Thursday, October 6, 2011

American Media: Incompetent Boobs (Anti-Christian Boobs)

"Knox trying to break habit of speaking Italian"

I kid you not. The above headline was a FEATURED headline ("top stories") from AT&T/Yahoo tonight. "Incompetent" is too kind a word for a "journalist" who would write this kind of story, or "feature" it. It is no accident that I have told you to BOYCOTT AT&T and Yahoo. By the way for awhile Yahoo "News" was noting th esource of a story next to the headline. That only lasted a relatively short time. Now yo have to figure it out. Usually, the despicagble Associated Press highlights itself as the source. But it is not so clear with other stories, especailly for someone like me with EYESIGHT problems. I cannot pick out "hidden" logos eaqsily. I don't try. As far as I am concerned, AT&T and Yahoo want to OWN these stories, and they DO. I tried to see if I could easily see the source of the Steve Jobs story mentioned below, but I could not (in a reasonable scan, even though lookingfor the source). By the time I tried to check on the Knox story, it had sdisappeared (belated sanity?).

For my take on Amanda Knox, see the blog article a few days ago. As I stated, this fawning coverage of Knox as a HWEOINW should absolutely turn your stomach and give you nothing but contempt for the "journalists" involved. Who cares if Knox is tryig not to speak Italian anymore? I certainly don't. Who cares abut Amanda Knox? I certainly don't. Let her dieappear into the obscurity (gutter?) she so richlly deserves.--whehter or not she is a murderer. Every story on Knox should bring to your mind the picture of a young woman lying in a pool of her own blood with her throat cut--blood that Knox apparently WALKED in as a person on the premises at the time. "Puff piece" propaganda, just like the disgraceful CNN piece I highlighted in my article earlier this week.

"Steve Jobs mantra from Buddhism: focus and simpicity"

The above is yet another FEATURED headline that was on AT&T/Yahoo (default internet page) tonight. That can yo say about things this bad? Again, "anti-Christian" is about the kindest thing I have to say. No, these organizations--and the entire mainstream media--are not "anti-Christian" just because they have something good to say about Buddhism. All of the major religions of the world have SOME good and powerful aslpects to them. As an agnostic, of course, I simply do not believe in religion (but have no position on whether an individual religion is CORRECT). The reason this headline is "anti-Christian" is that yo simply don't see such headlines about Christianity. When the ONLY religions mentioned favorably by the mainsteram media are non-Christian, then you can safely say that these people are ANTI-CHRISTIAN (as I have shown repeatedly in this blog, with examples much more obvious than this relatively tame example).

Flat statement: Steve Jobs does NOT owe his success to Buddhism--whatever the merits of that religion. No, I can't be 100% sure of that. Only 99% sure. Was Jobs a Buddhist? How the Hell do I know. You are out of your mind if you think I am going to read a USELESS story with a headline like that. Yuo don't think that headline was ridiculous? Try this one: "Ste Jobs said he owed his success to Christian ptrayer and guidance from God". No, I don't THINK Jobs ever said that, but can you even IMAGINE that headline with regard to a successful person to whom it does apply? I did not think you could imagine it. Like I said: anti-Christian. Football lplayers and coaches--along with other athletes--say all of the time that they owe their success to God. The American media will let them say it, and promptly ignore it (with sort of a tolerant wink and nod).

Buddhism. You should read Will Durant's description of Buddhism in "Our Oriental Heritage" (part of his massive "Story of Civilization"). I have to admit that Bhddhims, in its original form, is one of the LEAST attractive religions I have ever heard about. Buddha evidently believed that the "pure" man had no sex, and basically no enjoyment of life outside of the search for perfection. And what was the "reward" for perfection, according to Buddha? FINAL DEATH. In other words, the original concept of Buddhism seems to have been that the ultimate HELL is "lief", and the ultimate goal to quit having to live again. That is the goal towward which you are going with constant reincarnations: to be finally relieved from the burden of living at all. Now Buddhism was laways a gnetle religion of peace and contemplationi. And it has "evolved" a lot from Buddha. Still, it is a religion based on a concept that frankly does not appeal to me at all.--appealing even less than a Christian "Heaven" that has never attracted me at all. There is a fatalistic pessimism to Buddhism that seems to me to be the very opposite of Steve Jobs. But I leave it to you people looking for a religon to believe in to look into the attractions of modern Buddhism. As stated, I have no doubt it has a lot of good things about it. The same can be said of Christiani;yt, Hinduism, and Islam. And Buddha is a truly admirable human being: the very opposite of those "Wall Street protesters" and modern generations steeped in sex as the ultimate good. I jsut would never have wanted to be HIM. Maybe that says ad things about me.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight--and the next incarnation is not looking good after this article).

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