Saturday, February 19, 2011

CNN, The Liar Network: This Week's Big Lie

CNN is a PARTISAN (fully as much as MSNBC, just more subtle) exponent of the Orwellian Big Lie. And I heard a continuing one this Saturday morning that drove me ballistic.

You should have realized by now that CNN has bought completely into the Obama/Democrat storyline (more plausibly the cause of the Giffords shooting than the Tea Party, althoujgh nothing is really plausible other than lone nuts sometimes kill people) that the Republican government of Arizona is an evil, racist government. CNN has even been pushing the idea that ARIZONA (rather than ObamaCare) is responsible for no STATE funding of some VERY expensive medical treatment under Medicaid (organ transplants, etc.). What CNN has FAILED to do is explain how it can help raise more money for HAITI than the money to fund ALL of these "sob story" operations. Bill Gates or Warren Buffet alone-not to mention several other rich leftists in Hollywood and elsewhere --could easily pay f the entire amount CNN is talkig about--for any truly INDICATED In terms of likely outcome) medical procedures. But we know the people of CNN are partisan hypocrites, and therefore Arizona gets all of the grief for the type of budget cutbacks being forced in many states (and TO BE FORECED IN THE FUTURE because Medicaid under ObamaCare threatens to bankrupt the states). This particular partisan hypocrisy and lie (the lie being that there is something particularly terrible about Arizona making choices as to what the STATE can afford to fund--which does not prevent money being raised elsewhere for WORTHY medical procedures). is by way of an aside. It is not the CNN Big Lie of the week, although that Big Lie involves Arizona.

Today--Saturday--a CNN host had on the governor of Montana (Democrat), who happens to be defying the Federal Government on WOLVES (I kid you not) The state of Montana has evidently passed a law, or developed a policy, that EXCESS wolves in the state can be SHOT--including when livestock are being killed and /or threatened. What does this have to do with Arizona? Wait for it. This is the Orwellian Big Lie that CNN has been pursuing ever since Obama attacked the Arizona illegal immigration law (one of the lies/hypocrises of CNN being that it refuse to use "illegal immigration" or "illegal immigrants").

What do Arizona and Montana have in common? Obviously, it is that they have both DEFIED OBAMA. This is sacrilege to CNN, even though the hypocrites at CNN are never going to savage a Democratic governor the way they will a Republican. So the CNN host asked: "Don't you have the same problem as the Arizona immigration la: that you are telling local authorities/people to IGNORE Federal law." Forget the answer. Do you see the Big Lie in the question?

CNN has LIED abut the Arizona immigration law (law addressed at ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION) from the beginning, and continues to do so every chance it gets. Yes, Obama has done the same thing, but that just emphasizes how PARTISAN the liars at CNN are.

Nope. The statement by the CNN host was FALSE--not oblectively true. "Just keeping them honest", as the santimonious and hypocritical Anderson Cooper does NOT do (nota even keeping himself honest). There is simply no way that the Arizona law IGNORED Federal law. Rather, what the Arizona law did was to authorize/direct law enforcement to HELP the Federal Government enforce Federal law. What Arizona said, and is still saying, is that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is "ignoring" Federal law--or at least not successfully enforcing it--and needs help. It is absurd--a CNN Big Lie, and leftist Big Lie--that the Arizoona law CONFLICTS with Federal law (sort of the answer the Montana Democrat gave on wolves)

"Wait a minute, skip. Is not there some question--did not a Federal court decide, now on appeal--about whether Arizona can pass the kind of law it passed." Yes, bison breath (ohnny Carson/Karnak reference), that is true. But it does not change the CNN LIE. The argument--weak, in my view, especially before the law is even allowed to go into effect--is that the Federal Government has preempted the entire area of immigration law: that no state can pass a law that even supports the Federal immigration laws, because the Federal Government has so occupied the whole area that the Federal Government is responsible for ALL enforcement of immigration laws. Even that is a dihonest and hypcritical argument, because the Federal lGovernment routinely REQUESTS local cooperation as far a criminal illegal immigrants are concerned.

Still, it is an ARGUABLE position that the Federal Government has so preempted the entire area of immigration law and enforcement that no state law even tying to HELP the enforcement of the Federal laws can be valid. "Hogwash" is my response to this assertion, but it is ARGUABLE (not ridiculous). What is NOT even arguable is the CNN Big Lie that Arizona IGNORED and openly flouted Federal law. That assertion remains absurd, and an objective LIE. Arizona merely asserted that it could HELP the Federal Government enforce its immigration laws. Arizona did NOT assert the "right" to DEPORT anyone. Arizonaa merely asserted the right to DETAIN people FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO DEPORT.

Yes, CNN truly is The Liar Network, and it proves it every single day. The above represents this week's most obvious example of the partisan lies CNN keeps telling about Arizona.

Yes, my heading is somewhat misleading. The continuing Big Lies on the FACTS of the Arizona illegal immigration law are a big deal. But they are, in a sense, "old news". This is not a NEW Big Lie. But it is so blatant that it deserves highlighting. This week's relatively new Big Lie is the idea that REPUBLICANS are "threatening" to shut down the government (like Obama, the DNC, and public employee unions are UNDEMOCRATICALLY doing in Wisconsin). Again, this is a PARTISAN Big Lie, which is objectively false and requires a massive Big Lie of omission. That Big Lie, which might be regarded as the real CNN Big Lie of the week, is the subject of the next article (unless something intervenes). Yep, I am about to call--accurately--Gloria Bolger (sp.?) a liar.

P.S. Note, as usual, that the above, due to my bad eyesight, has been neither proofread nor spell checked.

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