Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Death Penalty Opponents: Democracy and Indecency

I respect people who have true qualms about the death penalty.  I have said often that if I had to trade stopping the killing by abortion (which I consider a form of infanticide) for ending the death penalty (which I support as the only half way adequate punishment for murder), I would not hesitate.  Unfortunately, I cannot make that trade, and therefore have to stand by my positions on both (consistent positions, in my view).
However, I have little respect for the TACTICS of fanatic, left wing opponents of the death penalty (read "ACLU").  As I have said before, these people don't believe in democracy.  I would go so far as to say they don't believe in honesty.  They believe in getting their own way, no matter how they have to do it. That means STALLING executions, as they try to win by a war of attrition what they can't win at the ballot box.  Their whole goal is simply to make it so hard to execute anyone that the rest of us give up.  I refuse to let them prevail on that ground.  That is why they always want a "moratorium" every time they can think of a reason.  They are willing to passionately pursue the most bizarre and stupid arguments in the history of man just to throw a monkey wrench into executions.  This includes the recent argument that it is unconstitutional if an execution might result in ANY pain.  I can't tell you how much contempt I have for the people who made that "argument", or took it seriously.  It was a sham, as are basically all of the death penalty positions (except the basic one that we should not execute anyone.  That brings me to this entry.
The "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" had a LONG article on AOL today about a FAT inmate on death row.  There are heroes out there feeding the homeless, or helping children, who do not get this kind of publicity.  Yes, the despicable AP is against the death penalty.  I have shown that before in this blog, and would have known it by this article alone.  Ditto AOL "News".  Here is the "lead" of this story:
"A double murderer scheduled to be executed next month in Ohio said Tuesday he has not deliberately gained weight to rule out his death by lethal injection.
Instead, Richard Cooey said in a death row interview that his execution cannot be carried out humanely under current state procedures because his veins are hard to reach."
This man was guilty of kidnapping, raping repeatedly, and then choking and beating to death two young women.  As I have stated often lately, it is amazing to me that I am in the position lately of holding women more in esteem than leftists.  Here, I don't think it is that.  It is a matter of holding human beings in more esteem than I hold monsters who are gaming the system, and laughing at us.  AOL (for which I may see the writer responsible in Hell, if Hell exists) actually ran a headline something like "Why don't they just shoot me?"
I think this is a matter of DECENCY.  This story is indecent.  It is an insult to the women raped and horribly murdered.  I don't care if you are a death penalty opponent or a "journalist" (infinitely worse). You should have the decency not to give a forum to the truly stupid, insulting statements of this monster.  A death penalty opponent lawyer may feel an obligation to assert whatever argument there is to try to save this monster.  No one has to give him a forum--a respectful and almost sympathetic forum at that.
The supposed "point" here is that this guy's veins are hard to locate and prepare for the lethal injection needle.  So what.  This is just a variation on that same argument that the Constitution requires that an executed man feel NO pain.  I can't tell you how strongly I reject that absurd notion, as the Supreme Court did to end the latest spurious "moratorium" on the death penalty.   I don't think there is any need to deliberately and wantonly inflict pain for that purpose.  But if this guy suffers a little discomfort while they try to insert the needle in a vein, it will not break my heart.  I will comfort myself with the though of what those women went through.
Again, I think this is a matter of respect and decency.  I expect indecency from the despicable AP, and AOL, and they do not disappoint.  This guy did not deserve a national forum.  It was not important national "news".  Itis not even important to the death penalty issue.  It merely shows that death penalty opponents have access to the media whenever they want--however disrespectful and insulting the story is to the victims and their familites.
Nope.  I don't like this story, and I am right.

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