Read my previous entry.
First, ask yourself whether thaat entry was too harsh. You may well conclude it is, because you are not thinking aoubt this clearly.
Then ask yourself whether the "politics of personal destruction" is an evil corruption of our politics. Everyone, including Barack "Wrold" Obama, says it is. Obama has, in effect, said that CNN, the despicable AP, and the rest are evil for engagning in that kind o fcampaign against Sarah Palin.
Now ask yourself what these attacks on Sarah Palin, including these ridiculous attacks on her "record" as mayor of a small town in Alaska, have to do with the "issues" in this campaign. Yet, the mainstream media is constantly regretting how little attention the important "issues" get. Anyone is that much a sanctimonious hypocrite, as CNN, the AP, an the rest of the marinstream media are, has indeed descended into the realm of super-evil. I am not exaggerating, even if it sounds "harsh" to you.
Now what would the despicable AP say, if confronted with this entry? You know what they would say (if you could get them to even acknowledge the issue). They would say that that it is because Sarah Palin has set herself up as a "reforemer", and hyped her "record", as such, that such minute, hypercritical examination of that claim is indicated. (Read th efirst sentence of the AP article quoted in my previous entry, if you think I am puttin gwords in the mouth of the despicable AP).
Uh-huh (sarcasm). Do you need any more evidence as to what evil, lying, despicable sacks of sanctimonious, hypocritical manure these mainstream media people are?
Have they forgotten good old Barack "World" Obama? He portrayed himself mre of an agend of change, "above politics", than Sarah Palin ever did. And it was untrue, as the record shows. He was a cynical politician in his relationship with Tony Resco. He was a canycial politician in his relationship with Reverend Wright. He was a cynical politician in his relationship with William Ayers. He was a cynical politiician in his entire career in Chicago politics. The evil peple in the mainstream media have been unintrested in that contradiction between reocrd and word. That is because that is not the reason behind the campaign of personal destruction against Sarah Palin. It is the excuse.
Then there is the claim that Obama is a "post-racial" candidate trying to unite the races. That was in direct contradiction to Obama's upport, for 20 years, of anti-American, racial hate monter, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You remember him? He was the perosn who said the U.S. government ("white Europeans") invented the AIDS virus as a means of genocide against people of color. He is the person who said that the US, government was providing drugs to African-Americans as a means of putting black men in jail. He was the one who said (in a speech to the NAACP in Dtroit with which Obama and other lefttists were perfectly happy) that Africian-Americans and "white Europeans" think and learn "differently". He is the person who blamed the United States for BOTH Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and every act of terror in the world in between (basically calling the U.S. the worst terrorist nation n the World since the beginning of World War II. The mainstream media was uninterested in the contradiction between Obama's words and his support of Reverend Wright.
Nope. There is no question here. This is the evil of the "politics of personal destruction" that the maintream media is pursuing so pervasively. The "excuses" are mere rationalizatioina.
Q.E.D. I am not too harsh. These (mainstream media) are evil people engaging in pervasive eivl.
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