Thursday, April 21, 2011

LarryKudlow Finds Silver Lining in Illegal Immigration: Economic Fascist to the Bitter End

You will remember that Larry Kudlow, of the truly despicable CNBC, got in trouble for a really insensitive commen--I thinnk saying that the earthquake/tsunami in Japanwas probably GOOD for the world economy and the stock market. You can look up my previous article on the subject if you want to know the details. Now I see Larry Kudlow MAYBE 120 seconds a week (many weeks not at all). Yet, I HEARD him present , WITH APPROVAL, the idea hat increased illegal immigration is a GOOD sign for the economy. Kudlow had to APOLOGIZE for his previous "insensitive" remark. Will he apologize for this one No concern for American workers from Kudlow, right? Yes, the man is bone deep stupid, as well as being an economic fascist.

What? You don't see what Kudlow was saying? Well, that is a very good thing for my view of your intelligence. There is, however, a "rationiale" (and I use the word loosely). Kudlow actually said that illegal immigrants (you know, like animals--rats deserting a ship destined to sink) SENSED the weakening econoomy in the United States BEFORE Wall Street and everyone else, explaining why they suddenly stopped crossing our border in such large numbers. Don't scream at me. Scream at Kudlow. I am just the messenger here. Now Kudlow may well be right about Wall Street, INCLUDING KUDLOW, since those people are the STUPIDEST PEOPLE ON EARTH (except making money taking advantage of other people, and then--with the encouragement of Kudlow--being BAILED OUT when their stupidity is confirmed). Absolute fact--not opinion. If you do not believe that, look at wHEN Wall Street reached all time highs (October of 2007), EXACTLY when the economy was poised to COLLAPSE.

What can you say about Kudlow? The best you can say is that he is consistently stupid. I live on the Mexican border (El Paso). It does not matter how bad the econmy has been here. Mexico is a FAILED country (the headline of article after article I have written since 2006). People are DYING in Mexico (3,000 a year in El Pasos sister city of Juarez--talking MURDERA here). To say that illegal immigration along our southern border is primarily a dIRECT reflection of our economy is beyond stupid. It is getting WORSE daily in Mexico--more than enough reason for people to try to get here. ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH. Sorry. Kudlow does that to me.

Now did our economy have an indirect effect on illegal immigration? Probably so. Our economic woes made it crystal clear that people like KUDLOW, and the AFL-CIO, DO NOT CAARE about AMERICAN workrs. They have other fish to fry. The latest recession has given the final stake through the heart to the ridiculous idea that we NEED illegal immigants and "guest workers" because of a SHORTAGE of American workers. You say that American workers will not do those jobs? Just when I was thinking better of you, you obviously started listening to people like Kudlow. Americans damn well WILL do these jobs, IF the governmnment stops bailing them out (albeit to a lesser esxtent tthan the governnment bailed out Kudlow and his friends). So Farmers and construction companies have to pay a LITTLE more (maybe). Who says that is BAD, besides the totaly clueless Kudlow. And if you want to start telling me about those poor people who won't have such an easy time finding maids and gargeners, then I have to give up on you. You obvioiusly work for CNBC, or another mainstream media outfit. Nope, Kudlow continues to fail my test of competence: I would not vote for him for dogcatcherr of Mt. Ida, Arkansas (the small Arkansas town where I spent most of the first 12 years of my lief).

Did I call Kudlow a Nazi (see headline)? Nope. ECONOMIC FASCISM has nothing to do with Hitler, and preceded Hitler. It has nothing to do with Jews and the Final Solution. Economi fascism is basicallly STATE CAPITALISM--a "partnership" between Big Business and Big Government. Yes, President Obama is an economic fascist. So is Larry Kudlow, except that Kudlow thinks the "partnership" should impose HIS kind of poplicies, rather than Obama's (some overlap, like on bailing out Wall Street). That is, of course, one of the many flaws in economic fascism--besides the basic flaw that it is a CENTRAL PLANNING SYSTEM: The government eventually is the dominant partner, and "business" will not have any real say in that "partnership" (in the end, except, of course, to the extent the business people are PART of the dominant group running the government, which is not a LONG-TERM bet you should make as a businessman).

Economic fascism has been defined as "socialism with a capitalist veneer". That is Obama. That is Obama. Now you have trouble seeing Kudlow as a "socialist", but remember this is all about POWER. Wall Street---including Kudlow--delucdes itself (again) that it has it all "figured out", and that it is now CONGRAOOLLING the government in many ways (including through Ben Bernanke). That makes them stupid (The Stupidest People on Earth). And they are economic fascists, whether they know it or not.

Hey, do you think I can get invited to Kudlow's Christmas Party if I promise to lay off of him a while? Nah, he would not trust me (rightly on this). He onlyl trusts his economic fascist buddies, including people that Wll Street thinks are controlling Obama. I how Kudlow pulls off a Donald Trump and moves to run for office. It will be one of the pleasures of my liefe to vote AGAINST him--including against the devil himself.

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