Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sarah Palin Took Home a Paperclip for Personal Use, While Mayor in Alaska

Yes, the mainstream media campaing of personal destruction against Sarah Palin continues.  These are evil people.  Yes, I am talking about the people at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC< CBS, The New York Times, and all of the rest.  I expect to meet them all in Hell some day (assuming Hell exists, which I have noted before is the main attraction the Christian religion has for me, since I have never been much attracted by Heaven).  They have gone beyond politics.  They have gone beyond advocacy.  They have descended so far into actual evil that there is nothing they can ever do to redeem themselves. As I have stated, they have become the primary agents of the dirty "politics of personal destruction" in this coutnry--now acting openly as agents of the Obama campaign.  They are making charges no political campaign could get away with, in aid of evil tactics no political campaign could get away with.  However, since they are part of the Obama campaign, the Obama campaign should be blamed for these disgraceful tactics in which they are complicit.  Here is the latest exmple, from the "Anti-American, Despicable, Associated Press" (which I am sure will be picked up, or has already been picked up, by the evil CNN and the rest, probably even including Fox News):
 "Though Sarah Palin depicts herself as a pit bull fighting good-old-boy politics, in her years as mayor she and her friends received special benefits more typical of small-town politics as usual, an Associated Press investigation shows."
Nope.  As I suggest in the heading, the "accusations" are little more than stealing a paperclip.  The Obama campaign could never directly get away with making accusations so weak (because Obama has done so many things so much worse).  By getting the mainstream media to do their dirty work, with the lying assertion of "objective" "investigation", however, the Obama campaign is able to let the mainstream media keep up such a drumbeat of criticism as to invoke the "where there is smoke, there is fire" approach of the "politics of personal destruction".  There is a movie title I like (movie itself not great):  "God Forgives; I Don't".  I don't suspect you ever thought I would, but the mainstream media is deluded if they think people like me will ever forgive thme for there descent into evil.  We won't I won't. 
Yes, I regard both John McCain and Sarah Palin as wimps if they ever give another interview to a mainstream media reporter before election day.  They should take on the media directly.  Palin did so in her convention speech, and then she and McCain have acted as if they do care what these evil people think ever since.  The only exception I would make is Fox News, even though I consider Fox as part of the problem and not part of the solution.  The difference is that Fox News may get much of its "news" from the despicable AP, but does not generally have an active agenda of destroying Sarah Palin.  Therefore, she can use them to attack the rest.
Could Obama survive this drumbeat of "investigation" by the mainstream media.  You will remember that Obama also "claimed" to be above ordinary politcs, and proves he is not every single day.  Of course Obama could not survive this kind of hypercritical "srutiny".  His sweetheart real estate "deal" with Tony Resco alone is worse than anything Palin is accused of doing as mayor.  (Read this sentence and laugh:  How much could Palin have possibly done as mayor of a small town, when she was re-elected by massive majorities and received massive votes from the town in her later political races?  Paper clips about cover it.).
I have asked multiple times before how anyone who has not evil can work for the despicable AP in any capcity (useless to ask how they sleep at night, since evil people don't care about the evil they do).  I answer myself again:  If you work for the AP you are an evil person, because you are knowingly complicit with evil. That applies to CNN, MSNBC, and the rest, as well.
See my entries yesterday as to how Joe Biden (legitimately, in his case, as he has shown himself unfit to be Vice President) could not survive the type of critical scrutiny of every word, and standards of perfection required in that scrutiny, applied to Palin by the mainstream media.  Obama himself could not survive this kind of hypercritical scrutiny of his past (or maybe even present).  Nope.  These evil people in the mainstream media are merely sanctimonious hypocrites who should be ignored by any thinking being (I am willing to provisionally include dolphins, whales, and apes in the group of beings who should have contempt for these people).
Palin is blessed in her enemies. I hope she again starts calling them out.
P.S.  Brett J. Blackledge is an evil, despicable person.  That is the AP "writer" responsible for the above story, although the description--unfortunately--applies to everyone who works for the AP, as stated above.

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