This is part II of the series on the sanctimonious hypocrisy of the entire left, which includes CNN (Larry King, Anderson Cooper, Campbell Brown--whose father is a convicted FELON who lied to the FBI--Wolf Blitzer, Kyra Phillips, John Roberts, and Soledad O'Brien, with the FOUR children under 9 she is NEGLECTING in terms of her own criticism of working mothers), MSNBC, and the rest of the mainstream media. The sanctimonious hypocrisy, on an unprecedented scale, is to profess a deiser to talk about serious issues like the economy while engaging in the most vicious personal attacks possible on Sarah Palin--attacks that have NOTHING to do with serious "issues", and certainly not with the economy. Part I was early in the week, and gave four examples (Down Syndrome baby's mother, daughter's pregnancy, motherhood, and SPOUSE'S 22 year old Dui arrest at about the same age Obama, the CANDIDATE, was using hard drugs). Picking up the examples, hopefully in numerical order:
5. Palin's mention of God and prayer. Now we know this has nothing to do with the economy, and is a major "issue" only to the far left people who one BIGOTS. They are bigots against evangelical Christians, and indeed against ANY Christian who seems to actually BELIEVE in prayer and faith, unless that Christian had hate monger Reverend Jeremiah Wright as his mentor/pastor for 20 years. Obama has actually said more about the value of faith and religion in this campaign than either McCain or Palin. There was one event in Texas where he virtually gave a SERMON, with heavily religious terminology (and actual or implied "amens". As Sarah Palin said, Abraham Lincoln invoked God, in the sense that sarah Palin invoked God in that leftist smear video. That is the sense in which you pray that you have correctly interpreted what God wants you to do. Is not that the essence of Christianity? Are you not SUPPOSED to pray to God, and ask for God's help in guiding you to the right decisions--to a correct reflection of God's Will? Contrary to the leftist smears, Palin did NOT suggest that she had some kind of special knowledge of God's plan beyond the kind of spiritual guidance and hope all Christians WANT to receive from God, in our fallible human way (unless you are a Catholic, and believe in the infallibility of the Pope on matters fundamental to the faith, unless you are a person like Joe Biden and thinks the Pope is WRONG on abortion). If you are following this, you should realize what seems to me to be the only explanation as to why Barack "World" Obama can invoke God and faith, while Republicans cannot without being religious fanatics. The explanation is that most type leftists, and most leftist Democratic politicians, do not really BELIEVE in their professed religion (if they have one). They really are anti-Christian BIGOTS, and anti-Catholic BIGOTS, as to anyone who actuallly BELIEVES in his or her religion. And they (leftists of this type) expect that their politicians, INCLUDING OBAMA, do not really BELIEVE what they may say about their religious faith for political purposes. These people believe in religion as sort of a leftist social club, but they do NOT believe that Christian's are here on this Earth to follow God's Will as best they can. The REAL religion of this type of leftist is LEFTISM. That is why Steve Cohen, a JEW who has had his religion attacked, said on the floor of the House of Representatives (see yesterday's entry in the blog) that Jesus was a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. I know of no "joke" that more clearly expresses the twisted, leftist view of religion To real Christians, Jesus is the SON OF GOD. My self image is taking a beating over the past few weeks, because of the santimonious, hypocritical leftists out there. I thought I was a sexist. I have found out I am a better feminist than every leftist alive, and ALL of the mainstream media (including the evil CNN). I have discovered I am NICER than the mainstream