Monday, October 10, 2011

Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Religion: Dishoenst Hypocrites of the Media Spread Evil and Bigotry

Let us again go back to 2008, when I said the SAME things about the media and religioni. You wil remember that the despicable BIGOTS of the Associated Press put out an article (feattured on AOL---then my default page and home of this blgo) that Mitt Romney's great grandfather had ben a polygamist. No, the despicable AP did NOT put ot an article abut Barack Obama's MUSLIM ancestros being poloygamists, although they surely were (some of them). This was BIGOTRY, and porpaganda, pure and simple. Then you will remember the media "flap" over Sarah Pali having been a member of a Pentecostal church, trying to SMEAR that religion with the sometime practice of "speaking in tongues". Again, religious BIGOTRY by cNN and the rest, purer and simple. And for political purposes, trying to make the dETAILS of a religon a public, POLITICAL issue (from people who don't believe in religioin themselves, and are anti-Christian--at least anti-evangelical Christians, for the propaganda purpose of convincing poeple that they should be AFRAID of a Pentecostal or Mormon person because they may be a little "different"). Where is Obama when we need him, talking abut thbe DiSHONEST HYPOCRITES of the mainstream media "clinging to their propagand--their "religion" and their "guns" (referring to the propaganda), taking out their frustratioins on people who are different from them.

Again, let me make the distinctiion that the media simply does not understand, or pretends not to understand in the name of EVIL (making theological differences public, poiltcal "issues" to be argued out in the POLITICAL arena.). The distinction here is between jumping all over a pastor's comment as "opening the dorr" to turning the Republican political race into something all about RELIGOIN (as the unfair and unbalanced network has done, as well as the usual, anti-Christian suspects of the mainstream media, like CNN), as distingushed from people with deep religious beliefs (long-standing ones) VOTING those beliefs (which they have a perfet right to do, but which does not mean we should be making a POLITICAL ISSUE out of theology, which is exactly what the MEDIA is trying to do). If lyou are an evangelical Christian who has ALWAYS had the position that Mormons are not really your kind of person because they do not believe in the same Jesus Christ that you do, you may be a little narrow minded (with maybe a tendency toward bigotry, which means judging INDIVIDUALS based ont heir religion rather than on their individual merits). there is nothing WRONG, after all, in having an opinion that people who have embraced your own religion have shown a character, and wilingness to be guided by the True Religion, than people who do not embrace your religon have not shown. This INDIVIDUAL CHOICE, hoever, is NOT the same as making a POLITICAL ISSUE, to be debated, out of the theological details of these religions, and whether eangelical Christians SHOUD be wary of a Mormon or not. I can't tell ou what a BIGOT you are if you PUSh this latter view, as the media is now dong, eSPECAILLY if you--as is almost cerain--don't really BELIEVE in any religion at all except a type of leftism (leftist ideology). CNN, the AP, and the reto of the media are bIGOTED against anyone who does ot embrace their leftist ideology, and are fruther willing to PUSH religious biogry if it advances their LEFITS religion. This, in my view, makes them EVIL people, including Chris Wallace and so many others ont eh unfair and unbalanced network.

Am I saying that the media, especially including the unfair and unbalanced network (if it wanted to live up to its incorrect self-description) should have basically IGNORED what that PASTOR (nt politican, or even political operative) said about Mitt Romney and the Mormon religion. Yep. I told evangelicals in 2008 that they shoudl NOT be drawn into this LEFTIST MEDIA attempt to pit them against others in the Rpublican Parety. Vote their own consciences, but dont' let the media have an EXCUSE for this EVIL stuff. That is all these passtor's words were: an EXCUSE TO DO EVIL for the media. Nope. They did NOT make the Issue" of religioius detail a "political issue". In 2008, as stated, the media already--bigots that they are---tried to make a big deal out of this evangelical Christian (since they really believe in their reiligin, as distinguished, in my agnostic view, from so many "mainline" religious people; which may explain why theere is some friction between evangelicals and Mormons, who also seeem to reallly BELIEVE in their religion) not liking the Mormon religion. Yep. I am TELLING you, and I am never wrong, that the media was already PUSHING this "religious war" as an ISSUE, as noted in previous blog articles on the unfari and unbalanced network, and were merely LOOKIUNG for an EXUSE to slpread this EVIL across the land. The evil, remember, is NOT voting your religious convictions, but trying to make theological dTAILS a POLITCAL ISSUE (not to metnin trying to stir up religous animosity, when none might otherwise exist). Whta is funny/ironic, of course, is that I would not BET on Mitt Romney being an especially 'devout" Mormon . Oh, I know he has been involed in some way in church "leadership" positioins at a low level, but that merely means that Romney is a POLITICIAN who wants to be "in good" with his church (which can help him raise money, and otherwise). You think Romney is "devout"? No, I canot know, just like I cannot KNOW that Barack Obama is NOT a Christian (although I am morally certain of it, in terms of really being a "believer"), but remember that Mitt Romney was PRO-CHOCE at one time , as a candidate in liberal Massachusetts. The Mormon religion, to my understanding, strongly CONDEMNS abortion. No, I am not talking aobu where Mitt Romney rally "changed his mind" as he went from pro-life to pro-abortion to pro-life. The ppint is that he could not be THAT "devout" if he were willig to take a pro-abortion public stance at ANY time i his life.

