Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trump, Obama and Kenya: Pilgrimage to Obama's Birthplace

Yes, this is true "breaking news". Have you noticed that Donald Trump is apparently willing to face ridicule (especially from the mainstream media, but this blog has labeled such people as "kooks", as to this "issue") by suggesting that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii.? No, I don't follow Trump, who I regard as a kook just for being Trump (You are a kook if--no. 168 in my series: You are Donald Trump). But my older daughter tells me that Trump is a "brither", and that he is even making that a major part of his proposed Presidential campaign (which I don't believe, as it sounds like mainstream media propaganda-it being the mainstream media who wants to make the 2012 election all about whether Obama was, or was not, born in Kenya). Well, the real story can now be told. Donald Trump--who is smart eough to know that he is never going to be President--has an ulterior motive for everything. This blog can now confrim, from our exclusive sources, that Trump has a deal with KENYA--a multmillion dollar deal--for Trump to promote tours (pilgrimages) to Obama's birthplace in Kenya. Trump will accept ridicule in exchange for money . This blog's sources have NOT confirmed that a key feature of the tour will be seeing the actual MANGER in which Barack Obama was born, when there was no room at the Kenyan inn (actually, no innn--perhaps we are talking about the one room hut here in which Obama's destitute half-brother apparently still lives). So, if you are interested in a pilgrimage to Obama's birthplace in Kenya, expect a major promotion in the near future, from this partnership between Kenya and Trump (financed by Kenya, as Trump always uses other people's money, which is why you can believe he will put little of his own money into any Presidential bid). P.S. I know. You may regard it as somewhat inconsistent for me to call it kooky to assert that Obama was not born in Hawaii, and then write this article. But, you have to realize that I have been coming around to the MAINSTREAM MEDIA view--in self-defense, if nothing else--that you should not let the FACTS stand in the way of a "good story" (defined as a story that fits into your agenda). It is no accident that CNN (The Liar Network) sent INVESTIGAOTRS to Alaska to investigate whether Sarah Palin's handicapped baby was really her baby, but has been totally uninterested in actually INVESTIGATING Obama's birth certificate (wich has never, to my knowledge, benn produced--referring to the actual, hospital birth certiificate, and not to the "certificate of live birth" issued by Hawaii, which does NOT contain the informatiion on a full birth certificate with which most of us are familiar). Indeed, it is beginning to worry me that I am also coming around to appreciate Trump's view--obviously--that self-promotion and making money outweigh facts, intelligence and judment. Trump is obviously aware that "journalists" are so beneath contempt today, and so willing to be his accomplices in theater, that there is no way for Trump to be on a LOWER moral plane than "journalists" today It cannot be done. They exist on a moral plane so low that ONLY serial killers and terrorists are lower, and I sometimes wonder about that. See my upcoming article on how CNN (and the rest) are more responsible for DEATH by Muslim extremism, and danger to Americans, than Pastor Jones (nut that he is). P.P.S. Yes, there are several things that give the "birther" story legs, besides the obvious fact that it is a "good story" that appeals to peole who are willing to think badly of Obama--not to mention people who are conspiracy minded. First, you, I and everyone know that CNN, and the entire rest of the mainstream media (including Fox, on this one) have NO INTERST in "investigating" the truth of where Obama was born. I am convinced that "truth" is that Obama wwas born in Hawaii, but I KNOW that the mainstream media will not tell me if the truth is otherwise. By the way, do you realize that Obama may not even KNOW the truth, if there was a consipiracy among his relatives to place the birth in Hawaii. Obama was a new born baby. How would he know? That is why this "conspiracy theory" is MORE PLAUSIBLE than the idea that President Bush conspired in 9/11---an idea that the despicable Associated Press took seriosly enough as real "news" to QUOTE (without dispparoval) the GUGO CHAVEZ government as endorsing). The 9/11 "conspiracy theory" is LEWSS PLUASIBE because you have to be an evil human being yourself to believe that George W. Bush would conspire in the killing of thousands of Americans for political purposes. No, I would not believe that of Obama either. But it does not require that you believe in something that outrageous to believe that Obama's mother and grandparents--plus maybe other relatives--might conspire to trapnsport a Kenyan birth to Hawaii. And where is that birth certificate for Obama (a real, full, HOSPITAL birth certificate)? If a Repubican--see the example of Sarah Palin's baby again--had seen questions raised about his birth certificate, the media would have DEMANDED that the Repubican reveal his birth certificate. The newly elected attorney general of Hawaii (or some such newly elected Democrat) actually promised--falsely, I think, as I have heard nothing further about it-to get to the bottom of the birth certificate situation. Remember, OBAMA could WAIVE his own privacy, and authorize information to be released. Cynic that I am, it seems to me that there may well be reasons Obama does not want a full birth certificate released--although I would continue to doubt that Obama was born in Kenya. DOES a birth certificate really exist? You might well doubt it, or at least suspect it has been lost. The media is uninterested in even investigating this question, and I sometimes see indications that THEY believe a present birth certificate does not exist. This is far from evidence, even if true, that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but you can see how it would FUEL the issue into a full blown forest fire. And a real cynic--like me-might believe that OBAMA would like the 2012 election to be about whether he was born in Kenya, instead of about his disastrous polices. In other words, a real cynic might believe that the main person behind the "birther" movement is: OBAMA. The one certainty is that the mainstream media is not interested in the FACTS on the "issue", as they are not interested in the FACTS on ANYTHING. That makes it virtually impossible to really get rid of the "birther" movement. Why do I dismiss the idea myself? It is because there is NO EVIDENCE that Obama was born anywhere besides Hawaii, and speculatioin based on suspicion is not one of my vices. Secondly, conspiraqcies fall apart. IF Obam'as mother, and her m parents, ALONE managed to get a newborn child into Hawaii, and pass it off as a birth in Hawaii, then you MIGHT get away with that kind of SMALL conspiracy. But you will never prove it, will you? And if there are other people alive who know about this, then I don't believe such a big secret could be kept. And--just as with Bush--it is not Obama's requirement to PROVE he was born in Hawaii beyond all doubt. It is up to people who want to disqualify him as President to PROVE he was not born in Hawaii. I have not seem them come close. Now if Hawaii had refused a "certificatge of birth", that would be another problem. But the idea that people can simply DISPUTE something that has been accepted all of Obama's life is something I reject, in the absence of convincing proof. But, again, Republicans AND conservatives have been LESS open to questioning Obama's birth than the AP, the mainstream media, Michael Moore, and other leftist Democrats were to the truly EVIl conspiracy theory on Bush and 9/11 (the "Truthers"). As I have often stated, these are the worst hypocrites who have ever walked the Earth, on two legs or four. And what about the wequaly EVIL theory that we went to war in Iraq FRO HALLIBURTON. I would go so far as to say that MOST leftists believe this one--if responses to my oown posts are any evidence--and yet there is no evidence for it. Further, it is absurd unless you have a much more negaive view of Cheney and Bush than is conceivable (not to mention more negative than ANY view of Obama, as you don't have to believe Obama is an evil person to believe that relatives may have taken advantage of lax procedures in Hawaii to place Obama's birth where they wanted it to be). P.P.P.S. Nope. No proofreading or spell checking above (eyesight).

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