Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are the Wisconsin Protestors/Public Employuees Potential Murderers Under the Standandards of CNN and the Pima County Sheriff?

Remember all of that CNN/mainstream media/leftist Democrat (including Obama) junk about "civility". The Pima Country Sheriff (who had responsibility for protecting Gabby Giffords, and spread hate besides against the alleged racist government of Arizona) and the mainstream mediia virtually called Sarah Palin and the Tea Party MURDERERS for an alleged lack of civility.

Look at Wisconsin. Where is the PRESIDENT demanding "civility"? Where is CNN? Where is MSNBC? Where are the micorphones and cameras (outside of Fox) focusing on every "hate" sign, and shouted example of "hate speech"? Oh, I forgot. These people--CNN, leftist Democrats, and the rest of the mainstream media--redundancy here) are HYPOCRITES--the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. By their standards, the Wisconsin protestors are potential MURDERERS (their standards--not mine, as I merely think the Wisconsin protestors are trying to get their way by UNDEMOCRATIC BLACKMAIL, threats and coercion).

Yes, Wisconsin protestors are using the word KILL (as in "kill that bill", although they may well also be usnig the word in connection with Governor Walker). Governor Walker has been called "hiteler", "mussolini", and a "dictator". And those are the NICE thngs the protestors are saying about him (some of the other things being unprintable).

WHERE are the references to "civility"? Yes, I know. Leftist Democrats, including the mainstream media, never meant "civility" to apply to THEM. As with "free speech" and "democracy", leftists only believe in such things for THEMSELVES. They don't believe in them for others (such as the Tea Party).

So when you are looking at those (mostly FAVORABLE, in terms of commentary) pictures of ANGRY protests in Wisconsin (and elsewhere), ask yourself what happened to "civility"? Was it all a FRAUD--a political scam for political purposes--in the first place?

Of course it was a fraud. Note that Obama, and almost every Democrat (including the DNC helping organize and advance the protests), have ENDORSED the protestors. How many of these people have condemned their lack of "civility"?

Q.E.D. These people--leftist Democrats, including the mainstream media--are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four.

P.S. Note, as usual (which applies to the previoius article as well, where if left this note off), that the above article was neither proofread nor spell checked, due to my bad eyesight (and lack of getting paid for this, which does not make it worthwhile to put in the time and effort necessary to get around my eyesight problem).

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