This brings us to MSNBC. I saw about 15 seconds of an MSNBC program (I think today, although these things merge in my mind). The program had some "expert" on to talk abut whether Mormons really believe in Jesus Christ. I can't tell you how EVIL I think that is. As stated, if you have a long-standing religious position that Mormons do not believe in Jesus Christ, then you have to decide how important that is to YOUR VOTE. However, that does NOT make this a POLITICAL ISSUE to be DEBATED. This is an EVIL thing by an eVIL media spreading EVIL on a scale that tends to make me believe in Satan (already, I am tempted to believe in Hell because I WANT it to exist for these people, even if it means it will exist for me too--even though the idea of Heaven has never attracted me at all). I jsut can't get over it: supposedly "serious" media progarms dealing with the POLITCAL queston (except it is not) of whether Mormons really believe in Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't get over how EVIL this is, and how IRRELEVANT to the real problems facing this country (including problems important to religions, and people who really believe in those religions). You may get the idea, by the way, that I don't much like "establishment" religion, beyond merly my agnosticism, and you would be rigth. That should not surprise yo, since I don't like the POLITICAL and FINANCIAL establiishments either. You can see why I have admiration for Gary Johnson and Ron Paul, even if I think they are "nuts" (too extreme in their libertarian views for even me).

Here is what I todl evangelicals in 2008: Stop letting yourself be USED by peole--EVIL people who intend to do you EVIL. You are very short-sighted if you vote on the basis of a CANDIDATE'S political beliefs, because you cannot know what is in that candidate's heart and mind. I don't believe that Barack Obamais a Christian. Bill Maher has agreed with me: saing that Obama is not a Christian, but a "secular humanist". I agree so long as you translate "secular humanist" to mean a pesrson who really only believes in leftist ideology. But, clearly, I do NOT oppose Obama because of his "religion". How could I? I am an agnostic. It is just IMPOSSIBLE to know what a POLITICAL candidate really believes, and it is EVIL to make a big politcal issue out of it. For example, what are the DETAILS of Obama's religous philosophy? What is the DOCTRINE of the religioun in which he believes? Revernd Wright's "God damn America? If this is really an ISSUE, then Obama should be required to explain the DETAILS of what he believes. What if he says that he really does not believe in any specific doctrine? Well, then he will have lurched into the truth, because the means he is NOT a Chritian (as lthat term is commonly defined). Obama would then be just as far out of the Christian "mainstream" (as distinguished from old "mainline" Chirsitan churches) of Christianity as Mormonism--probalby more so. Does Barack Obama believe in evolutin? The Holy Trinity? Premarital sex? We think we know his positon on abortion and homosexual conduct--which is hardly the positoin of the early Christian church. But there are all kinds of "issues" of THEOLOGY, If we are going to make the SPECIFIC (non-child sacrifice) doctrines of the Mormon religion into a politicalissue, should we not EXAMINE ALL OF THE CANDIDATES on the DETAILS of their religous beliefs? I see no way out of this conclusioni, unless you are a DISHONEST HYPOCRITE. Oh, I forgot. These ARE dishonest hypocrites I am talking aoubt (in the media). Nope. I totally reject the ide--indeed, it is totally illogical--that ONE PASTOR can make Mormononism, and evangelical Christianity, an "improtant" ISSUE in a political campaign, without opening up the same types of questions for OBAMA and every one else.

Quetion for Obama: You claim to be a Christian. Do you uderstand that people might wonder aobut that when yu say NOTHING about the apparent attacks on Christians in Egypt, and the PERSECUTION of the Christian religion in most Muslim countries.

You say that the aabove is an INSULTING question, that basically confuses a POLICY question (what to do about the intolerance of so many Muslim countries) with RELIGION. Skip, you ahve just said that is an EVIL thing. Inddeed, I have. But I have often gold you that I don not turn the other cheek. If the EVIL people of the mainstream meida want this to be a "free fire zone" in terms of attacking peole on their religion, then I am willing to play that game. That is why I ahve said that you wil see this blgo repeat, again and again, until at least Novermber of 2012, that Obama is not a Christion It is accurate, and at least as relevant as whether Rick Santorum things homosexuality is a "sin" (Piers Morgan). As to what I thin of the EVIL Chris Wallace, see yesterday's article.

