Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wisconsin and David Prosser: Democrats Do Not Beliebe in Democracy

This blog has convlusively proven, over a period of years, that Democrats (leftist, political activist/politician kind) do NOT believe in deocracy. All they believe in is naked PPower and the leftist philosophy that "the end justifies the means".

Wisconsin is just the latest example of Democrats not believing in democracy, and not acceptiong the results of electioins. First, Democrats simply refused to accept that the Republicans had essentiallyl won control of the state (governor and state legislature) in November. You know what happened. The Democrats in the state Senate simply refused to perform their duties in accordance with the law, in an effort to prevent Repubicans from passing the legislation that Republicnas had the votes to passs. This is the same Democratic Party that was going to change the fillibuster rule in the U.S. Senate because 60 votes was too much to let a legislative body function (that is, it is too much to require 60 votees to get legislation passed, as the U.S. Senate does--if a party chooses to filibuster). Of course, leftist Democratws aer the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earh, on two legs or four, and so we don't hear much about frustrating majority rule since the unions decided to attack democracy in Wisconsin. (By the way, the Democrats, including Obama, previiously had PRAISED the filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate as a bastion of freedom, when they were using that rule to stop JUDGES nominated by President Bush--a used to which the filibusster had almost never been put before, but all Democrats believe in is POWER, not consistency.)

However, Democrats were just warming up in Wisconsin with their atttempts to frustate democracy. They tried to use Arab style STREET DEMONSTRATIONS to shut down democracy, and get their way. Then they tried having Democrat state senators FLEE THE STATE, in violation of their legal responsibilities. Then they decided to undermine the rule of law and totally POLITICIZE a judicial race.

Now you and I know that leftists have long made the judiciary simply another road to get their way, and OVERTURN DEMOCRACY. Thinik Arizona and immigrationn; think homosexual marriage or gays in the military; think abortion; think about the death penalty; and think about every other law leftists do not like. Their IMMEDIAATE reaction is to try to get a LEFTIST judge to impose his leftist views by judicial fiat. Leftists have about quit denying that they regard judicial rulings as simply politics by other means (reference is to the famous statement that "war is just diplomacy by other means.").

David Prossser is the Repubican running for the Wisconsin Supreme Court--justices of the state supreme court being elected in Wisconsin. Prosser is much better qualified than his oppoent. But unions and other leftists got behind Prosser's opponent. Why? Welll, it was NOT because the unions wanted to make sure you had a neutral judiciary. Instead, the unions, and other leftists, wanted to directly politicize the sate supreme court by suggesting that Prosser's opponent would STOP GOVERNOR WALKER AND THE REPUBICNAS, AND IMPOSE THE UNIION POSITION BY RULINGS OF THE STATE SUPREME COURT. It is hard to imagine a more direct way to try to subvert democracy. Not even any shame. But these people never have any shame--just the desire to deceive voters about who they really are, which is becoming more difficult as leftist Democcrats become more blatant.

Doubt me? Never do that. I am not through. It appears that leftist Democrats have lost again in Wisconsin. As this is written, it appears that Prosser has won the election by some 7300 votes--perhaps enough to avoid a state financed recount. What was the immediate reaction of leftist Democrats? Read the headline again. The reaction was NOT "well, we lost; maybe we ought to figure out what we are dong wrong." The immediate reaction, as I saw surfing MSNBC this Monday, was to OVERTURN the election. In other words, Democrats in Wisconsin--the union, leftist kind--simply refuse to accept democracy. All they believe in is POWER, just like Joseph Stalin, Putin, and all of the other power hungry dictators who don't believe in democracy.

Yes, these people have proven who they are (these authoritarian democracy hateers of the left). They want Obama and his pet attack dog (ask Arizona), Eric Holder, to OVERTURN the Wisconsin election. Oh, ehy said 'investigate". I am giving you the TRANSLATION.

Now this is a STATE JUDICIAL ELECTION. What business is it of the Federal Government, absent some really blatant violation of Federal law? Anserr: It is an EVIL (yes, I just called these leftiists, "evil", because they are) thing to reach the point in this country to use Fedderal investigations of state elections as a POLITAICAL WEAPON. Yes, leftists think that the Justice Department should be run on a totally political basis. Obama has encouraged them to believe he agrees with them. Holder certainly has. Remember that Holder and Obama have said they will not even defend a FEDERAL LAE against court attack (the "Defense of Marriage Act").

