I am proven right, as usual. Predictably (as I predicted, anyway), House Republicans have failed to change the "debate" on the Wall Street bailout (receiving no support from "leading" Republicans), and will only achieve "face saving" changes in the disgraceful Wall Street bailout bill. Oh, some of the more obvious Democratic partisan provisions will be deleted, but the basic concept that this kind of massive Federal intervention is indicated whenever we have a "crisis" remains.
Taxpayers will still be on the hook. It is not a matter of whether the taxpayers will, or will not, ultimately receive "reimubuersement". It is a matter of massive taxpayer funds being used to bail out Wall Street, and a matter of setting the precedent that we (this country's people as a whole) now believe in cntral planning instead of in a free market of diverse decision makers. As my (somewhat leftist) younger duaghter says, the "Communist" "solution" has prevailed.
This has happened even though most of the country was on the conservative side in this, as exhibited by my younger daughter and her report of sentiment in leftist New York City. Conservatives (or, rather, Republicans acting--unfortunately--as "representatives" of conservatives) have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory You say that the defeat would be "worse" if the economy collapse? I say you are wrong It could not be worse, and the economy may collapse anyway--leading merely to demands for more Federal action and taxpayer bailouts. Central planning always fails in the end,a and it will fail in the end this time as well.
Remember John Kennedy, I think it was, standing next to the Berlin Wall and saying (basically): "I am a Berliner." Well, I am proudly up against the wall of Republican cowardice, as a conservative, and I proudly say: "I am not a Republican". And I never will be again, unless there is a conservative revolution completely taking over the Republican Party as Reagan once led.
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