media, and every leftist alive--including the evil people of CNN. Now I have discovered I am a better CHRISTIAN than most of the leftists out there, and almost all of teh mainstream media. How can that be, you ask, when I an not a Christian at all, but an agnostic? Easy. These people are not Christians either, even if they profess to be. If you believe in your OWN opinions more than God's, then you are ME. I recognize these people when I see them. So why am I better. Well, I will tell you. First, I am not an anti-evangelical, anti-Christian, anti Catholic BIGOT. Second, I am not a SANCTIMONIOUS HYPOCRITE professing to believe things I do not believe. For example, I really BELIEVE campaigns should not be about personal attacks, but the mainstream media and leftists believe no such thing. I believe that people, even politicians like Lincoln, have a RIGHT to ground their life in religion, even if I don't. I acknowledge the POSSIBILITY that Christians might be right--even the evangelical kind. Leftists do NOT, because it conflicts with their real religion (leftism). I could go on, but I won't Enough. Q.E.D. I am a BETTER CHRISTIAN that most leftists, mainstream media people, AND leftist Democratic politicians. Oh, there is one other thing. I think I UNDERSTAND what Christianity is SUPPOSED to be better than these people do. Nope. I am not saying I truly understand it, as a real Christian presumably des. I am saying I understand it better than the sanctimonious hypocrites on the left (see my earlier entry a little more than a week ago, where I conclusively show that Nancy Pelosi does not believe in religion). Now you may suggest that this aspersion of the sincerity of the religion of leftist Democrats is not about a real "issue". You are wrong. I consider it a MAJOR ISSUE that leftist Democrats are willing to be such sanctimonious hypocrites. They say they want religion out of politics, and then challenge Sarah Palin on the way she views God, and her religion,. They say they want to talk about "issues", and engage in almost nothing but personal attacks It is NOT Sarah Palin attempting to USE God to make her political arguments. It is not Sarah Palin ridiculing Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, not to mention most of the far leftists, as I have done here. It is the mainstream media--including those sanctimonious hypocrites at CNN--who are trying to say that the way Sarah Palin looks at God shows she is disqualified to be President, even though she is NOT using God to justify a single one of her positions on the "issues" in this campaign. She has not, to my knowledge, even made any JOKES about Jesus (three separate leftists Democrats have used that "joke" about Jesus being a community organizer). I am sorry. These people (mainstream media, leftists, and leftist Democratic politicians) are the worst sanctimonious hypocrites who ever walked the Eartth. And if you suggest I should not attack people based on my conclusions about their religious faith, or lack of it, you need to realize that is EXACTLY what they are doing with regard to Sarah Palin. Sanctimonious hypocrites do not come any more intellectually dishonest than these people, including the people I name above from CNN (a stand-in here for naming all of the mainstream media people out there).
As to Barack "World" Obama, I include him for a specific reason: The leftists I identify above are acting on BEHALF of Obama, and they act like Obama is one of them Obama does not HAVE to explicitly be as much of a hypocrite, because he can rely on the mainstream media to engage in the "politics of personal destruction" for him. Nope. I refuse to give Obama a pas on this, when he SAYS that his supporters, including the mainstream media, are people engaging in evil (on Palin's religion and on her daugter), but can't seem to make them BELIEVE he means it. Cynical as I am, I think his supporters are right, and he does NOT mean it.
End of part II.
