Friday, September 12, 2008

AOL and the Associated Press: Despicable, Despicalbe, and More Despicable

This is the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press"/AOL headline tonigh:  "Palin tries to defend qualifications in interview".

You have to marvel at the above "masterpiece" of political propganda.  I put "masterpiece" in quotes, because propaganda this obvious is ot effective. 

I had a law school professor who noted that the first three words told you the result of one Texas Supreme Court decision:  "The widow Humber......"

The despicable AP did better in telegraphing where the story is coming from.  They did it in ONE word.  "tries.."  If lyo ever wanted to see BIAS displayed in black and white, this is it.  "Palin defends..." is the way the despicable AP would put this with regard to anyone it was not trying to destroy.  "Defends qualifications" really has NO dirrent, objective meaning thatn "tries to defend qualifications".  The difference is SOLELY one of ATTITUDE, and not meaning.  "Tries' implies that she did not succeed, for NO objective reason other than bias.  "Defends", on the contrary, does NOT imply that she did succeed.  It is the NETURAL headline. 

"Obama defends qualifications..."  would be the guaranteed headline regarding the same story, if the despicable AP were ever to acknowledge that anyone had any doubt about Obam'a's qualifications.

Notice that ABC, AOL and the despicable AP are agains DISTRACTING us away from the "real issues', like the eocnomy.  Except that his unending bias IS a "real issue".

It is especially an issue for the mainstream media itself, which is going the wayof buggy whip manufacturers--only partly because of the internet.  There is NO reason to pay any attention to these people any more.  It has been my primary mission over the last 4 years to show this in more detail than anyone else. I flatter myself that I have succeeded.

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