Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yahoo: Boycott Yahoo (a PARTISAN Supporter of Homosexual Marriage)

Present headline FEATURED on Yahoo "News" (propaganda), as featured on the "welcome" page of my Uverse service; "Government drops defense of anti-gay-marriage law." (the Yahoo headline coming from a story from the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (always use complete, official name in inittial reference).

You will note that the headline (and probably the story, knowing the terrible, partisan, leftist AP) LIES. For an ACCURATE, if harshly critical, picture of what is going on, see the previous article in this blog.

It is absurd to refer to the "Defense of Marriage Act" as an "anti-gay-marriage" law. In fact, Bill Clinton signed the Act, and the desicable "establishment" Repubicans and many Democrats supported the law, to STOP the threatened Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman. The idea of the law was to leave the question up to each individual state, but to pass a law that a state like Texas would not be FORCED to honor homosexual marriages entered into in a state like Massachusetts. See my previous article abut ow this was a FRAUD and DECEPTION, designed to protect politicans politically while giving people a false idea that politicans were protecting the insitution of marriage for those states which wanted to protect it--a "state's rights" law!!!!!

There is simply no way this was an "anti-gay-marriage" law. But Yahoo "News" and the despicable AP are not interested in FACTS. They are intey are interested in PROPAGANDA. They are PARTISAN political organizxations which are an arm of the Democratic Party (the LEFTIST part of the Democratic Party).

BOYCOTT YAHOO> See my previous article today. As stated, I have written many more than 20 articles about the disgraceful propaganda generated by Yahoo "News", which uses NO conservative or neutral sources as to its FEATUREWD articles (using, almost exclusively, the worst articles of the terrible AP).

You need to realize that, if you fail to boycott Yahoo, you are endorsing political propaganda falsely disguised as "news" ("neutral" yet). No, I am not violating my own advice. I DO boycott Yahoo, except for the SACRIFICE I make in leaving the Uverse "welcome" page as my default page when I gon online. I vist Yahoo for NO other purpose, and don't otherwise advance Yahoo by word or deed. But I can't write these articles unless I continue to now just how bad Yahoo "News" is.

Foresight again: Yes, I said the SAME thing back when I used AOL (dial up) as my internet provider. AOL "News" is fully as bad as Yahoo. Until I changed away from AOL, and totally put my own advice into effect, I advocated a BOYCOTT of AOL--telling you, accurately, that I was SACRIFICING in the interest of spreading the truth. I said I would stay on AOL, as such a sacrifice (AOL not even being a good internet provider), until the last person haed left AOL. I promised to turn the lights out. I almost kept tmy promise, but quit AOL when AOL terminated AOL Journals. Foresight? AOL, just in the past week or two, has annouonced a "deal" with opportunist leftist Arianna Huffington (who once posed as a CONSERVATIVE darling to try to become frist lady of California). Yes, my assertion that AOL is an instrument of leftist propaganda has been PROVEN--although I long ago proved it myself--by an event even a little beyond my own imagination.

P.S. Note, again, that the above has been neither proofread nor spell checked (eyesight).

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