Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Somali Pirates, Barbary Pirates, Muslim Intolerance and CNN Lies (plus anti-Christian Bigotry)

Yes, this is a wide ranging article about the killing of four Americans by Somali pirates, after the pirates hijacked their yacht.

First, why are there still any Somali pirates? One of the first successful military actions of the new United States of America was the destruction of the Barbary pirates at the beginning of the 19th Century. That is where the Marine Hymn (or whatever the official name is) gets the words: "...to the shores of Tripoli." Have we really deteriorated so far as a nation since the beginning of the f19th Century? It is not like everyone does not know about the Somali pirates. Remember that heroic boat captain? What you may not remember--because no one watches CNN--is the CHARACTER ASSASSINATINO of that boat captain by the sanctimonious, despicable Anderson Cooper. CNN has a hstory of reporting BADLY on the Somali pirates--or rather NOT reporting on the important things abut the Somali pirats, such as why we have not eradicated them. Well, CNN would follow that distinguished tradition of evil (official name of CNN: "CNN, The Evil, Anti-American Network", with the nickname of "The Liar Network") in its reporting on today's (Tuesday) killing of these four Americans.

Segue to Google. Search "Somalia", Islamic", "extremists". The first two articles I came up with were titled: "Somalia's Rising Tide of Extremism", and "Islamic Extremists Execute Young Convert"--the reference i this last article being to CHRISTIAN converts. It turns out that trying to convert Muslims to Christianity is--in practice--a capital crime in Somalia. Indeed, active practice by Christians of their faith, and especicially actively trying to convert Muslims, is effectively a crime in ALL Muslim dominated countries--INCLUDING the "moderate", "secular" ones. I may be libeeling one or two small Msslim countries, but no more than that. As I have said repeatedly, the religion of Islam--AS PRACTICED IN THE WORLD TODAY--is the mot INTOLERANT of the world's religion. And that goes way beyond al-Qaida. Further, it is a disgrace that more of our politicians and media people do not say so. Think of what they say about mere disparaging WORDS abut Islam (such as this article), while saying nothing about persistent PERSECUTION of minority Christians wherever Muslims are the majority. Nope, this is NOT "acceptable", and Muslims should not be excused from being labeled "intolerant" by a mixtgure of political correctness and anti-American and anti-Christian sentiment by our mainstream media and leftists.

Back to CNN and those Somali pirates. The bodies of the four dead Americans were probably not yet cold when I saw Kyra Phillips' show on CNN. Kyra Phillips, by the way, is a desicable human being, as I have had occasion to show previously in this blog as early as 2008). What was the nature of the discussion between Phillips and the CNN correspondent? No, I can't make this up. I will give you a hint.

Go back to the Ft. Hood shooter (a Muslim extremist inspired by other Muslim extremists in Yemen). Go back to the Detroit Christmas bomber. Go back to the atempted car bombing of Times Square. What was the FIRST reaction of CNN to ALL of those events--every one of which was conducted by a Muslim extremist connected to other Muslim extremists? Oh, come on. You know this one. The frist reaction of CNN to ALL of these events was to DENY that each event was caused by Muslim extremists--instead asserting that the evidence was that the terrorist was a Lone nut" rather than someone who could be blamed on Islamic extremism. CNN has EARNED the nickname of "The Liar Network".

Okay. This Tuesday, before the American bodies were even cold, CNN was talking about how the fur dead Americans had been travelling around the world distributing Bibles and talking about God and their religion. So far, so good, but we are abuot to enter the Twilight Zone of the fantasy, agenda world of CNN. Any relationship between the fantasy world of CNN and the real world is purely coincidental.

Even though the couple whoo owned the yacht were travelling the world distributing Bibles and spreading the Word of God, CNN hastened to say that they were not "pushing" Christianity". Say what? Was CNN really saying that this couple were only distributing Bibles to people who were ALREADY CHRISTIANS? Evidently so, because the CNN people solemnly assured us that they were going around the world sharing their views with OTHER CHRISTIANS. CNN lies, even when you may not immediately see the motive (as I did, knowing the anti-Christian bigotry of CNN, as evidenced by the prominence CNN has given noted anti-Christian bigot Bill Maher).

