Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Drilling: Democrat Deception and Republican Betrayal

I did not even mention, in the previous entry, the third major betrayal by the Republican Party of conservatives and the public at large (which wants to support Republicans on the issue):  DRILLING.
House Democrats passed the most cynical, lying bill in the history of this coutnry on drilling.  A Democrat, tom Udall, is running one of the most deceptive ads in the history of American politics baded on that deception.
LUdall is a candidate for Senator in New Mexico.  I live in El Paso, which is vritually part ol New Mexido.  That means El Paso TV reaces into New Mexico.  Thus, I see Udall's ads. They are a total fraud.  He purports to favor an "all of the above" approach, including "limited" offshore drilling. It is a total fraud,as was the Pelosi House bill.
Democrats purported to allow "some" offshore drelling.  However, they provided no revenue sharing for states, but states sill had to give permission.  There is no incentive for a state to do so.  Even more telling, a state on either side of a state that wants to approve drilling has a veto over the drilling, if within a certain distance (a hundred miles, I think).  This means New Jersey could veto Virginia drilling.  Finally, drilling would only be allowed outside of 50 miles.  The bill was a total fraud, and intended to allow no drilling.  Democrats were forced to allow the drilling ban to expire without conditions, because they dared not have a vote, but they count on lawsuits to hold it up for the indefinite future, until Democrats take power after th elections, and in the meantime Democrats are using the fraudulent campaign assertions of people like Udall (who also favors making oil "price gouging" a Federal crime, meaning giving extortion power to the Federal government.
But how can REpublicans take advantage of that fraud?  McCain fails to support drilling in ANWR  And McCin refuses to aggressively go after Democrats.  The "issue" just "slides" away, by default. There is just no clarity in the Republican position, and too much lip service to "alternative energy".  Again, Republicans betray conservatives by adopting the sham "global warming" rhetoric, and not making the drilling issue clear against deceiving Democrats.
Even on the bailout, it is primarily a problem created by a Democrat policy of promoting housing for every American.  But simpy Republicans (McCain again) are unwilling to assert a consistent "blame" message.
Republilcans are just unable to carry the conservative message, partly because they don't really believe it. 
Thus, you have consistent Democrat deception and Republican betrayal.  The public is on the Repubican/conservative side.  It again does not matter, because there is no clarity. 
It is sad, but true.  Republicans deserve to lose this election.  And the public deserves what they will get, when they get the Democrats who are flouting the public will on every important issue there is. 

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