Contrast two interviews.
George Stephanopolous gave a softball interview of Barach "World" Obama, in which Stephanopolous even felt it was necessary to correct a statement of Obama WHICH WAS NOT A MISTAKE (Obama meant to say "my Muslim faith"), in order to protect Obama from political damage. Gibson, on the other hand, subjected sarah Palin to a "tough" interview where his goal (unsuccessful) was to press Palin into errors. That is the real significance of "my Muslim faith." It is not a real admission by OBAMA> It is an admission by ABC that it is a BIASED network (like all of the mainstream "news" media), when you compare the interviews of Obama and Palin.
I seem to be one of the few who correctly understands what happened with Stephanopolous. The "accepted" version is that Obama referred to "my Muslim faith", when he meant to say "my Christian faith", and that Stephanopolous corrected the slip of the tongue. That version of events is absolutely FALSE. Obama INTENDED to say "my Muslim faith", and Stephanolous' "correction" MISREPRESENTED Obama's actual statement. Some of the mainstream media, of course, have the impression that Obama "corrected" "my Muslim Faith" immediately, when Obama actually did NOT correct it at all (since it was not an error, except politically), until STPHAPOLOUS "corrected it FOR Obama, and Obama repeated Stephapolous--turning Obama's sentence into a nonsense sentence totally different from what Obama meant to say.
"Hold on," you say. Surely The Maverick Conservative is not saying that Obama really meant to admit "my Muslim faith"? Of course not. Even Obama is not that dumb. But Obama did MEAN to say "my Muslim faith". Even Rush Limbaugh has gotten this wrong, but my analysis is factually correct. It is not even a matter of opinion. It is a matter of listening to, and comprehending, what is being said (something Stephanopolous either failed to do or realize that it was a POLITICAL mistake, even if Obama had said what he meant to say).
Let us go back to the (undisputed) audio tape (although I am working off memory from recently reviewing it again, and may not get it verbatim). Obama was explaining this "underground" smear campaign alleging he is a Muslim, and how unfair and vicious it is (I DID tell youthis was a softball interview!!!). Stephanopolous did not do something insane (from the mainstream media point of view), like point out that one of Obama's grandfathers was a Muslim, and the alleged other Muslim connections of Obama and his family. Bit Stephanopolous did feel it necessary to suggest that this was not really a MCCAIN tactic, was it? Has not McCain disavowed that "Muslim" smear campaign against Obama, to the extent it exists (not as bad as the OVERT smear campaign against Sarah Palin's religion--see Saturday's entry)."
This is where Obama messed it up, as he often does away from a teleprompter. What Obama WANTED to say was that McCain had not talked about Obama being a Muslim, but had taken advantage of the allegations without doing enough about them--you know, like Obama has done with the SMEARS of Sarah Palin on his behalf. It came out something like this" "It is true that McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith, but...." Notice that Obama clearly did NOT mean to say "my Christian faith", because that would have made no sense at all. The sentence would then read: " "It is true that McCain has never talked about my Christian faith, but...." WHY would McCain EVER talk about Obama's CHRISTIAN faith, especially in the context of allegations of Obama's MUSLIM fatih. Nope. Obama said what he meant to d say.
DISASTER. Note that Obama was clearly NOT admitting he has a Muslim faith. He was meaning to say that McCain has never talked about Obama's ALLEGED Muslim faith, or FICTITIOUS Muslim fatih, or however you want to put it. Better, probably, to do a completely different sentence altogether. That is because Obama does not DARE utter the words, "my Muslim faith"--even if the words meant something different than they appear to mean. Nevertheless, Obama DID say it, and meant to say those exact words.
Enter Stephanopolous. Did Stephanopolous realize that Obama had really MEANT to say "my Muslim faith", because that was the only phrase that made sense in the sentence? I don't know. Maybe, Maybe not (given the convoluted nature of what Obama was trying to say). What is clear is that Stephanopolous understood this was a POLITICAL DISASTER for Obama, the way the sentence came out. So Stephanopolous "corrected" Obama to the INCORRECT "my Chirstian faith--incorrect because "my Muslim faith made sense in Obama's sentence and "my Christian faith" did not. Obama immediately corrected himself to "my Christian faith", even though it made hash of what he had said. But Obama clearly knew ABC was trying to HELP him, and that he dared not refuse to accept that help.
That is the point here. ABC was clearly out to HELP Obama, even if it meant changing what Obama said, and meant to say, to something that Obama did NOT mean to say, and which was incorrect. Meanwhile, it is clear that Charles Gibson was out to HURT Sarah Palin, and was not going to give her any nelp. In the entire time that Obama has been running,, he as faced only ONE relatively hostile interview, like that Gibson gave Palin. That was recently, when Obama let himself be interviewed by Bill O'Reilly.
The bias is just obvious, and the mainstream media hardly bothers to hide it, except for pro forma protestations of "neutrality" that no one with any brain can possibly believe. Please note that the issue is NOT whether Gibson was "unfair" to Palin in individual questions. The issue is whether OBAMA gets similar questioning from ABC, and he does not.
P.S. I continue to think that there is no reason to worry about Obama's alleged Muslim connections. Obama belonged to Reverend Wright's supposed Christian church for 20 years. That is WORSE than any alleged Muslim connections (see previous entry). I don't know why anyone bothers to "smear" Obama with the Muslim allegations. For the most part, I don't think people do. However, I think they realize how SENSITIVE Obama is about this stuff ("Hussein" middle name and everything). So I imagine people will continue to try to gig him on it. Here, the issue is NOT about Obma admitting to a Muslim faith", but is about ABC admitting to being totally biased in favor of Obama.
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