Oh, by the way, I do not--obviously, as an agnostic--believe in ABSTRACT good and evil on the plane of God and Satan. Wht I do belive in is "god" acts and "evil" acts (rather than the capitalized Good and Evil) When I sue the term "evil" above (the all caps being for emphasis and not to endorse the idea of abstract Good and Evl), I mean it. These media peole are engaged in evil acts, and I will continue to call them on it.

Oh. I got side trackied. I meant to give evangelicals the ultimate texample of why they should look to POLICY instead of unknowable religion, in casting their vote. Read the above again (apinful as that may be to yuou). If you were an evangelical, would you vote for me? I know it is a strain on the imagination, since we all know I could not get elected to anything, but imagne that I could be elected President of the United States. As an evangelical, would you vote forme? I guaranteee you that if you did not, you would be making a bad MISTAKE. On POLICY, I agree with you alomst right down the line. Abortion? You can't get any more pro-life than I am.. Homosexual conduct? I strongly favor a Constistuitonal Amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman, and in general I don't believe int he idea that uor socieyt should APPRVE of homosexual conduct (which does not mean I favor persecution). Prayer in the shcools? I don't favor it as a matter of policy, but I dO strongly believe that it is absurd to say that the Constitution PROHIBITS it, or other exrpressions of religon in the STATES that were common in the 19th Century, and well into the 20th Century. Abstinence education? I favor it, althoug I am not wild about the Federal Government controlling the curriculum of local schools. School vuochers? I vafor them, includng maknig them applicable to religioius schools. Evolution? Well, I hink evoluton is a fact, and confirmed byt he genetic theory whichb is lresponsible for the food we eat. But I do not think that evolution fully explains the entire history of life on this planet--fro NO life at all (merely chemicals) to prsent human beings. Randum mutations, even though mutations are mostly BAD? I just don't know. Evolutin occurs, but does it explain EVERYTHING. As I have said, that is a good qauestion to ask President Obama about, and I wWOULD ask it if I were a "journalist" totally frustrated with the evil of my felow "journalists". On the downside, you--as a religous person--might think that it would be a BAD EXMAPLE to have me as President (although I would certainly NOT "run" on my agnosticism as a reason to vote for me, although I would not avoid the question). But you, as an evangelical, should SEE what is really involved here. You would have to decide whehter the UPSIDE of having me President--having me on YOUR SIDE on almost EVERY policy question--would be outweighed by my not going out and LYING aobut my religion like Barack Obama. I think evangelicals who let the media USE them--often for their own 15 minutes of fame--are making a terrible mistake. You should be interested in a President who gives YOUT the best POLICY CHANCWE to advance the beliefs of your religon, and not be that worried aobut what religion exists in the hearts of the men and women you vote for. The Shadow (me) knows what EVIL lurks in the heaarts of men. But even I--despite my correct conclusion on Barack Obama and most of the media--do not know that religion always lurks in the heaarts and minds of men. With respect to you evangelicals, I don't think you do either. Hey, I don't even believe in NON-MARITAL SEX, including PREMARITAL SEX. I would say that puts me in tune with the most "fundamentalist" of religions out there. Nope. I have more than enough flaws. Maybe you, as an evangelical, would be right to assume that my character flaws are the result of me not being guided by God and religious beliefs, evn though Christian doctrine is that we are all sinners. But the question is NOT SIMPLE, and I am not trying to convince you to vote for me, but to convince you that yous should be more worried about POLICY than thee unknowable that lies in the hearts of men.

Oh again. Sure, there was almost no way to avoid ASKING Rick Perry whether he really believed that Romney's religion should be a POLITICAL issue in the campaign--after the pastor he chose to introduce him fell into the media trap sset for him But Perry has NOT made it an isue i his campaign, and denied that he thought it should be. That should have been the END of it. But for the DISHONEST HYPOCRITES AND BIOGOTS of the media, this wa all about getting an EXCUSE for spreading evil. They have takne it an run with it, and refuse to let it go, and you should have nothing but CONTEMP:T for them all.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight), as usual. Do yu think God is punishing me (for being an agnostic) with this bad eyesight? I don't. I think God has found a more fitting punishment: this futile Sodom and Gomorrah search for an host, competent AP reporter, which has expanded into an almost daily analysis of much of the mainstream meida--not to mention the eople of the unfair and unbalanced network.

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