And what is the basis of this call for an "investigation" (realy--as stated-a call for overturning the election). No facts. Just ASSERTIONS and speculation. I am willing to now state: Obama was born in Kenya. No, I have no evidence of that--just the curiuos way Obama does not seem to have a regular hospital birth certificate. But I do not turn the other cheek. I just can't quite yet stomach the EVIL DISHONESTY of leftists. But I am trying to work on it by seeing what it is like to apply their standards. Should the Supreme Court have RQUIRED that abortion be illegal? Should the Supreme Court REQUIRE that homosexual marriage be illegal? Should the Supreme Court have intervened, or the Justice Department, to OVERTURN Al Franken's election in Minnesota (much more suspicious than David Prosser's apparent election, although there is nothing but speculatoin to really support the conclusion that Democrats stole that election)? By the way, I was a law student at the University of Texas at Austin at the time of Roe v. Wade, and OPPOSED the idea that the "right to life" meant that states were required to make abortion illegal, although I strongly opposed (and still do) Roe v. Wade because it usurped democracy.

What is the REASON the leftist activists gave for asking for an "investigation" of the Wisconsin JUDICIAL election? This is classic. Follow this closely:

1. Leftist Democrats do not believe in democracy, and do not accept defeat in an eleciton. They will never accept that the people vote against them in any election. In any event, they don't care what the people do. They (leftist Democrats) want to impose their will no matter what the people want.

12. Leftist Democrats do not believe that the election in Wisconsin was "fair", since they lost. This is what they will think in EVERY election they los. Or, at least, it is what they will always claim they think, since they can never accept defeat.

2. Therefore, the only way to satisfy "hundreds of thousands" of leftists that they got defeated in a fair election is for Obama to "investigate" (again, look for a wya to overturn--valid or not) the Wisconsin election to ASSURE leftists that they really lost.

Is not that marvelous? Can you get any more EVIL than that? So whatever party conttrols the Justice Department is supposed to do a FISHING EXPEDITION into every election that such political party loses, to make sure the people in their party are assured they were treated fairly in the election. No, I know leftists are not advocating the kind of "neutral" CORRUPTIONI I suggest in this paragraph. They are even more blatant. They smplly advocate that THEY WIN, by any means pssible, including blatant politicizing of the courts and the Justice Department. Leftists do not believe in either free speech or democracy. They only bellieve in POWER, by whatever means they can get it.

No. I assure you I am not making this up. I heard the leftist activists (guest and host) on MSNBC say that Obama and Holder should order an investigation just to satisfy leftists that the election wwas "fair". It just does not get any worse than that. No, I don't care what SPECULATION leftists have as to how the election wwas "stolen" from them. If they can't PROVE the election wwas fradulent, IN WISCONSIN, then it is an EVIL thing for the Federal Government to intervene for political reasons. Norm Coleman attacked the Franken election in Minnessota, but had to accept that he could not prove anything. This country is DOOMED if we ever reach the point where elections are routinely challenged by the Justice Department for political reasons. Make no mistake. This "investigation" would be for political reasons.

Do I "know" that Prosser has won? Nope. Maybe some massive mistake (or even fraud PROVEN, and not consisting of speculation) will come to light. I know that Democrats desperately will be dredging up votes from the woodwork--not to mention "fraud" from the woodwork. The only likely--as distinct from possible--fraud here is a desperate Democrat attempt to OVERTURN the democratic election.

I bet Prosser never thougt being a judge would involve him this directly in purely partisan politics. Sure, it is absurd to suggest that judges are not political. I have argued that leftists are making sure they are that way for over 40 years--since before I went to law school and practiced law for more than 30 years. But this BLATANT attempt to politicize the law at every level, without regard to anything but political ideology, is truly an EVIL thing.

Remember the accusation that Karl Rove, and other Repubicans, fired some U.S. attorneys for political reasons? Democrats are making Rove look like a SAINT (still no proof, by the way, that Rove did anything more than Bill Clinton or any Democrat President who correctly treated the office of U.S. attorney as a policy position subject to political appoiintment).

P.S. No proofreading or sppell checking (eyesight). HEY. Paragraphing appears to be BACK. Nope, it was not me. Was it Googgle? My computerr savvy daughter? My computer savvy brother? Who knows? I have yet to figure out how what you see on the scrreen is often NOT what you get in the world of computers. And I got a B.S. in physics long ago. That scientific degree has not helped me adjust to the way computers are ruining the world.

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