Monday, February 28, 2011

Pediatricians: You Are a Kook If You Are a Pediatrician (CNN People Appear as Guest Kooks)

This is a return of my "you are a kook if:" series. You might question my inclusion of ALL pediatricians in this--accurate--category, when this article has been triggered by the actions of less than all of them. However, and with more justification, I am simply using the "guilt by association" standards, and vicious hyperbole, of the Pima Country Sheriff, the mainstream media and leftist Democrats. I like those standards because it eliminates the need to try to identify the exact culprits. If any pediatrician does something kooky, then they all must be kooks.

This arises from a CNN (The Liar Network and kooks all) story, and was predictably not challegned by either of the CNN "reporters". Some group of pediatricians put out an announcement for parents (who should avoid any pediatrician belonging to this group like the plague) advising them NOT to give painkillers/fever reducers (Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, etc.) to children with a fever (except under limited circumstances).

Reason? Well, the reason only makes sense to KOOKS. The reason evidently was that this group of pediatricians believes that fever is the body's way of fighting disease (more accurately, it is the RESULT of the body fighting a virus), and that yo parents should not interfere with the body's natural defenses (perhaps concealing whether there is a major problem, other than a "simple" virus like a cold).

Let us go back a month or so, when I took fever reducers. WHY did I do that? Was it because I thought they would HELP me get over my fever? Not a chance. It is because I had BODY ACHES. I COULD NOT SLEEP. I felt TERRIBLE. I took the fever reducers, and I COULD SLEEP. My body aches pretty much disappeared. I FELT BETTER.

Now let us go to these pediatricians. What are they telling mothers (and CNN ignored this completely)? They are telling mothers (and fathers) to IGNORE THEIR CH:ILD'S SUFFERING because fever reducers will not help the body fight the viruss. Say what? WHO CARES? Am I willing to make my children SUFFER what I was unwilling to suffer (that is, was I wlling to do that when my children were still young)? Not a chance. And no, I don't care if it might delay (a little) recovery (I am not convinced of tis) or that it might mask (somewhat) the seriousness of whatever disease is involved.

Nope. If CNN accurately reported the reasons (always doubtful), this is stupid. You ARE a kook if:

165. You are a pediatrician.

166. You believe that people take fever reducers, or give them to their children, because they think it helps defeat the virus.

167. You beliieve most parents are going to sti by and let their children SUFFER with syptoms that could be relieved with a simple fever reducer, any more than I was willing to endure a fever (and associated difficulties) when I did not have to so endure it (I tried for awhile)>

Note that I am leaving out questions like whether SOME children may be subject to SEWIZURES (as my nurse mother suggested) caused by fever spikes in pretty normal illnesses. I don't care to debate pediatricians on that kind of thing. It does not matter. They are KOOKS, whether or not they are "right' medically (in some limited sense, since it is absurd to suggest that there is something seriously wrong with giving fever reducers to children--abstent much worse consequences than suggested by CNN).

My only question: Are modern pediatricians TAUGHT to be this stupid, or does it just come naturally to them? No, I don't have any question as to CNN "journalists", and "journalists" in general. For them, there is no doubt that this kind of INCURIOIUS acceptance of the advice of kooks comes naturally to them. It is only when they have an agenda that they ask "tough" questions, and even then they are not interested in actual INFORMATION (see Michale Crichton's "Airframe" for the best, if fictional, picture of this I have ever encountered).

1 comment:

Don Antonino said...

The reason for this is because in certain circumstances, Reye's syndrome can be instigated by taking antipyrogenics.