Monday, April 18, 2011

Obama, Social Issues and Illegal Immigration: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?--NOT

Is Illegal immigration a social issue? In part, it certainly is, although STOPPING it is a JOBS issue. Juan Williams--leftist political hack, and a dishonest one, on Fox) would certainly call illegal immigration a "social issue", as he called "global warming" (and every other issue Republicans wanted to bring up) a "social issue, and constantly pushed the leftist line that REPUBLICANS (lol) are more interested in a "social agenda" than our deficit). What do leftist Democrats, including the mainstream media, mean by "social issues"? Well,, they often mean ABORTION (and only abortioni, on the subject of which leftist Democrats are so obsessed they will sell out the whle country just for that "principle" of death). But WHO is it that was willing to STUT DOWN the government over TAXPAYER FUNDING of Planned Parenthood? Yep. It was DEMOCTATS--those people so fanatic and obsessed with "social issues" that they are willing to SHUT DOWN the government over it. Who was it that did not get a budget passed partly because they were fooling around with HOMOSEXUALS IN THE MILITARY and AMNESTY for illegal immigrants? Yep. Again it was those social issue obsessed DEMOCRATS. You see the MASSIVE hypocrisy here. "Social issues' reallly translates to: Issues where we are right and Repubicans are wrong, and our obsession is "princiiple", while theirs is merely exhibiting the wrong priorities. You say--with no evidence--that Democrats have "learned their lesson", and that Obama is finally ready to show that he really is "focused like a laser beam" on "jobs, jobs, jobs"--as he promised near the BEGINNING of his Presidency? Nope.. What was the AP/Yahoo "News" (boycott Yahoo) laugher headline of the day? Yep (cant' make this up-as I can't make up Juan Williams, or anyone else that bone deep stupid): "Obama to hold meeting on immigration reform". SSay what? Jobs, jobs jobs? Again, the way to help AMERICANS get jobs in this country is to ENFORCE the immigration laws. But Democrats (leftist kind, as in the mainstream media) only believe in "the law" when it suits their POLITICAL PURPOSES. "Reform" translated: AMNESTY. No, if you tell me we need reform to import WORKERS, then you are going to make my head explode. That is the fallacioius argument of establishment Republicans wanting to EXPLOIT WORKERS (joining with the AFL-CIO in that). I digress (sort of). Where are the mainstream media stories about how it DISTRACTGS from the real issues facing this country to be focusing on an "issue" ("comprehensive reform") on which Obama does not have a snowball's chance in Hell of passing HIS kind of bill? Of course the mainstream media is not saying that, as they would if Republicans were pushing immigration matters, because the media position is that it is only the REPUBLICAN position that is a "social issue". The Democrat positioin is simply "social justice". No, Republicans in the House CANNOT pass an immigration "reform" bill that Obama and the Democrats would let through. WHY? Because they would not get reelected (besides tehe fact it would be wrong). So this is USELESS POSTURING by Obama, and both he and the mainstream media know it. And I don't care how many "establishment" Repubicans they quote. Every such quote just makes me rsolve to continue to treat estabishment Republicans as the ENEMY, and House Repubicans know how many people think the same way I do. Why the posturing? Come on. You know this one. Obama has begun his reeelection campaign. He wants to put together the same "coalition" that he thinks won him the previous election (which the economy really won for him). That coalition includes HISPANICS. Now you and I may wonder why Hispanics want to be identified with illegal immigrants. But De,mocrats think they can get away with confusing an opposition to illegal immigrants with opposition to Hispanics, and Democrats know that the mainstream media will help them with that. That is the entire explanatino for this excursion into "social issues" by Obama (as he is doing in suing Arizona, and any other state which wants to try to do something about the problems caused by illegal immigration in that state). Yes, the mainstream media is composed of the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or fouor. This is really another example, where the mainstream media will not point out that Obama is NOT focusing on "jobs, jobs, jobs". And it is certainly a DIVISIVE issue that Obama and the mainstream media have made more divisive (by telling Hispanics that the whole purpose of all of this is to discriminate against them). Count on it, by the way. No matter what fancy words may come from a "meeting" on this subject, it will all be DECEPTION. I once did about THIRTY articles on the DECEPTION of proponents of illegal immigration, and they have not changed. Yes, I gave details. If the "issue" heats up, I will do it again.

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