and use every bill as an excuse for a Christmas tree of "wish list" tiems (such as those "executive jets" for Pelosi and other Democrats in Congress).

Nope. If you do not realize that "doing nothing" is a pretty good option here, you dont' underrstnad what is going on. That may mean that you are the Republican Party!!!!!

Let me go back to the Hippocratic oath, and associated principles. What is the first principle--known for several THOUSAND years?: First do no harm". Physicians actually failed to follow that principle all too often, up until almost modern times. Ask yourself: Did "bleeding" a patient do good or harm, on balance? Amazingly enough, there were SOME benefits to "bleeding" in SOME circumstances, but overall it did MUCH more harm than good. You can hear an Obama like physician arguing: "Well, we have to do something, because doing nothing is not an option." The fact is that doing nothing was a MUCH better option, in most cases, than "bleeding" a patient.

I don't agree, by the way, that our health care system is "sick". That is basically the assertion of that "sicko", Michael Moore, in his movie of the same name. Obama has squarely aligned himself with Moore, even though essentially denying it. Moore, too, attacked the insurance industry, and suggested that HMO "managed care" was a disaster for patients. What both Moore and Obama seem t fail to recognize is that they are proposing to creat the biggest, most powerful, most imossible for patients and doctors to control, HMO of them all. Yes, Obama is propsoing to create a FEDERERAL GOVERNMENT HMO.

I admit to "scare tactics" on this one. If the prospect of an HMO run by the Federal Government, which is what Obamacare is all about, does not scare you, then you are not thinking. That is what all of these arguments over "detalis" come down to. The Federal Government is going to try to "manage" health care and health insurance in this country. That is the whole PURPOSE of this proposed massive "overhaul" of health care. If it does not do that, to a significant degree, why create all of this extra cost and bureaucracy in the midst of a strong recessioin? Well, you can ask that anyway, but this attempt to dismiss the Federal role in the proposed health care "overhaul" is absurd. If the Federal Government is not trying to "mange" the system, then why are we even talkingabout doing this.

That is where the real "misleading" comes in--especially by those hypocrites in the mainstream media. Exactly what IS the bill going to do? You will not find out from the mainstream media. they will try to discredit the opponents on detail, but they will NOT try to explain the deatails of the bill itself. What will the bill cost? What will it do? What ARE the provisoions of the bill? You would get the idea, from the mainstream media, that the burden of proff is on the OPPPONENTS of the bill. That is not ture. The burden of proof is on the PROPONENTS of the bill!!!!!! "Frist do no harm". The mainstream media has long ago deliberateely ignored that principle of both government and medicine--not to mention their own profession.

1 comment:

Ron said...

I am not what the liberals would call highly educated because, well I am not a liberal. But, I do remember, from a psychology class that there is a psychological condition where a person accuses others of the very acts that person engages in.
The discussion was never centered around politics, instead regarded infidelity. A cheating spouse will be the one who accuses the faithful spouse of infidelity.
I cannot remember the academic name for the disorder, but I do remember the discussion.
Liberals call conservatives fear mongerers, and then profess the dangers of man-made climate change, proclaim health care needs to be overhauled, tell us without a stimulus bill unemployment will continue to climb. They claim conservatives wish to bypass the constitution, then they seek to nationalize the auto industry, shut down Fox News and Talk Radio, call those with legitimate concerns about Obama's agenda Racist. The list goes on and on.
When you look at liberal accusations of conservatives, it appears as if the conservatives are the faithful spouse, and the liberals are the ones fooling around.