Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Amanda Knox: No Heroine (CNN: The Liear Network)

What do I think of when I think of Amanda Knowx? I think of a young woman bleeding to death with her throat cut, in a place and room where her roommate clearly seems to have been--a roommate (Amdand Knowx) apparently responsible for bloody footprints across the floor from where the body lay.

This is NOT a heroine (Amanda Knox). This is a VILLAIN. No, I doubt if there were enough evidence to convict her of murder, although I am not convinced it was one of the great injustices of our time. So what? Amanda Knox was THERE, and appears totally uninteresteed in explaining what happened that night, or in CONVICTING THE MURDERER. These are not the actions of a heroine. These are the actions of a villain.

I am not sure that the Italian media did not get the CHARACTER of Amlanda Kox more accurately than our disgraceful media ("sex fiend" involded in an orgy of drugs and sex with drug dealers and other unpleasant people). Now NEITHER our media norr the Italian media is interested in FACTS. Otherwise, there would be no "heroine" here. And the Italian media clearly had something to do with the oiriginal conviction (soudn familiar to those who have seen our media campaign to CONVICT people of crimes?). Our media seems incapable of covering FACTS, instead of coming up with a STORYLINE (often having almost noting to do with the facts). Amazingly, from what little I have seen (with my maximum 10 minute rule, as I observe my boycott as to regular viewing), the unfair and unbalanced network seems to have been fairly good at trying to describe the FACTS of this case--instead of FALSELY presenting Amanda Knowx as a heoine. Falsely convicted of murder (originally)? Maybe. Heoine? NO.

I am tired of people making heores and herroines out of people who do EVIL. This rather regularly happens with African-American THUGS who are made "heroes" becasue they are punished too severely. Thugs, and people like Amanda Knox, should NOT be made into heroes and heroines--even if they have been unfairly treated. Here, Amanda Knox seems to be mainly interested in WRITING A BOOK to become RICH off of this sordid matter (like Casey Anghony intends to become rich) . I am ASHAMED of you if you would even contgemlplate reading a book like that, or listetening to paid interviews. You are then an enabler of evil. Again, every picture you see of a HAPPY Amanda Knox should remind you of a pcture of a young woman lying in a room where Amand Knox is, with her throat cut. That pciture could never leave my mind, if I tried to be "happpy" for Amdand Knox. And I think there is something sordid in Amanda Knox acting so happy, as if her future is assured and this is a dead (pun intended) matter--the mere matter of that BODY lying in a room with Amanda Knox after dying with her throat cut. I actually think some rEMORSE is in order here--at least some SADNESS over the dead woman who died under strange circustances about which Amand Knox clearly knows a lot more than she has disclosed. Amand Knox SHOULD know enough to convict the murderer (assuming she is not the murderer). Being uninterested in juistice for her roommate makes Amanda Knnox a VILAIN.

CNN: The Liar Network. What can I say about people this dishonest and hypocritical? I actually saw abut 2 or 3 minuts of the CNN PUFF PIECE on Amanda Knox aired this weekend. It ws the most disgraceful, dishonest piece I have almost ever seen from the mainstream media (competition really tough here). No, I never even got to what the piece had to say about the MURDER, or the dead woman. I simply could not stand it. It was the TONE that was disgraceful. It was like CNN was describing the early life of ABRHAM LINCOLN or GEORGE WASHINGTON. The tone was almost WORSHIPFUL. According to CNN, this was amost the most impressive girl who ever lived.

CNN went back to MIDDLE SCHOOL--with nothing more than commetns on how great Amanda Knox was. This is NOT a ntetwork interested in "facts". Could the Italian press have been WORSE than this, as far as being uninterested in the actual facts? Not a chance. I will give on example. Amanda Knox went to an expensive prep school, ON ACHOLARSHIP. CNN's version of why Amand a Knox went to that prep school, instead of a public high school? I kid you not. This is what the LIARS of CNN said. "Amanda Knox wanted to go to this academic challenging prep school because she--unlike other girls her age--wanted the CHALLEGE of of an acadmic environment that would challenge her mind!!!!! Bullcrap. Not only is this junk irrelevant to the murder case, but it is a LIE. How do I know? Because I have LIVED 64 yearsl--incluiding living through grade school, junior high, and high school (all public). I guarantee you I am, and always was, more intelligent than Amand Knox I was valedictorian of my high school: graduated with high nonors with a B.S. degree in physocis: and I graduated wiht high honors from the University of Texas School of Law. It is ABUSRD to suggest that a CHILD decides to go to a PREP SHCOOL because of the "academic challenge". There are ony two reasons a child of that age does something: FRIENDS or FAMILY AMBITION (for her), or both. Yes, there are parents out lthere who believe that SUCCESS is determined by what prep school you go to. I will not digress by telling you wht I generally think of parents who obsess about that. Besides, it is addressed in fiction (sticoms adn drama) all of the time. If CN will say TAHT, CNN will say anything.

Doubt me? Never do that. Oh, you can't possibly doubt that I am smarter than Amanda Knox ever was. I live in Texas, for one thing. More importantly (maybe), I never eneded up in a room with my dead roommate having had his or her throat slashed. I never even came close (as, of coure, is true of most people). Nope. What I am talking aobut here is that, in the 3 minutes or so I watched, CNN made a POINT out of saying that Amanda Knox was not "rich", even though she went to an exclusive prep school. What difference does that make? None, to the murder. However, it shows two things. ONe is that CNN thiks that "rich" people are automatically evil (unless they work for CNN, or are otherwise part of the left--which removes the taint of being rich). The second reason is that this is PROPAGANDA, and this proves it. CNN's entire purpose in this puff piece was to rev up SYMPATHY for Amanda Knox. The idea is that most lpeople would not have much sympathy for a "prep school snobbish rich girl". Rich or not, you can tell I have little sympathy for Amanda Knox. I can't forget that dead young woman lying there with her throat slashed.

Still doubt me (about CNN). Never do that. At the end of that 3 minues (or so) I watched, CNN described WHY Amanda Knox went to Italy. This is when I could not stand it any more. I still can't believe it. But I could never make it up. CNN said that Amanda Knox--even in middle school--considered herself a CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. Yes, CNN basically invoked OBAMA and his "citizen of the world" speech (wihout CNN ever crediting Obama). What can yo say about a netowrk like this? Somehow, The Liar Network just does not seem adequate. This shows how really desperate CNN was to paint a glowing picture of Amanda Knox. Lots of young people get the idea that it wouould be fun to travel to a foreign country. Amand Knox is not "special" in this regard, and the CNN "citizen of the world" bullcrap is outrageous propaganda. As stated, this is the kind of puff piece yo uwould do if you are doing a profile of the life of Abraham Lincoln, or your average Presidential candidate for a "biographical" piece for viewing at a rally (or Presidential convention, as to the Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees).

In the end, I come back to that body of a young woman lhying in a pool of blood with her throat slashed--blood which Amanda Knox evidently walked in. It is like Ted Kennedy. I could never think of Ted Kennedy without thinking of that young woman dying in a cold watery grave, where Ted Kennedy had driven her and where Kennedy had left her, while Kennedy was consulting his lawyer.

No. You should pay no attention to Amanda KNox. She is not a heroine. She is, as far as the facts indicatge, a villain--although probably not PROVEN to be a murderer. IF Amanda Knox gets rich over that dead yong woman lying in a pool of blood in the very presence of Amanda Knox, then we are a SICK society. What am I saying? The CNN piece alone proved that.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bd eyesight).

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