Part III will be about the attempt by the sanctimonious hypocrites in the mainstream media, and on the left, to reincarnate the Spanish Inquisition in American politics. In a whiplash inducing example of hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty, the evil people at CNN--not to mention the rest of the hypocritical left and mainstream media-- have attacked the RELIGION of Sarah Palin. They did not even stop with the present religion, but went back six years to a previous one. Oh well, the despicable AP went back to Mitt Romney's great grandfather being a polygamist. The problem with this, of course, is that OBAMA's GRANDFATER was Muslim, and possibly a polygamist. Certainly, many of his ancestors must have been. That is the problem for people who are not sanctimonious hypocrites. like those on the left. Once you go down the road of the Spanish Inquisition, where any deviation from the ruling orthodoxy is PUNISHED, you are in a evil swamp that you can't get out of. If the religion of people "shapes them", the very theory of the Spanish Inquisition: that a person's heresies reveal the person as beyond redemption, then ALL religions become the fodder for politics, and there is no logical basis not to pit one religion against another. Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Southern Baptists (don't even believe in DANCING), Presbyterians (as I was raised): They ALL have peculiarities. If CNN is right about Sarah Pali's religion being fair game, WHY was JFK's religion and Joe Lieberman's religion not "fair game". Well, I have already explained that above. I don't think leftists believe JFK really BELIEVED in his religion, and they may have turned against Joe LIeberman partly because they believe he does. JEWS KILLED JESUS. To all rational people that is FALSE, but if you start bringing religious doctrine into politics yoe head down that road. Steve Cohen is a JEW, and made that crack about Jesus being a "community organizer" on the floor of the House of Representatives, event though he has faced some problems politically with his religion (to my understanding). What was Hitler's tactic? Right. It was to DEOMONIZE Jews because they were different, and people did not understand them. What is this leftist tactic of attacking Sarah Palin's religion (this time referring to the religious doctrines of her various churches and not her mere mention of God)? Right. It is the SAME purpose as Hitler: To DEMONIZE an entire religious group of people. That was also the purpose of attacks on Mitt Romney and the Mormons. You may wonder what all of this has to do with "the economy" that the sanctimonious hypocrites on the left say we should not be distracted from. Well, Sarah Palin's religion has NOTHIGN to do with any public issue, including the economy. But this evil, sanctimonious hypocrisy of CNN and the left is IMPORTANT. If yo doubt what happens when you start fo allow DEMONIZING of groups of people, you might ask six million Jews who encountered Hitler's version of this tactic. Now CNN and the left are not yet in Hitler's league, as far as degree is concerned, but their attempt to demonize the religion of Sarah Palin is of the same KIND of evil "argument". The Spanish Inquisition and Hitler had this in common: They both attempted to DEMONIZE (literally, in the case of the Inquisition) those who did not fit there real or assumed idea of acceptable orthodoxy The "heresy" of Sarah Palin is not to belong to the REAL religion of leftists, which is leftism. But by couching their personal attacks in the form used by both the Spanish Inquisition and Hitler, CNN and the rest of the hypocritical left have aligned themselves with two of the greatest evils of history. I will return to this subject in part III, as to which this has been an extensive preview.
P.S. You may have noticed that I am both willing to discuss religion and to CALL people (out) on religion. What I am not willing to do is say that a person's religion is definitely WRONG. To me, that is TOLERANCE: the recognition that people who really believe in a religion may be RIGHT, and I may be WRONG. Tolerance is also a matter of courtesy and respect, where you don't ridicule someone for beliefs you find strange or unusual. The only exception to that is if the religions doctrine strays into secular evil, such as racial hatred or human sacrifice. You will notice that Palin has made no "jokes" about either Jews or Reverend Wright (who is, indeed, no joking matter), but that Democrats (including Steve Cohen, who is--as stated--a Jew) are perfectly willing to suggest that Jesus was a mere community organizer rather than the Son of God. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin, and most evangelicals, are PRO-ISRAEL. This all goes to explain why there is one area in which my self image has not changed. I have always known that I, along with most non-leftists, am more TOLERANT than every true leftist out there. "Tolerance" means not MOCKING someone else's religion, or attempting to demonize it. I admit I fall short myself in one area. I just can't seem to help mocking the religion of leftists. If you have been paying attention you know what that religion is: LEFTISM, which is the most INTOLERANT religion around.
So I am willing to call people on their attempt to USE religion, or demonize it. I am NOT willing to "Call" people on religious doctrines of their church. I am willing to discuss religous THEORY, in terms of the philosophy of religion, but I am not willing to discuss THEOLOGY of individual religons (except to show I know more about the Christian religion than almost all leftists). CNN, the mainstream media, and leftists (that Unholy Trinity who are One) are willing to make THEOLOGY a matter of political debate. For that, I fully expect to meet them in Hell (if Hel exists).
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