The first thing you need to know about the Illinois sex education bill (about which Obama and the mainstream media have constructed a "1984" style "Big Lie") is that a prime mover behind the final wording of the bill was Planned Parenthood. That is important because there is no more fanatic organization in the country today in terms of indoctrinating children from kindergarten on with the propaganda of Planned Parenthood.
It was Planned Parenthood, and allied groups, who were responsible for the expansion of the Illinois bill, which Obama voted for in its final form, to include kindergarten to grade 6. The original bill had covered only grades 6 through 12. Planned Parenthood is a master of the "1984" style Big Lie. There is no more deceitful organization in the history of the United States. This is the same organization that used to say that NO ONE favors "abortion on demand", but reasonable people like us want reasonable reforms in abortion laws. Now they label the position they (knowing at the time they lied, as I said at the time--circa 1967-1970) advocated then as utterly extreme. This is the organization that now, AND THEN (except for the lies) advocates no restrictions on abortions up until the moment of birth. Planned Parenthood is adept at trying to conceal its real fanaticism and real intentions.
A case in point is the Illinois law. Planned Parenthood SOLD the expansion in the wording of the law to include kindergarten as a matter of addressing child molestation and "inappropriate touching". However, the language of the bill is not so limited, and it was never the intention of Planned Parenthood, and its allies, that the bill be limited to that. The evidence, in fact, is the opposite. "Inappropriate touching" was a MINOR part of the bill. You might even--correctly, I think--regard it as a SHAM to accomplish the real purposes of Planned Parenthood. You will remember that Planned Parenthood was behind that school district policy in Portland, Maine of giving birth control PILLS (not just information) to 11 year olds, without the permission of the parents (typical Planned Parenthood type deception: parents had to give permission for the child generally to be in the "program", but not for the specific action).
"Byron York explains the evolution of the Illinois bill, including exact language, in a LONG (and you thought I was verbose) article in National Review Online. He eventually, after getting a long runaraound, talked to one the sponsors of the bill in the Illinois legislature, who confirmed that the push for expansion of the bill to kindergarten came from Planned Parenthood and its allies. While she first mentioned the "selling point" of "inappropriate touching", she eventually admitted the following:
After we discussed other aspects of the bill, I told Martinez that reading the bill, I just didn’t see it as being exclusively, or even mostly, about inappropriate touching. “I didn’t see it that way, either,” Martinez said. “It’s just more information about a whole variety of things that have to go into a sex education class, the things that are outdated that you want to amend with things that are much more current.”
So, I asked, you didn’t see it specifically as being about inappropriate touching?
“Absolutely not.”
So, I asked, you didn’t see it specifically as being about inappropriate touching?
“Absolutely not.”
So much for the Big Lie. Yes, CNN has LIED again. Forever more, CNN will be known in this blog as the "Liar" network. I realize CNN is just a stand in for the entire mainstream media, some of which has lied even more blatantly as CNN. But CNN, with its truly astounding hypocrisy, has annoyed me. Thus, CNN is the "LIAR" network for all eternity. Obama has also lied, although you could say he just did not understand fully what Planned Parenthood was doing, or is so consumed by the same leftist mind set that he does not even recognize that he is deceiving. Either way, it hardly is much better, is it? Obama has no business being President if he is willing to deceive this blatantly and vehemently, OR if he is willing to deceive himself this much As usual, I think Obama has BOTH lfaws.
"Modern" (se quote from state senator Martinez above) is a Planned Parenthood propaganda code term for indoctrination of children in the views of Planned Parenthood and the left. Think "Heather has two mommies" here, HIV "education", and any number of other "modern" concepts that Planned Parenthood, and the left, think should be pounded into children from the beginning--escalating to the birth control pills at age 11.
To the mainstream media of course, it is all about the Big Lie. They immediately circled the wagons around Obama on the theory that no "reasonable" person would vote for a bill that was aimed not at sexual predators, but at leftist indoctrination of kindgarten children. In the first place, many of these sanctimonious hypocrites in the mainstream media DO support the agenda of Planned Parenthood, all of the way down to kindergarten. But it is revealing, is it not, how anxious they and Obama are to deny reality here, even in the face of the black and white language of the bill. They KNOW that the American people do not buy this leftist fanaticism. So their only choice is to LIE, and convince the public that it is McCain who is lying. McCain's ad was accurate, whatever Obama's "intentions". It is Obama, and the mainstream media, who are trying to spread a Big Lie here.
Read Byron York's article at National Review Online. THEN come and try to argue with me. Whether you are an Obama supporter, or one of the sanctimonious hypocrites at CNN, I would be glad to debate who is lying here. There is absolutely no doubt. It is not Byron York, McCaion or me who is lying.
P.S. Does it make any sense to try to educate children in kindergarten about "inappropriate touching" and sexual predators? As I say above, Planned Parentoood relies on this SHAM to try to sell an overall sex education program that contains leftist, Planned Parenthood propaganda. However, even though it sounds "good", the idea of instructing very young children in kindergarten aobut "inappropriate touching" leaves me cold. You are living in a fantasy world if you think that you can successfully instrcut children in kindergarten to recognize "inappropriate touching". You are liing in an even more unreal fantasy world if you think that you can really, successfully, instruct children in kindergarten as to how to handle "inappropriate touching". Children in kindergarten are just too young. Maybe by ages 9 to 112 (when Planned Parenthood wants to not only give out birth control info, but birth control pills and devices), you can work on instructioin about dealing with sexual predators. For very young children, I think such instruction (beyond avoinding contact with strangers, which has more behind it than worrying about sexual predators) accomplishes nothing but provide a "beard" for the Planned Parenthood propaganda agenda.
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