Monday, February 14, 2011

Illegal Immigration Deception: Obama, Jobas, the ACLU and the AFL-CIO (Mexico, a Failed Country

For more than four years, this blog has been--accurately--referring to Mexico as a "failed country". My specialty is foresight, rather than hindsight. I spotted the disintegration in Mexico well before it was obvious to everyone--even as John McCain was still pandering to the "hispanic vote" (didn't help him, did it?).

You know the sotry by now. After New Year's, the story in El Paso was that our sister city--Juarez, Mexico, literally a stone's throw from El Paso across the Rio Grande--has (impossibly) gotten WORSE. There were more than 3,000 murders in Juarez in 2010, UP from more than 2,5000 in 2009. Juarez is the most dangerous large city in the world.

Last week's horror story (a repeat of a number of similar instances over the past few years) was about a massacre at a bar in Juarez, where at least 8 people were killed, including six or so women (leaving the questioin of why there were so many women there, or else why such a large proportion of the women there were killed). In the day or so after that, there was news of a similar massacre in Mexico's second largest city (Juadalajara, I think). Things are NOT getting better. Mexico is truly a failed country. At the same time, there was news of the upholding of a Federal jury verdict against an Arizona rancher for "assault" (threatening with a gun) on several illegal immigrant trespassers on his ranch--seemingly another example of how we are trying to make it imossible for people along the Arizona border to defend themselves. No, I don't even believe that verdict. We have truly gone insane to allow that kind of case to even go to a jury. No illegal immigrant, by the way, was shot or injured.

But the above is only the introduction to the news last week that proved this blog right about one of the DECEPTIONS of pro-illegal immigration proponents. That is the triple deception that it is impossible to do anything about illegal immigrants in this country; that what we should really be doing is punishing employers; and that illegal immigrants only take jobs that Americans will not take. I exposed this deception long ago, but I was again PROVEWN right last week--as I am proven right time after time, IN FORESIGHTG.

The news last week was about a "new" tactic in stopping illegal immigrants from using false Social Security numbers to take American jobs. The Obama Administration did an "audit" of an employer (a Mexican food chain, I believe) where the "I-9", and other paperwork, provided to the Federal Government (such as Social Security withholding reports) DID NOT MATCH for a number of employeres. The result was that a number of employees proved to be ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, and lost their job. The employer reported NO shortage of workers, and that there were more than enough "Americans" willing to take the jobs (paying more than minimum wage--if not a lot more--WITH HEALTH BENEFITS and retirement benefits). The "news" was that this was a "new" tactic by the authorities, replacing the "workplace raids"--with those pictures of sobbing women being dragged away to be deported, along with stories of their poor children being left motherless and fatherless (presumably because the children would not be going with their parents to Mexico, or whereever, even though that is wherew the children would have been had their parents not acted illegally), or stories about sobbing children being deported (ditto).

Noope. This is NOT "new". YEARS AGO, this blog told you that we have the ability to STOP iillegal immigrants from holding almost any decent job in this country. How? We already MATCH names and Social Security numbers of employuees for whom Social Security amounts are withheld by employers and transmitted to the Federal Government as payroll taxes. After all, the government HAS to try to allocate wages to keelp a Social Security record on people. My brother was co-owner of a trucking company, and would even receive letters from the government telling him about DISCREPANCIES between names and Social Security numbers (as did Meg Whitman).

You can see--as I told you YEARS AGO--that it should be amost impossible (short of actual identity theft, and often even then) for a person to use a false Social Security number in this country. We KNOW about it. Problem? The Federal Government has DONE NOTHING effective to enforce the law. As the Meg Whitman incident shows, the Federal Government has merely sent out AMBIGUOUS letters suggesting a check of records, or that the discrepancy be looked inot, without any follow-lup or mandatory report of action to verify the Social Security number (or otherwise resolve the discrepancy). This should be EASY, but we don't have the WILL to enforce our laws and stop illegal stealing of American jobs. No, businesses themselves are not anxious to have this done--not because they are worried about government fines, but because they LIKE illegal immigrants holding down American wages. This emplooyer, for example, has more than enough applications for jobs, but if illegal immigrants were not competing with American citizens, might not the employer have to RAISE WAGES at some point? Of course.