As farr as CNN is concerned, "pushing" Christianity to Mulsims would make these people BAD PEOPLE (trust me, I assure you this is true). CNN--at least for now--did not want to cast aspersions on people whose bodies were not even yet cold. Thus, CNN refused to convict them of the CRIME (from the point of view of CNN) of trying to spread Christianity bo people who were Muslims, or did not otherwise already believe in it. Yet, as other news outlets sid, there was no doubt that this couple were trying to at least gently (not aggressively) spread their religion around the world. Is it a (literal) CIMRE to distribute Bibles in Saudi Arabia? I am sure it is, if you distribut them publiccly, or to Muslims. If you disregard the pejorative, anti-Christian "pushing", of course this couple was trying to spread their view of Christianity around the world. I hate to think what would happen to them in IRAN. But, as stated, there is NO Muslim countgry of any significance that would regard the seeking of Christian converts among Muslims with tolerance. Yet, THERE IS NOTHING WORNG WITH IT, and it is a matter of freedom of religion. That is a fact we should be pressing upon Islam--not that they should be Christian, but that they should be TOLERANT of other faiths. But CNN was not interested in telling the truth, and the lies had only begun.

Phillips and her correspondent went on to assure us that these murders had nothing to do with religion, and that the Somali pirates are not Islamic extremists. Remember that CNN had NO information abut why the four Americans were killed, except that the terrorists had shot them on their hijacked boat. Yes, this is a CNN LIE, because CNN had no way of knoing whether the killings had anything to do with religion or not.

But CNN assured us that the Somali pirates are not "Islamic extrtemists". Yes, it is true that the Somali pirates are interested in money more than religion, to all appearances. BUT, does that mean that the pirates had not been converted to an extreme form of Islam, even if that might appear to conflict with them being pirates? I see no reason why individual Somali pirates, or even a mass of them, could not regard themselves as converts to an extreme version of Islam. Further, were not these pirates likely MUSLIMS? You will never know from CNN, because byou hardly ever heard from CNN--especailly in the beginning--that the Ft. Hood shooter was a Muslim. CNN is tThe Liar Network, where agenda is all. Truth has nothing to do with it. Look at that second paragraph above, with those headlines. In Somalia, it has been regarded as a crime punishable by death to try to CONVERT Muslims.

These four Americans were travelling around with BIBLES. They further were obviusly very religiious Christians, although there is n reason to regard them as "extreme" fanatics. What if they said something that angered the Somali pirates because of its Christian content? What if the pirates did not LIKE the Bibles the four Americans were carrying? How could CNN possibly KNOW that these murders had nothing to do with religion? Answer: CNN could NOT know/. CNN was simply telling a LIE because of the CNN agenda.

No, I don't know that the Somali pirates cared anything about religioin, or that the murders had anything to do with religion. But I do know that it is entirely possible that religion DID enter into it somewhwere. No, I would NOT have specualted on that. I would try to find out the facts, INCLUDING the facts on whether the obvious Christianity of the four Americans had anything to do with their death. I would also be interested in the FACTS about why we have not done more about getting rid of the Somali pirates. "Islamic extreists" or not, they are dangerous CRIMINALS--as bad as the old Barbary pirates. But CNN is not interested in discovering real facts and discussing real issues. CNN is interested only in agenda, and routinely tells lies in furtherance of agenda. No, it does not matter if CNN turns out ultimately to be right--that these killings were unrelated to religion. The CNN report was still a tissue of LIES for the purposes I have described above.

Now my older daughter--a lawyer in Boston--should work for CNN. What was HER reaction? Her reaction to this killing of four Americans by pirates--my daughter being a typical leftist--was that te four Americans should not have been where they were--where everyone knows that Somali pirates are operatiing--and that you have to have some sympthy for these BOYS trkying to get money the only way they know how. Now I agree that no Christian missionary should be stupid enough to be preaching Christianity in, for example, IRAN. But that does not make Iran, and the other intolerant Muslims, RIGHT. In fact, it makes them wrong. And what about the early Christians, who refused to give up the open advocacy of their religion even when told they were going to be eaten by LIONS unless they renounced their faith (the onld Roman Empire). Is it not only that our country has deteriorated since the 19th Century, but that Christians have deteriorated over the past 2000 years (almost)?

You think that CNN will never go so far as my older daughter, and BLAME this incident on the Americans (my older daughter going so far as to say that we shlould not even have attempted to rescue the stupid Americans)? Think again. As stated above, Anderson Cooper attempted to CRUCIFY the heroic captain who had fought off Somali pirates, because the captain had allegedly steered too close to the danger zone. I saw it: the truly despicable Coop[er gave thepoor captain the third degree because Cooper insisted that the captain admit that he had exposed his ship to danger and hijacking. It was one of the most disgraceful performances I have ever seen from a "journalist", as Cooper seemed to be like my daughter: accepting the idea that the Somali pirates had a RIGHT to scare shipping away from the area they seem to control. Nope. The sanctimonious Cooper is NOT excused because members of the captain's crew were suing to obtain MONEY from the shipping company. If you think that justifies giving a hero a media Kangaroo Court "hearing", then I am sorry for you. For me, Anderson Cooper, and basically all of the people of CNN, are some of the most despicalbe people living on this Earth--excluing only people like the Somali pirates and Islamic extremists.

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