Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Politico.com: Evil Liars

I have told you before, with concrete examples:  The people at Politico.com are evil, letis liars.  They became part of the campaign to destroy Sarah Palin, and they have now become part of the comapaign to destroy House Republicans.

Thsi campaign, by the way, tells me one thing, and this is a message to House Republicans:  if you give in here, you are giving up on your principles because of a coordinated campaign against you by leftists, the leftist media, and the establishment.  In other words, you will be letting yourself be destroyed if you give in.  You need to stand frim.  You have the pubic on your side.  If you fail to stand firm, you will have no one on your side.   The "establishment" is yet again trying to assert that there "will be a deal by Friday".  You can't let them get away with that.  If I were you, I would not let there be any deal by Friday.  I certainly would not give into a Democratic deal by Friday.  This is not really a digression, because it explains what Politico.com is doing, as it explained what they did when they joined the campaign of personal destruction against Sarah Palin.

Present Politico.com headline:  Rush Mocks House GOP."

I have listened to Rush all morning (while doing other things, as I do fairly often).  I can tell you absollutely:  Politico.com LIES (all caps again necessary).  Further, it is a lie that fits with the rest of their material today.  They are "all in" against the House Republicans.  I went to the website (which I am boycotting) just to confirm the lie, having heard Rush correctly brand it a lie.

Rush has spent all morning (morning in El Paso) PRAISING (all caps again appropriate).  the House Republicans as strongly as Rush can praise peole. 

Yep.  In passing, Rush criticized the House GOP "leaders" somewhat.   And Rush said that the House GOP had better reasons than Nancy pelosi's speech to vote against this bailout bill, and that they were courageous for voting their principles.   Politico.com LIES.  You can't try to twist single sentences out of context, in the course of several hours of PRAISE for the House GOP, and claim to be honest.  Politico.com, you are not honest.  You are evil liars.

I have said this before Rush (who basically said it today).  I say it today.  I will say it after Rush.  These are dishonest people, and I have no respect for them.

You should pay no attention to Politico.com.


P.S.  See my earlier entry about National Review.  Rush says he did mock conservatives who are criticizing/mocking House Republicans, and he did.  Some of those conservatives are at National Review, where they mocked House Republicans in "The Corner" blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AOL Journals is shutting its doors for good (see link to Magic Smoke blog on your masthead). When the time comes and you re-establish yourself elsewhere, PLEASE make sure to email me a link to your new digs.
