Sunday, August 2, 2009

Democrats vs. the Poor: No Clunkers Left for Poor (or Thrifty)

This blog has already established that leftist Democrats are the worst enemy "the poor" have ever hdad. Consider the following, as only a sample:

1. The attempt to shut off water to farms in California, destroyig the jobs of poor farm workers (all in the name of "teh environment"). As Paul Rodriguez said, when his liberal friends asked him why he was stupporting "rich" farmers: "Without farms, there are no jobs for farm workerrs, and I have spent a significant part of my life supporting farm workers."

2. Biofuels taking food out of the mouths of the poor, worldwide. One U.N. person called this a "crime against humanity". This, of course, is in addition to leftists INCRFEASING the cost of fuel by restrictions against drilling and oil development--not to mention nuclear power.

3. Illegal immigration DECREASES the wages of poor Americans, as President Obama has said (while still supportig "open border" legislation, and refusing to enforce our immigration laws--simply saying opposite things, in an attempt to deceive, as usual). Yes, illegal immigration helps the MEXICAN poor, but I have a message for you lefists out there: It is IMPOSSIBLE for the United States to take care of the poor of the entire world, or even Mexico alone--especailly by leftist means-and you merely label yourself a total thinking vegetable if you assert otherwise.

4. The left has forced Africa to rely on MOSQUITO NETTING to fight malaria, instead of DDT and other reasonably priced pesticides. The left has BLLOOD (poor blood) on its hands for this one.

5. The "global warming" nuts are trying to destroy the ability of the poor, around the world, to better themselves by destroying/limiting our industrial civilization in the name of the fraud of "global warming". Yes, the Democratic "energy" bill ("cap and trade") is an example of the left trying to destroy the poor in this country by increasing the cost of energy, including electricity. The leftist response to this attack THEY, themselves, are making on the poor: reimburse them with "vovernment" funds, thereby further destroying jobs. Yes, increasing the cost of energy also destroys jobs, in addition to directly impacting the ppor.

6. A relatively small thing, but cumulatively a BIG problem for the poor from leftistst policies: The cost of LIGHT BULBS is going to increase as incandescent bulbs are outlawed/phased out. This increase in cost is true of so many products that you might suspect the left of deliberately waiging a clandestine war on the poor just so the poor will look to the leftfor "salvation" (a good trick, if you can pull it off, and the left so far has). What have all of those envrionmental restrictions and regulations already done to the cost of cars? Increased it thousands of dollars. My brother, the former truck company owner, can tell you how the leftists have put regulatioins on truck engires that will soon require the engirnes to return exhaust to the air CLEANER than it goes into the engine, at a cost, PER TRUCK, of some $15,0000-$20,000 (including regulations put in effect within the past few years, and regulations scheduled to go into effect in about 2010). This not only affects the cost of trucking, but the cost of FOOD (and all other products shipped by truck).

7. Yes, the constant increase in taxes on the "rich", and business, destroys jobs for the poor (in case you did not get the point in the above).

8. Did I mention the increase in "sin" taxes on cigarettes, liquor, fatty foods, etc? Yep. Disproportionately hurt the poor, and only incidentally may "help" the poor by discouraging this conduct (tax on SEX would probably help them more). I say this because it is clear that leftists are not really passing these taxes to HELP the poor, but to at least pretend to "increase" revenue for leftist programs like health care. IF these taxes really prevent conduct, they will raise NO additonal money (in fact, probably less money), and thus the left is LYING to you by suggesting they are raising revenue. That is true, by the way, with even income taxes, where an increase in taxes usually does NOT increase revenue (beyond the VERY short run).

