Friday, April 8, 2011

Wolf Blitzer: Partisan, Dishonest Political Hack (CNN: The Liar Network)--Budget Compromise Proves CNN Wrong

See my previous articles, and connsider how RIGHT I was. Then consider how Wolf Blitzer and CNN continued tonight (Friday night) to make this all about PLANNED PARENTHOOD (for which organization the "social isssues" obsessed CNN and Democrats were willing to shut down the government). And I only SRUF CNNN (while everyone else is bycotting it--whether intentionally or not). I saw CNN for only a total of about 15 minutes all day, and almost every time I saw CNN (Wolf Blitzer today, mainly), it was about how this impasse had nothing to do with money. Wrong, CNN, as the deal later in the night showed. This was a PARTISAN, CNN LIE--the main Democrat/leftist "talking point" during the budget negotiations. Yes, read my previous articles. This is foresight on my part, and not hindsight. What I tried to tell you is that I KNEW that Republicans were goiing to "cave" on these "policy riders" (NOT "social issues, which was another media Big Lie). What's more, CNN KNEW THIS, as well. It was always obvious that Republicans were never going to be able to stand firm on defunding ObamCare. Obama would cut and run in Afghanistan before he ever agreed to that. It was always a fantasy. Now defunding Planned Parenthood, NPR and the rest was NOT a fantasy. It is actually INSANE to be funding that type of thing, while we are "ctutting" more "deservving" things (in which category, in fact, I would put NASA, which is really pretty much being destroyed as an area in which neither Democrats nor Republicans have a rreal stake--the 350 million or so for Planned Parenthood would be much better spent on a NASA project, or just on reducing the deficit). The problem is that Repubicans ALWAYS "cave" on "social issues", even as Democrats do not. Democcrats are MORE obsessed with abortion and other "social issues" (like homosexual marriage) than Republicans, but Democrats get no questionis about that. Do you disagree with the fact that Wolf Blitzer is a partisan, dishonest politcal hack? Don't. Consider whether Blitzer, or anyone else on CNN, EVER asked a DEMOCRAT (in a challenging tone) wehter Democrats are so obsessed with funding Planned Parenthood that they are willing to sht down the government over that issue. Contrary to the assumptioin by Wolf Blitzer and CNN, Planned Parenthoood has NO RIGHT to be "funded " by the taxpayers, and it is actually absurd to shut down the government because Democrats do not get their way on this issue. Nope. Planned Parenthood is NOT necessary to the health of women in this country, and routinedly LIES about what it does. Further, unlike some otherorganizations, Planned Parenthood is perfectly capable of raising money from leftists, without FORCING taxpayers to fund an organizatioin many of them despise. All of this aside, however, CNN LIED, while I told you the truth. This was never going to be about Planned Parenthood, because the Repubican establishment was always going to "cave" on that. Now Repubicans have used up all of their chips on this ploy. Since Roe v. Wade, the Repubicans have VERBALLY catered to pro-life people, while doing their best to walk away from the issue at every opportunity. They have done it again, and always intended to do it (unless, by some miracle, the Democrats had "caved", and that was impossible when Repubicans hardly went out there and attacked Planned Parenthood or supported these "riders"). Message to Repubicans: As I said in an earlier article, virtually predicting a "cave" as part of this compromise, this is your LAST PASS. I am willing to let this compromise go, reluctantly, because this whole business of last year's budget (messed up by Democrats) is so strange and hard to describe to the public. But, and this is a solemn promise, if Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, The National Endowment for the Arts, etc. end up in the 2012 budget/spending bills, then I will NEVER (and I mean forever) vote for ANY Republican who votes for any budget/spending bill that inicludes that kind of spending. Nope. No more compromises. These are OBVIOUS cuts, and if Repubicans are unwilling to fight on this ground, then they are not worth voting into office. As Carl Cameron (wose reporting was otherwise terrible on this fight) said, this "compromise merely shows Washington "reverting to type" by refusing to cut much from spending. Who knows what gimmicks are hidden in this "compromise", to make the "deal" appear better than it was. "Smoke and mirrors" is what the Speaker of the House warned about, and how much "smoke and mirrors" are there likely to be when Republicans do not even have the guts to defend "defunding" Planned Parenthood. P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (eyesight).

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