Monday, October 24, 2011

Gadhafi and Death Penalty Opponents: Hypocrisy Gone Nuclear

Remember that Republican debate where the khypocrites of the mainstream media jumped on a Repubican audience for cheering the Texas POLICY of actually executing murderers (appluading the statement in the question that Texas, under Rick Perrym, has executed 234 people)?

Well, there is video showing Hillary Clinton virtually dancing a jig over the rather sordid death of Gadhafi, where Libyans are still keeping his ROTTING body on display (I kid you not--that is a present Yahoo/A?T&T featured headline). The hypocrites of the media could barely contain their GLEE at the death of Gadhafi--appluading DEATH more directly than the Republican audience ever did (that audience, again, merely applauding the DEATH PENALTY, and not applauding at an execution). Russia (lol) has even weighed in by supporting "due process"--calling Gadhafi's death a "crime" (which maybe it wsa, in a technica, due process sense, although I would never worry overly much about it). Russia (still suspected of committing political murder, at times) has now lectured the world about "due process", AND lectured us about abandoning capitalism, even as Russia has abandoned Communism. It is this later criticism of us by Vladimir Putin that has a lot of merit. The Gadhafi "criticism" I would pretty much ignore.

You say our media, and the Obama Administration, were cheering the success of our POLICY illustrated by Gadhafi's death. It sure looked like they were cheering the DEATH. Clinton, for example, was shown laughing and joking about the DEATH. Where is all of this talk about how death is such a "somber" thing, hwere you should never be happy about it (criticism of that Republican audience reaction--oh, the HYPOCRISY of these peole knows no bounds). And how did the media try to "cover" Clinton? Well, I saw CNN make a pathetic attempt (The Hypocrite Network). "I don't think Clinton would have done that if she knew the cameras were on.". In other words, CNN is acknoledging that the LEFT is composed of the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. Why should CNN not acknowledge it? CNN is part ol that very same hypocrisy: a leader of it, in fact.

You say Gadhafi killed a LOT of people? You say it is okay to execute Nazis, and mass murderers like Gadhafi, but not to execute murderers? You really are a hypocrite, aren't you? If the death penalty is appropriate for Gadhafi, or that Yemeni al-Qaida cleric, why is it not appropriate for those home invasion murderers in Connecticut? Are you really saying that those guys are BETTER than Gadhafi? When evil goes to this level, it is absurd to talk about "better" and "worse".

You say this is "war", and not criminal justice? Well, I would agree with you, and so would President Bush. Howeve, you will remember that it is OBAMA and his attorney general who keep talking abut Constitutiional rights for foreign terrorists--including advocating civilian trials in New York City and the giving of "Miranda rights" on the gattlefield in Afhanistan. Nor have I heard Obama coming out against the death penalty as a criminal justice PUNISHMENT for terrorists. Even Obama--probably not as bad a hypocrite as CNN and the rest of the mainstream media--recognizes how hypocirrtical it would be to be killing terrorists all over the world--with no tril--while spouting hypocritical attacks on the death penalltly.

No. There is nothing wrong with the death penalty. Predator drone attacks kill SOME "innocent" peole. So does lthe death penatly (although probably not nearly as many, to the point of being ridiculously fewer). Some peoplle deserve to be exectuted. It is the only way we affirm the value of life. Every breath a vicioius murderer (like Gadhafi) takes is a breath that person has DNEIED to someone else. No, I am surprised media people do not just collapse into a catatonic state with cognitive dissonance. This schizophreniic attitude toward death is HYPOCRISY gone nuclear. If SOME people deserve to die, then we are merly talking a matter of DEGREE, and exactly WHO deserves to die. There is no real "principle" involved here, except the leftist "principle' of "feeliiing good" about themselves (no matter how stupid and illogical they are, and no matter how hypocritical).

To be fair, there are INSANE people on the left who are consistent. Those are the people, like the ACLU, who condemn the predator drone attacks, and even the killing of Osama bin Laden and the Obama policy in Afghanistan and Libya. Those people are a minority, but they do exist. For example, one of the main organizers of teh "Occupy Wall Street" protest (the original one) is knnown to have regretted the death of Osama bin Laden, since he was at least standing up to an evil, impealistic and capitalist America. That is really the Micheal Moore view (that icon of the far left, AND the mainstream media). In fact, it is sort of amazing that Michael Moore and Ron Paul AGREE. They both have blamed 9/11 on AMERICA, and our evil policies in the world. Paul, however, at least has the virtue of wanting to dismantle the Federal Government.

I actually thought therre was something unseemly about the sheer glee over the srodid death of Gadhafi--a death that may illustrate (in its manner) why Libya may stgill be headed for disaster (see previous article). I had a LOT less trouble with the audience reaction to the POLICY of the death penalty, than I hae for this unseemly glee over the way Gadhafi died. Remember those sanctimonious, LYING Obama statements that our policy in Libya wa NOT to "get" Gadhafi, but was merely humantiarian: those LYING statments that it would be SANCTIONS that would force out Gadhafi, while the military action merely protected civilians? No, I don't even have antything against lying in the interests of this nationi. But a LIE this OBVIOUS never made any sense, and it seems to have been quietly abandoned. Suddenly, both Obama and the media regard the death of Gadhafi as THE man goal of our Libya policy.

Nope. It is still a good thing that Gadhafi is gone. But these--mainstream media, leftists and Obama--are the worst hypocrites who hae ever walked the Earth, on two legs or four. The death penalty is the ONLY way of adequately punishing for some crimes. I just wish we had the COURFAGE to actually use the death penatly when it should be used. THAT is what those Republicans were really applauding, and correctly.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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