Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hispanics and Racists of the Associated Press (and Yahoo/AT&T, CNN, MSNBC, and the Rest of the Racists of the Mainstream Media)

Okay. It is not technically "racism", because Hispanics are WHITE (Caucasian, with only a minority of "Native American" "blood". This is no minor point, as there has NEVER been a gneral "interracial" "taint' in a marriage between an Hispanic and a "whitee" person. Hollywood accepted it way back in the 1940s--rally from the beginning--as the Lupe Velez movies showed, along with many others. Then there were Desi and Lucy--the darling American couple of the 1950s. In fact, "high born" Mexican ladies, and even men, have long been accepted--except, maybe, in the most exclusive of the "Mayflower-type" snobbish groups. From Sam Houston to today, Texas has a long history of welcoming at least Hispanic WOMEN. The "discrimination" against Hispanics has primarily been one of CLASS rather than "ethnicity" or "race". There has been, in the past (not rally now) something of a dismissal of MEXICAN MEN (remembre Desi, who was Cuban) beraue...well....they were sorrt of associated with "wtbakcs, and "lower class" occupatons and status. In other words, they were not part of the Anglo "white male" power sturcture. But neither were WOMEN. Neither were, mainly, ITALIANS. The nation,long ago, was once really dominated by WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, of the male sex). That is no longer true, and has not been for a LONG time. Edna Ferber wrote "Giant" (Elizabeth Taylor movie in the 1950s) somewhere around 1930-1940, and even then the novel was primarily about CLASS distinctions between the Anglo power structure in Texas and the poorer Hispanics. What is ironic is that it is tody's LEFT, including the mainstream media, who want to identify Hipnaics with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. That brings me to the RACISTS of the despicable Associated Press, and the maintream media, as I will adopt their inaccurage way of adddressing this "issue" that ONLY they care about. (As I have said before, by the way, I did not regard it as an INTERRACIAL marriage when I married my 100% Mexican-American wife in 1980--mother of myu two daughters, although absolutely no one is surprised that she is now my ex-wife, whihc is not to say I have anything against a "real" interracial marriage, which I don't. Two of my law parners at the time married Hispanic women at approximately the same time--Hislpanic women being about all there are in El Paso. I am sure THEY did not consider themselves gong into interracaial marriages.)

Doubt me about tthe despcable AP, and the evil people of the maintream media (racists alll, and I am not exaggerating at all). Never doubt me. Here is one of tonight's featured AP headlines on AT&T/Yahoo "News":

Hispanic voters: Stick with Obama or go with the GOP?"

What can you say about a RACIST headline like that? EVERY voter who voted for Obama has to decide whether to "stick with" Obama? Why should "Hispanic voters" be different, or all be the same? One of my children's uncles, along with his wife, is a rabid Republican--which surpried my older daughter a little when she stayed with them during her last visit to El Pas. Nope. It is RACIST to assume that Hispanics vote as a BLOC, or all think the same. The issue for THEM is the same as llthe issue for anohone who voted for Obama: Has Obama realy been good for the COUNTRY, or even for their ultimate self-interst as American citizens. Does the AP know that only American citizens are supposed to vote? Often, I doubt it. Still doubt me? Never do that. I keep telling you.

The first paragraph of the AP story makes clear trhe PROPAGANDA AGENDA behind this RACISM, and how turly racist the evil people of the AP are. And I ham not engagng in hyhperbole here. These are evil people spreading evil, along with basically all of the mainstream media. The first paragraph of the despicable story repeats the headline, but adds this telling subordinate cluase: " a time when many GOP hoefuls are taking a hard line on immigration."

Notice, again, that the peole of the despicable AP (not to mention Yahoo/AT&T) are LIARS. I still have not found an honest, competent AP reproter in my futile Sodom and Gomorrah search, that has extended over more than 8 years. "Many" GOP "hopefuls" have NOPT taken a "hard line" on IMMIGRATION. Several have taken a "hard line" on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATON. Yet, the RACIST AP is asserting the positon that Hispanic CITIZENS in general IDENTIFY with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Oh, did you know that the despicable LIARS of the AP have a POLICY of referring to "immigration", rather than "ilegal immigratioin"? Well, they do.

Yep. The RACISTS of the AP actually suggeest that Hispanics in this country face a DILEMMA between their ECONOMIC INTEREST (having suffered under Obama more than "white people, according to the racist AP)and their.....their what? The RACISTS of the AP can only mean that Hispanic citizens and ilegal immigrants have the SAME interest: that illegal immigration (open borders) is such an ovreriding "issue" to Hipanics (which, of course, include people other than Mexican-Americans) that Hispanics should consider ECONOMIC DEMISE rather than accept an actual enforcement of our immigration laws. Now let us concede that a SMALL MINORITY of Hispanics have close relatives who are illegal immigrants (like a father or mother, etc.). That small MINORITY may face a little bit of a personal dilemma, although they may want to consider twhat happnends to EVERYONE if Obama brings down the economy of this country. Still, you can see that the AP is RACIST to its corel--each and every person in the AP (until I see an article saying what this one says).

No, It is the very ESSENCE of RACISM to DEFINE people based n the color of their skin. That is what the left, and the mainstream media in general, mostly do. Do most Hispanics "identify" with ILLEGAL immigration? Absurd. It is much more likely that Hispanics, as a group (as would be expected of people where so many of them have been recent immigrants) are generally POORER (on average) than citizens whose ancestors have been able to take adavtage of the economic system Obama is trying to destroy for a longer period of time. My ex-wife, by the way, is a well-off (atlhough not "rich") speech therapist (with a master's degree) in California (San Jose area). She hardly "identifies" with illegal imigrants, although I doubt if she is a "rabid" Republican like her brother. But I could be wrong on that. I am sure she is not a rabid supporter of Obama. My Hispanic older daughter--as "Hispanic as Obama is "black"--voted for Obama. She is rethinking that positon. I can assure you that ILEGAL IMMIGRATOION does not factor into that decsions in any significant way. I don't even know exactly what she thinks abut the "issue' of illegal immigration. I just know it is not very important t her, one wy or the other (which I would grarantee is true of MOST Hispnaics who are citizens of this country).

What is going on here? Come on. You know that. I almost left this as an obvious exercise for the reader. But I will tell you (since some of you may be brainwashed). What the LEFT, including the manstream media, is tryoing to do is convince Hispanics that Repubicans are out to "get" them (ALL hispanics). Thus, my borhter in Mesa, Arizona had to fight the PROPAGANDA that the Arizona law aimed at ILLEGAL immigrants would mean (as Obama said) that MY BROTHER'S WIF (and her relatives) would be "picked up" in Arizona every time they went out for ice cream. And my bother's wife does not even like Obama. But she (there is a history here, which I will describe again some day, having nothing to do with illegal immigration) can be SCARED by the RACIST LIARS of the mainstream media, led by our Lira0in-Chief.

Nope, aga There is NO "redeeming social value" (the old exuse for pornography, based on Supreme Court language at one time) to the REACIST LIARS of the desepicable AP, and the rest of the mainstream media. They are all headed for the dustbin of history. Good riddance.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checkng (bad eyesight).

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