This brings us to the BETRAYAL of American workers by the AFL-CIO (and ACLU, but everyone would expect it from the anti-American ACLU). The Bush Administration--near the end--actually proposed doing something EFFECTIVE about these discrepancies between names and Social Security numbers. The Bush Administration proposed new regulations to FINE employers for not acting on a letter notifying the employer of a discrepancy--acting in such a way as to resolve the discrepancy. Letters were prepared and ready to go out. They did not go out. Why not? Because there was a HOWL about how the government was going to give employers a reason to discriminate against Hispanics. But that was not the reason the letters did not go out.

The AFL-CIO and the ACLU sued in San Francisco for an INJUNCTION preventing the letters from going out, and a San Francisco Federal Judge (predictably) stopped the regulations in their tracks. How can you betray American workers worse than that? You can't, and the membership of the AFL-CIO should have revolted. It is no credit to them that they did not--indicationg that the people of Egypt have more spine.

"Wait a second," you say. "Skip, you sould be HAPPY. The Obama Administration is finally acting on your suggestion, even if the Bush Administration was blocked, and the left is unwilling to take on the Obama Administration as vigorously as they did the Bush Administration."

You are a fool, aren't you? The left has always DEMONIZED employers--as they demonized Meg Whitman. They have ALWAYS blamed employers--especailly big business--for hiring illegal immigrants, while the left does everything it can to avoid real enforcement of the law. How can this be?

Easy. What the let wants, and both the Obama and Clinton Administrations have done, is a FEW HIGH PROFILE hand slaps to be given to employers, without any real impact on either illegal immigration or illegal employment. That is why THIS EMPLOYER gave a comment that these workers will merely go down the street and get another job (no "workplace raid" meaning that no one gets deported). There is no "message" here to employers in general that they need to resolve Social Security discrepancies, or face painful cost, or that they need to make an effort not to hire illegal immigrants (by verifying the match between name and Social Seucrity number using the "e-verify" system). The messsage is exactly the opposite.

Look at the advantages the Obama Administration--and the left--get from the actual approach of TARGETING ISOLATED EMPLOYERS. You get splashy "news" stories which suggest you are "doing something" about illegal employment, when you know you are not doing anything--and don't intend to do anything--to truly and EFFECTIVELY discourage illegal immigration or illegal employment. Look at what would happen if you gave employers the message--as the Bush Administration proposed to do--that employers HAD to act. The left would be up in arms, as they were when the Bush Administration haf-heartedly tried to act effectively. Further, the EMPLOYERS would be the ones policing the hiring and firing, and the government would not get credit for each and every "audit" that seems to "save" American jobs. Sure, the government MIGHT get some credit from some people for acting EFFECTIVELY, if the government really forced employers to verify Social Security numbers, but it would be an "iffy" thing (whether you get credit) from a politician's point of view. But you KNOW you will get flak from the left, and that you will "endanger" what you believe is the "Hispanic vote".

Nope. The situation has not changed. The whole issue of illegal immigration--from the left, the mainstream media and the Obama Administration--is "all deception, all of the time". The American people are forcing an APPEARANCE of action, but these people are doing their berst to make sure there is no EFFECTIVE action.

P.S. Note, as usual, that the above has neither been proofread nor spell checked (my eyesight making that much too time consuming--not to mention ineffective), unless this note is deleted. No, I have not forgotten I have promised the article titled: "Obama attacks the First Amendment: CNN, The Liar Netwrk, lies again." I will get to it, but this article seemed more important. And my comments on Egypt will likely follow before I get to the other, promised article. CNN , "The Liar Network" as well as "The Hypocritical Network", will be featured in one or more of the articles on Egypt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish more people like you were around that can actually see what is going on and wanting to do something... too many people are to busy glued to the tv and dont get involved with politics. Unfortunatelly we the decendants of the countrys forfathers as a whole dont stack up to the men that they where.