Sunday, April 24, 2011

Debt Ceiling and Media Liars (Boycott Yahoo)

I did not want to let this pass, in my role as media monitor. On Thursday, I think., the "Anti-Amrican, Despicable Associated Press" (complete, official name) had this headline featured on Yahoo "News" (my U-Verse default page which I keep as a sacrifice to keep up with these people--boycott Yahoo, which has NO conservative "diversity" in its featured articles):

"Debt Default Would Be Disaster for U.S. Economy"

What is the LIE (yep, I just called the peole of the Associated Press, and Yahoo, LIARS) in that headline--a SCARE headline with not other purpose than political propaganda?

You should know this if you have been reading my articles regularly (and why have you not?). Yes, indeed, it WOULD be an economic "disaster" if we actually defaulted on our debt, and the LIARS of the mainstream media would probably defend the headline that way, if the true lie wsa ever brought to their attention. Isn't the headline true? Not really, in any fundamental way. Because what the hedline INTENDS to say is that failing to raise the debt ceiling will cause a "disaster" to the U.S. economy, and cause us to default on our debt. Absolutely NOT TRUE.

As previously stated in my articles, refusing to raise the debt ceiling does NOT--ojectively, and not a matter of opinion--mean the United States has no money. We still have TWO TRILLION dollars in revenue each year, AND we can keep borrowing so long as we don't raise the NET debt of the United States.

Now, as I have said, it is too much to expect that we can go "cold turkey" and actually learn to "live within our means like a normal family" (Barack Obama--Liar-in-Chief). Even the wimpy Republicans are not proposing to balance the budget for some 20 years or more (not good enough--and what about the HYPOCRISY of callling for a "balanced budget amendment" unless you propose to actually balance the budget).

Therefore, we are going to have to eventually raise the debt ceiling. But "eventually" is the key phrase. NOTHING HAPPENS immediately if we fail to raise the debt ceiling. The government does NOT "shut down". We do NOT have to stop paying the interest on our debt (no automatic default). We simply have to stop NET BORROWING. That means we DEFER non-priority items. We may have to set priorities as to what gets paid and what does not. Social Seucrity and military pay WILL get paid. You say that Obama and the Democrats will not cooperate to set priorities? Well, then, WHO would it be that is willing to cause a disaster to the economy rather than give up on their political goals?

Remember SENATOR OBAMA, who said in 2006 that the obvious PURPOSE of the debt ceiling was to cause us to return to "fiscal responsibility"--the purpose of a canary in a coal mine (my image--not his--although the reasoning is his). Obaama votged against the debt ceiling increase in 2006 for this reason. He now says he has "changed his mind", because he is a liar (his 2006 statement wsa totally POLITICAL, and his present statement is totally political--no principle involved at all).

Obama was right in 21006. The debt ceiling has NO other purpose than to give us an urgent WARNING that we have a government out of control. What Repubicans are now saying is that we should not raise the debt ceiling UNLESS and UNTIL we impose fiscal responsiblity on government spending out of control (setting aside whether TEHY really mean that). They are right, as Obama was in 2006 (even if NONE of them have any principles). Otherwise, we should simply eliminate the debt ceiling. If every attempt to actually enforce the debt ceiling, or its only possible purpose (since we know we do not really mean it), then the debt ceiling has NO PURPOSE.

Yes, if every time we approach another increase of the debt ceiling we face SCARE LIES like that of the despicable AP, and rest of the mainstream media, then we might as well give up--UNLESS we are willing to stand up to the liars and force Obama to stand behind what he correctly said in 2006 (even if he did not mean it).

P.S. Nope. No troofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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