I have told you that leftist Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are the most dishonest, sanctiomonious hypocrites who ever lived--worse, by far, than even the fictional Elmer Gantry.
What has been one of the leftist Democrat mantras since 9/11? Right. How dare you call us "unpatriotic", when we love our country just as much as you do. They have said this over and over again, even though--for the most part--no one was calling them "unpatriotic". They have screamed about this, even at the mere implication that they might be "unpatritotic". In other words, they have been the one using the word "unpatriotic" and "patriotism" in a cynical "attack is the best defense" attempt to deflect legitimate criticism of them.
Now leftist Democrats are doing what most conservatives and Republicans never did: accusing their political opponents of being unpatriotic in contexts where the word has never been used before. For example, Joe Biden said that it was "patritotic" that the "rich" pay higher taxes--directly implying that it is "unpatriotic" to be against the rich paying highrer taxes (especially if you are rich, which I am not).
Now Nancy Peolosi has come out today and accused people who oppose this Big Government Wall Street bailout, and the Democratic partisan version of it, as "unpatriotic".
First, the question now is whether Republicans have any cojones (look it up online if you are not familiar with the word, in common use here on the border--El Paso being where I live). I have already said taht I will not call myself a Republican the ret of my life. If Republicans let Democrats pass this Wall Street, Big Government, central planning bailout, after this kind of insult, I make this solemn pledge: I will never vote for a Republican again the rest of my life.
I am tired of it. Where is the Republican outrage. That traitor, Nancy Pelosi, just called me (naming, of course, House Republicans) unpatriotic. Where is the boycott of "talks" on this terrible bill (which should not pass anyway, as a Big Government, central planning, "bailout" bill).
I repeat the question: Do Republicans have any cojones, or are they all (the politician kind) wimps unable to stand up to leftists. We already know John McCain is that, in politics (however brave he may be in the real world).
I have had it. I do not believe in turning the other cheek. Therefore, I specifically state:
1. Harry Reid, who gave aid and comfort to al-Qaida by declaring the war in Iraq "lost", is unpatriotic.
2. Nancy Pelosi, who has done nothing but give aid and comfort to our enemies for 2 years, and before, is unpatriotic.
3. Barack "World" Obama, who helped MoveOn.org. trash General Petraeus, and supported Reverend Wright for 20 years in his hatred of the United States, including blaming 9/11 on this country, is unpatriotic.
I will go further. All three of the above have the blood of American soldiers on their hands. Let me assure you I have much more justification for my charge than Nancy Pelosi has for hers. See the hundreds of entries in the archives of this blog (not previously using the word, "unpatriotic", but that is about to change).
I have never used the word "unpatriotic" before, because the word has no ojective. meaning. However, I have never been this angry (and I hold grudges). The word will now appear regularly in this blog. I will call a spade a spade (if you think I have been doing so already, you ain't seen nothing yet).
I will call traitors "traitors" from now on, and unpatriotic leftists "unpatritic".
Further, I will--even more than I already have--call Republican cowards "cowards". A coward dies a thousand deaths, but a brave man dies but once. I expect Republicans to "figuratively" die many more than a thousand deaths in this blog, from now on. For the most part, I think they are cowards, and I will now regularly say so. Mitch McCaonnell, for example, Senate minority leader, is a political coward.
Stay tuned. The gloves are off for this blog--as to both leftists and Republicans
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