9. By leftist policies which have destroyed the famiily (expecially the African-American family), leftists have almost conducted genocide against "the poor". What can you say about policies that have led to some 72% of African-American births being illegitimate, and 40% of all births. Those figures are almost inconceivable, and yet leftists pretty much ignore them (except to promote the Planned Parenthood attitude that was a major factor in this genocide of the poor--a genocide that Planned Parenthood sort of promotes directly, in addition to indirectly). Yes, our welfare programs encouraged this (leftist welfare programs). And our virtual (again leftist encouraged) endorsement of sexual promiscuity has accelreated the problem. This has been compounded by a Reverend Wright style encouragement of blacks to "blame" whites, instead of taking responisbility for their own lives. This has made their lives WORSE than they were when there was more discrimination, but also more FAMILY VALUES of the kind that helps children grow up with better lives. In fact, this blog has long been correct in saying that we are conducting a massive social experiment with our children, and that our children are not likely to survie it (without serous damage, and often literally).

10. "The poor" now get health care (Medicaid)--albeit it is going broke, and is really in deep troulble. Is not this entrie, nanufactured, health care "crisis" an attack on the poor in the cause of BRIBING the "middle class"? Of course it is. Can an attempt at total government control of all health carfe possibly help "the poor" (at least the real poor)? Of course not. The ppor need us to SAVE MEDICAID, and improve it. I know. I would return Medicaid completely to the states, who are better able to see where the money is going (and have to "apy as you go"). neverthe less, my preference is NOT a direct attack on "the poor" (merely a change of where medical care for the poor is administered). This proposed health care overhaul IS a direct attack on health care for the poor, as they suddenly face mcuh more strain on the health care system. How can they help but lose? Right now, the government is concentrating (badly) solely on the poor and elderly. As the government expands to try to centrally plan care for EVERYONE, the poor and elderly are going to fall through the cracks (along with everyone else, EXCEPT the "rich").

I could go on, almost forever, but you get the idea. Now we have the "cash for clunkers" program: yeat another direct attack upon the POOR!!!

Yes, I liststed 7 defects of this grogram. But I left out, at least directly, this major problem. I did mention Dave Ramsey's standard advice for getting out of debt: "Selll your expensive car/vehicle and BUY A CLUNKER. Note how the government is trying to destroy the ability of people to follow Ramsey's advice. The government is using taxpayer money to ELIMINATE CLUNKERS--the very thing that the poor rely on (often) for transportation (cheap transportatioin). Do you really dobut that leftists are out to DESTROY THE POOR--not by getting them out of poverty but by affirmatively destroying them. Yes, this entire, benighted "cah for clunkers" program is a perfect example of the defects of central planning. It has DISTORTED the care market out of all recognition, as taxpayers are asked to help pay for CARS for other people (unless the taxpayer can find a "clunker" to trade in, and needs a new car). The used car market is suggenly going to become materially more expensive. Dave Ramsey, eat your heart out!!! The Fedeeral Government has enacted a program to SABOTAGE your advice!!!! And, of course, it is also a program to help DESTROY the poor. Nope. It is NOT a "good ida" for the poor to GO INTO DEBT to buy a NEW CAR with this program, good a deal as it is for people who can afford it. It is, of course, too good a deal, because it completely distorts the market--not only as I have described, but probably in many ways I have not even thought of. That is apart from adding to the deficit. I would remind you that Treasury Secretary Geitner continues to say that failure to reduce the deficit will RUIN any "recovery" (ruin the country). That has led Geitner to refuse to "rule out" "middle class" taqx hikes. The simple fact is that the Federal Government, and the whole economy, is now ADDICTED to the deficit (as badly as any heroin addict who ever lived), as indicated by this "cash for clunkers" program, with its cost quickly out of control. We are NOT going to be able to "reduce the deficit", without MAJOR PAIN. Yet Geitner is right. Failure to do so will DESTROY US (the ppor quicker than the rest).

And some people wonder why I am a pessimist!!!!!! You might remember that Republicans, and even many conservatives (e.g. Rich Lowry of National Review and so many on tax credits for health care) want to BRIBE the middle class just as much as Democrtats, just in different ways (usually slightly better ways, but just as disastrous in the end).

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