Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wisconsin, Obama, Democrats and the Tea Party: Shutting Down the Government and "Villifying" a Group

Am I good or what? I told you in last night's article that the correct way to look at Wisconsin is that public employee unions, and leftist Democrats, are trying to SHUT DOWN the government---or at least parts of it. And I told you that these people, and the mainstream media, are the worst hypocrites who have ever walked the Earth because of the way they have VILLILEFIED the Tea Party, while now saying that this kind of protest is justified because the government of Wisconsin (Republicans) are NOT LISTENING to the protestors or allowing leftist Democrats a significant say in legislation (accusing Republicans of trying to "ram" legislation through). ObamaCare anyone?

Look at today's news. Now the Democrats in the Wisconsin Senate have deliberately SHUT DOWN the Seante by UNDEMOCRATIC means--fleeing the city to prevent a quorum. Remember what Democrats, including Obama (who has gratuitously taken sides in Wisconsin in favor of shutting down the government) have accused Republicans in Washimgtpm pf wamtomg tp sjt dpwm tje gpverm,emt becasie Republicans merely want to vote for spending cuts. It is obviously DEMOCRATS who want to sht down the government when they don't have the votes to get what they want. Ineed, this tactic by Wisconsin Senators repeats a tactic used by Texas DEMOCRATS (Texas Democrats in the Texas Senate) to deny a quorum. The Texas Democrats hid from law enforcement in anothr state for many days in a direct vioilation of their oath, in frustration of the democratic process. Will the mainstream media note the hypocrisy here, and CONDEMN this deliberate SHUT DOWN of government by UNDEMOCRATIC means? The governor of Wisconsin has noted he may have to cal out the National Guard to run the prisons if prison guards refuse to perform their duties. Of course, more schools across the state are closed today, as public employee unions/Democrats continue their deliberate SHUT DOWN of government.

You can cut the ypocrisy with a knife. Both the Obama Secretary of Labor and Obaama himself (repeating his implicit CONDEMNATION of CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the mainstream media for trying to "blame" the Twa Party for the shooting of Gabby Fiffords) came out with statements today saying how WRONG it is to "villify" groups of people (the public employee unions shutting down the government--or parts of it--in Wisconsin) for merely exercising their rights.

Can you get any more hypocritical than to VILLIFY (not President Obama, since he could rely on surrogates to do it, inclulding his surrogates in the mainstream media) the Tea Party for their ANGER and vigorous protests? Then you APPLUAD the "anger" of the public employees, and talk about how "upset" they are that the politicians are not listening to them? And the Tea Party peole NEVER sht down government or violated any law in any substantial numbers.

QE.D. These--leftist Democrats, including the mainstream media--are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four.

P.S. Note, as usual, that the above has neither been proofread nor spell checked, because of my bad eyesight, so long as this note remains.

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