Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gloria Borger, Arrogant Liar and Hypocrite on The Liar Network: Three Strikes and You Are Out

See my articles over the past week--two of which have referenced PARTISAN PROPAGANDIST Gloria Borger of CNN (The Liar Network). This is the third, and last, time I am going to refer to Gloria Borger. As with so many others at CNN, she has "retired the trophy" for partisan dishonestry, and I don't intend to mention her name again (absent a Khadafi moment on her part--all too likely).

What is the latest outrage by the desibable Borger? Well, she wrote an article on basically calling Repbublicans who BORGER blames for threatening to "shut down" the government "arrogant". I know this not because I read the article, but because I saw the article promoted and described on the broadcast CNN network by Borger and a sycophantic CNN host--The Liar Network at work.

See my previous article this week, also referencing Borger, about the CORRECT analysis of "blame" for any government shutdown. Yes, I SAW Borger before that previous article, and she mentioned NO ONE potentially to blame other than Republicans. It is clear that when she refers to an ARROGANT refusal to "compromise", Borger is referring to Republicans. However, on the "promo" piece I saw on CNN for her article, she did make an obvious effort to reference that "voters" (Borger) wanted "both parties" to "compromise" and get things done. See my previiys article as to the FACTS as to what Democrats (and probably establishment Republicans) regard as "compromise" (which means "running out the clock" with endless "extensions" of last year's budget).

I do not intend to rehash my previous article. You can refer to that article as to basic facts making Borger a LIAR (which she is-a partisan liar). But why do I call her ARROGANT?

Come on. You knnow this one. Borger spent most of her three minutes talking about what American voters "want" people in Congress to do. How ARROGANT can you get. Who appointed Gloria Borger as "spokesman" for the American voter? Borger has shown NO ability to plug in to the mind and soul of the American voter. Exactly the opposite is true. Borger has hown herself to be a POLITICAL HACK who knows nothing but agenda. And she and the CNN (The Liar Network) host sat there talking about how the voters in November had not really voted "for Republicans", or endoresed Republican ideas, but had merely sent them to Wash;ington to seek COMPROMISE.

How does CNN know that voters did not vote "for' Republicans, especailly on SPENDING? Sure, you can assume votrers were angry with Democrats. But one of the areas they were angry was over SPENDING. What is the evidence that voters wanted POLITICS AS USUAL on spending--where ARROGANT politicians TALK about spending cuts with no intention of doing anything about it? How ARROGANT is it for Bolger to talk about how SOME people (NOT the partisans at CNN--my translatioin of his) thought Obama had "overreached", but that was obviously what the Repubicans were now doing. What about the idea that this is what Repubicans were ELECTED to do--at least what they PROMISED they would do. How ARROGANT is it for Gloria Bolger to assume that voters were not really listening to what Republicans said they would do? It is arrogant as helll, and PARTISAN as hell.

Yes, where was Bolger talking about ARROGANCE in the way Obama rammed through bouth the "stimulus" bill and the health care bill, with no "compromise" at all. Where was Bolger when Democrats deliberatedly delayed a vote on the second half of the previious year's spending bill, and then rammed through an "omnibus spending bill" adding hundreds of billions of dollars of PORK (including earmarks)?

Where is Bolger talking about the ARROGANCE of state senators in Wisconsin ignoring their legal responsibility by walking out on their job. Where is Bolger talking about the ARROGANCE of Democrats in Indiana also walking out on their job. Where is Bolger talking about the ARROGANCE of subverting the "voters" by simply refusing to take part in the Democratic process? Where is Bolger talking aobout the ARROGANCE of Barack Obama DIRECTING his attorney general to violate his oath and not defend a Federal law (the "Defense of Marriage Act"")?

Nope. Gloria Bolger is a tyupical arrogant leftist who believes "compromise" is to arrive at where leftists want to be (the Soviet style: "What is ours is ours; what is yours we netotiate"). That is true ARROGANCE--when you can't even see the other side, or pretend not to be able to. In this case, I believe Bolger is stupid enough that she may not really even see the other side. That is REAL ARROGANCE: when you are so closed minded that you don't even have any idea of where the other side is coming from.

And what about the demonstrated Democrat ARROGANCE in assuming that the American people will automatically blame Repubicans for any government shut down, even if Republicans are not to blame? That is not only ARROGANCE, but it is insulting to the American voter (who Democrats feel is a truly stupid individual). And WHO are Democrats relying upon for their obvious scare tactic and EXTORTION tactic of putting blame on Repubicans, whether they are to blame or not? Right. They are relying upon CNN, Gloria Borger and the mainstream media.

Three strikes and you are out. Globria Borger, you are OUT. (Visualize an umpire holding up his thumb with the "out" sign at this point.) No, I can't take the sacrifice anymore, even for materil for this blog. Not only has Gloria Borger retired the "arrogant liar" trophy again--followiing int he footsteps of numbers CNN people--but I can no longer stomach listening to her. This is another reason you are likely not to see her name again in this bvlog. I only SURF CNN (30 or 60 seconds at a time, and not more than a few minutes a day--sthowing how bad they are since I get all of this material from that brief exposure) CNN, and I have no iintention of staying put to even hear 30 seconds of what Borger says from now on. It is not worth hearing, and not worth the agony for more material. Borger has STRUCXK OUT, and--as far as I am concerned--she will not come up to bat ever again.

Is it a waste of tie for me to even surf CNN, even for material? After all, as my brother points out, NO ONE WATCHES CNN. As I have told my brother, CNN often has a lesser rating than could be expected of a test pattern. Indeed, that is why I usually--with exceptions--do not bother to talk about the even less watched--and even more partisan--MSNBC. But my eyesight makes it more difficult for me to read AP stories. I used to us the "Anti-American,m Despicable Associated Press" as a stand-in for all mainstream journaism. I have written more articles about the AP than any person alive during the past 7 years--with detailed analysis of AP stories. However, my poor eyesight has made it difficult for me to read AP stories on Yahoo (BOYCOTT YAHOO), and it is easier now for me to get my sense of lefits thought from an AUDIO source. That is why I am now again surfing CNN--after previously boycotting it as all of the rest of you are already instinctivelyl ding. Basically, all left wing thought today is the same. There is no need to get it fro multiple sources. However, with my eyesight, I am gravitating towardy using CNN as my major source of AUDIO information on leftist thinking. That is my explanation as to why you are hearing more from me about CNN. In the past, I have looked at CNN during elections, and when I am sort of taking a survey of lefitst thought during a major election or news event. That is still partially the case, as the Mideast turmoil and Wisconsin/union controversies have made me curioous about how leftist sources are treating them. But CNN is more and more becoming my new "stand-in" for the whole mainstream media, and for all of leftist thinking (at least the far left "mainstream" of leftist thinking). Therefore, even though my attacks on CNN may seem like using a nuclear bomb on a gnat, you should look at them as attacks on leftist thinking in general--merely using CNN as the conveninet proxy for that thinking.

P.S. Note, as usual, that the above has neither been rppofread nor spell checked (that eyesight tahat has caused me to turn more to CNN as a stand-in for all leftist thinking).

P.P.S. Think of how truly arrogant it is for ANYONE at CNN to assert that they know what the American people want. CNN cannot even get people to WATCH. Fox News is MUCH more successful, and could claim to have a much better idea of what the American people "want" (not that I am endorsing Fox News, which I am not, except it is better than CNN--which is setting the bar REALLY low).

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