If you listen to the mainstream media you would get the idea that Sarah Palin said the above. Not true.
"When the stock market crashed, FDR got on television and explained to the American people what had happened and what needed to be done" That is almost an exact quote of what Joe Biden told Katie Couric in her interview with him It received very little mainstream media attention, and yet it is worse than anything Sarah Palin told Katie Couric. Yet, the mainstream media has been parsing every word Palin said to Couric to suggest that Palin is not ready to be Vice President. You can't even imagine what would have happened if she had said something important, like Biden. Palin's "crimes" come in trying to explain why Alaska bordering on Russia and Canada gives her experience with foreign nations, and in not knowing every vote McCain ever made or exactly what McCain's staff has done (in replying to a question lying about Davis, McCain's campaign manager). At most, you can say Palin tried to exaggerate slightly her foreign policy credentials, and that she might have boned up a little more on McCain's positions (WHY?, might be the legitimate questioin here--maybe the real criticism here is that Palin has not learned the the Washington politician skill of evading a question to which you do not know the answer without making it obvious you are evading--obvious in the sense that an 8 year old could tell, even though any experienced listener can always spot the evasions).
Compare that with Biden. This was not some offhand, passing reference. It was the "punch line" of a long Biden answer about leadership, and how leadership has been lacking. President Roosevelt was, of course, not President when the stock market crashed. He was not President until 1932. Television was not in wide use in the U.S. until the late 1940's. Radio was pretty new n 1929, and "talking' motion pictures came into existence only in that year.
Is a person that ignorant of history qualified to be President of the United States, or Vice President? That question would be asked of Palin. This particular statement, as so many of Biden, is so bad that I think the objective answer is "no". A person who misrepresents history this badly, presumably because he does not even know it, is not qualified to be Vice President of the United States.
Palin's responses to Couric, in contrast, only suggest a lack of political maturity. That may not be desirable in a Vice President, but it is hardly disqualifying. It is something politicians, other than Biden, learn.
You say that this is an isolated incident from Biden? Boy are you wrong. See the multiple entries already this week, including Biden's false statement about Obama's positon on "clean coal" and his ridiculous statement on gun controll--virtually challenging Obama to a gun fight (contrary to Biden's ridicule of gun owners and gun control opponents in the YouTube debate). Not convinced? There are more.
In the last view days, Biden has said that the bush Administration has only just recently adopted Obama's policy by sending an Assistant Secretary of State to hold talks with Iran. That is false--an outright lie. An Undersecretary of State went to Switzerland to observe European talks with Iranian representatives. He did not participate in the talks. There were, of course, low level talks about Iran's activities in Iraq, which went nowhere. There have been no high level talks between Iran and the U.S., and no high ranking U.S. representative has gone to Iran (or anywhere else) for talks with Iran of the type Obama has advocated. Biden has obviously been listening to the mainstream media too much (the people who attempt to use any contact between the Bush Administration and Iran to suggest that the Bush Administration is modifying its position of no direct talks with Iran until Iran abandons its moves toward developing nuclear weapons), rather than Biden paying attention to what is really going on. Or maybe it is that Biden, and other Democrats, are feeding false "talking ponts" to the leftist media, and are beginning to believe their own propaganda.
See next entry for an even more despicable lie by Biden--so despicable that it again is disqualifying in terms of Biden's qualification to be Vice President of the United States.
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