I saw Harry Reid on one of the CSpan channels last night (I don't know how I see these things, either, since I never watch CSpan). In 30 seconds he managed to explain completely what is wrong with the Democratic Party these days (plus, to a large degree, what is wrong iwth the Republican Party and the way the country is trending).
Reid said that there is only one "moderate" Republican left in the U.S. Senate (he was referring to Olympia Snow). Translation (for you intellect challenged people out there): "There is only one Republican in the U.S. Senate who consistently agrees with me and my left wing Democratic colleagures.".
In other words, for Harry Reid (This also applies to the maintream media.), the far left "philosophy" is now the "moderate" position in America. That fully explains why "bipartisan", for leftist Democrats, means agreeing with them.
Yet, see my entries over the past few days. Republicans are unable to stand up for conservative principles, even against these hyper-partisan people of the far left who have takien over the Democratic Party.
That means that Republicans have lost their way--have lost their soul. Thus, the country seems dooomed to be turned over to the "tender mercies" of the far let. And they have no "mercy", because they think their far left positions are "moderate". Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have "approval ratings" of about 10%, and yet Republicans are unable to stand up agaisnt them these days with any consistnet approach of their own.
Too bad. At a time when conservatives shoudl be winning by default, the Republican Party has abandoned conservatives--letting Harry Reid get away with calling the conserative Senators who caved to every Big Government addition to the Coummunist Wall Street bailout as being part of the "far right".
As I have said in this blog, conservatives are now exiled to the wilderness, like the Jews in ancient history, and it is unforeseeable when we will be able to return.
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